To whoever is attacking us


when life gives me lemons, I rtv
Staff member
Head Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
25 Mar 2010
Hello stranger,
I don't know who you are,
I don't know what you want,
I don't know how old you are,
I don't know if you are a player or not.

I just want to tell you that if your only way to be happy is to hurt a free community like EliteHunterZ you have some moral problems.

Problems are not solved by doing illegal activities and destroying hundred and hundred of hours of work of people who enjoy doing this for free as an hobby.

Please think about this, it's not fun at all because you simply put a scarf on one of the last biggest css communities that enjoy what they offer.

Your best way to handle whatever is wrong with us is to get in contact with us, explain what you want.

I am reasonable, I talk to people and i listen to them, right now you're achieving nothing but a bunch of downtimes.

It saddens me the whole situation, I just hope you'll think twice before attacking us again, and perhaps leave us on our own.


proud founder of this community,
the 19 years old man that put more than 1000 hours into this "project".

PS: If you are just a player, please pass this thread to your friends, it's good to let other players know.

thank you