The spelling game - how to pronounce


when life gives me lemons, I rtv
Staff member
Head Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
25 Mar 2010
Hey, thought i could start a new game :)

it's very easy, to play you have the quote the above poster and spell the word he wrote in your native language (how you pronounce it using your language),
then you must write a new word (in english) and wait for the next player...

for example if i post:

Playstation three

i should reply like this:

playstation three
in my language (italian dialect): Pleisctescion trii
new word: gaming

(feel free to continue now)

Edit: native english people can't play this game unless they know another language :p
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*edit by niko*I didn't understand the game**end of edit**

my language (italian dialect): Gheiming
new word to spell: fantastic
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my language (german): fantastisch (spoken as you read it -.- )
in french: fontostique ^^
new word to spell: Chair
in french: fontostique ^^

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! it's "fantastique"

pringles, you don't have to translate it into your language, just how would you pronounce it in german

my language : winedowz

new word : umbrella
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! it's "fantastique"

pringles, you don't have to translate it into your language, just how would you pronounce it in german

my language : winedowz

new word : umbrella

it's more like "fontastik" and i think you have to pronounce it in your language. windows in french would be "fönätrr" x)

My language: schampijong
New word: Balkon

New word: Television
i think you all misunderstood the game xD.
you don't have to translate the word. you just have to write it with your language.

for example "word" in italian is written "uord" (it's word pronounced and then written in english using italian's sounds)

germany would be:

new word: girls
Girls in swedish = tjejer

New word: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (yes it's a word!)
please read again above. i think you got the game wrong again..

anyway it's an italian word and we say: supercalifragilistichespiralidoso

new word: downloading
new word: downloading


i don't get it <.>

new word: head-ache
nomatter, downloading would be daunlowding :p
word: häd-äk


New word: Toilet
taileT (t pronounced thin, T pronounced thick)

new word: ice cream