the official spam thread

hey. phanty opened the member recruitment again and i read about 30 applications from the past. that's something to chuckle about. all were declined :D

and i also noticed the applications of several (special)admins like Killertudse, scarface, YoungBuck, Barracuda or Deanburger who were all denied either ^^

maybe i don't get the system but it's funny to read :>

Not sure what you're implying, but skill has nothing to do with being an admin. Just fyi I got declined because of inactivity (exams ^^), Phanty didn't even spec me :>
hey. phanty opened the member recruitment again and i read about 30 applications from the past. that's something to chuckle about. all were declined :D

and i also noticed the applications of several (special)admins like Killertudse, scarface, YoungBuck, Barracuda or Deanburger who were all denied either ^^

maybe i don't get the system but it's funny to read :>

Don't know what you mean, people need to deserve joining the clan. It is not easy to get into EH, that is why the most got declined. And it does not matter if an admin of us applies, he gets treated equally to any other player.
all right ;)
Niko can tell you more about it..this number is related to him and his soul :D
i'm excited to hear ^^
spammmmming spammmmmmmmmming im spammmming dam it ;p
it's fine
silverxone. here's the right thread ;D
wondering how long it will take...
No problem, i bet you will get a ban from the forum too!
Where are the mods?

Der Ban erfolgt über deine IP und die ist immer gleich.
was hast du den für ein Problem? Vielleicht kann man das auch vernünftig lösen?!

Jedenfalls hast du deine Chancen auf ein "unban" jetzt gewaltig verschlechtert......
Haha well, i'm talking about an ip ban so that wont be possible.