Scout on v1


17 Nov 2017
Greetings y'all,

I'll try to be firm and on the point. I'd like to suggest the addition of scout in v1 server. My point behind this idea is that it will give a new spice to the v1 server where it's only allowed that we use t1 weapons. Despite scout being an anti-hunting weapon, I believe it won't overpower the rest of the weapons and it will reward good aim even more.It will take away some of the spray mentality in the server The hunters will be able to contest for kills even from long range. Last but not least, the scout holders don't necessarily become anti-hunters since you can also carry pistols for sidearm to hunt.
In conclusion, what I'm suggesting is to enable the scout only for a few days. See it as a trial. If it starts harming the server in any way, you can always remove it again.

Sincerely, Tez
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I'd like to hear the opinion of the community on this before I express mine
Interesting suggestion if you ask me. It could be nice to try for a few days - i don't think it will hurt
In my opinion scout wouldn't be overpowered for the v1 server. We can have a trial like the OP mentioned and remove it if the game play gets unbalanced.
I am strongly against it, v1 has always been about hunting with weapons from menu 1-2-3 Having scout enabled would lead to more camping and making v1 more like v3. It's annoying to be sniped on distance, for example on cbble if ct's camp on the last spot and zombies try to jump on the door to get to the roof they can easily be prevented from doing so with a sniper.
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I expected these arguments against my idea, but I've partially already coountered it, so I'm gonna expand abit on it. Firstly, like I mentioned already, holding a scout doesn't take away your ability to hunt. To hunt means to go after something. You seem to have connected hunting only with shooting zombies from close range. However, holding a scout can give you the ability to hunt from any place you like without being too strong to dominate against the rest of the close range weapons. You don't have to go into zombies face to call it hunt. However , there will ofc be scenarios where you will be in too close of a range to keep scoping scout and that's where the pistols come in. The dual pistols specifically have 30 bullets magazine and can deal 150 fucking damage per headshot. Isn't that too much of a powerful weapon in ur hunting arsenal already?Not to mention how dead as a weapon it is on v3.It practicly has no chance against a spraying auto sniper or m2.On hlrankstats you can see theres barely people who are awarded the most scout kills count for the day coz noone even dares to use it.But here's our chance, to make it a viable option somewhere and v1 would be a good match in my humble opinion. Anyways, to be fair with those who are against scout for v1 thinking it will make people more camping-happy, what I'm suggesting is just a test for a few days and if the server loses its identity and its basic hunting element you can remove it. Why'd anyone want to disagree on an innocent trial?
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I agree. Just TRY IT. Most people will use no scope with scout :):rolleyes:
I think you're giving players too much credit here, TeZ. I don't like v3, especially on 4way. Say I'm trying to use the elevator, CTs simply train their aim at the bottom and shoot over and over and over. It takes away the fun and turns it into a game of dodge for the zombies. And the sound, the awful sound that they make, my god. I'm not necessarily against trying it but I think it's pretty obvious how it would turn out. What is nice is that these days v1 and v3 are not carbon copies anymore, they have different maps, different weapons selection and different play types, and it is nice for the rifle campers to be segregated over to v3.
srb5467, you make 3 points here
1.zombies will have a harder time in 4way's elevators
2.sound is awful
3.v1 and v3 have finally obtained a totally different playstyle

My view on your points
1.Having an excessive experience of 7 years in v3 I can tell with certainty it will take more than just some scouters to keep zombies away from elevator. I mean even on v3 you can barely keep them away with those mighty auto snipers and AWPs....Scouts have the slowest rate of fire after AWP, and let's not forget how critical your aim is to knockback the zombies from elevators.

2.If scouts sound is awful you should hear v3's paras and auto snipers and AWPs. Even if alot of ppl go scout (which I don't think) the sound won't be too much of an annoyance

3.Adding scout on v1 can't really affect the pace of the server in my view, but that's why I asked for a trial in the first place. If the thing doesn't work I'll be the first to mention it and admit it.

Sorry for the lengthy posts
I think Scout fits well in V3.. I'd like to keep v1 as clean as possible from camping weapons. That doesn't mean one cannot hunt with a sniper but to be honest it's as useful as buying just pistols.
A trial would just answer everyone's questions so why not.. 1 week and we can express our thoughts again.
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give us a challenge what is the actual harm if you add the scout, the damage is not even close too the AWP and I bet lots of ppl cant even aim for the head with it. And If I remember just a body shot does like -70HP damage.
Usage rate would be pretty low.. there won t be any harm.. if a camper wants to camp he can camp also with a glock. But i don t see the need to drop weapons from v3, let s keep them two separate.
after the event we might try this out for a few days, just to see how people react :)
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I'd be curious to see how this plays out. I can see the potential negatives of it but it can't hurt to try just for a week. I love the scout and would love to see how zombies could take advantage of its boost. After all it's about trying new things out.

I would like to suggest, if possible, to maybe restrict the availability of the scout on a map and player basis. Too many scout campers on certain maps could disadvantage zombies too heavily. I'm sure on a hunting server not many people would even want to choose to use one purely on the basis of the difficulty to get frags, but in the off chance they do, it should be limited to, maybe, 10 players?
Only really seen it being used on 4way so far. Nice to have a change and that option on large maps. Don't see how useful it is during hunting.
So far I haven't seen anything bad in the scout being available on v1. Some people are using it and I haven't seen it "destroying" the gameplay tho its just another option
Most people only use it on 4-way , from the top - on smaller maps like office, fewer people use it naturally.

To me, that means that with the variation of maps (large, small, open spaces, narrow hallways) the use of the sniper is well balanced - good idea to put it in.

Bonus is, that like the V3, zombies get a better chance in close combat, because the player is using scope, and doesnt see the zombie closing in on him, giving better chances for zombies.
Thats a plus :)