Unban Congo

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Well-Known Member
22 Feb 2012
world wide web
Sup, me again

Player Anonymous Congo

Steam ID STEAM_0:1:11148788
Steam Community76561197982563305
IP address
Invoked on12-04-12 03:04:04
Expires on Not applicable.
Reasonbhop script
Banned by Admin dahlmo87
Banned fromZombie Hunting V3 by ElitE HunterZ |All Weapons|...
Total Bans2 (search)
Blocked (0) never

I havent any Bhop Scripts...
MY settings are on space or on middle mouse
I dont no, why he get bann me for bhopping lol...
Nice unban request =D

however now to business xD

[SMAC] Anonymous Congo is suspected of using auto-trigger cheat: BunnyHop
+ demo

Explain ur amazing bhop skills there...
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My bunny hop?
Jump (hold space "gedrückt" (dont now english word xD)) and look to left + press A, look to right and press D
Thats my Skill...
I have a "Space spamm" written by me in C++ (i can upload it ink source) if you want.
But it is only spamm the space botton

Explain ur amaying bhop skills there...
If somebody will check the source:
bte here is the tool as exe as somebody cant compil it

#include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <Psapi.h> #pragma comment(lib, &quot;psapi.lib&quot;) // aus dem sdk const.h: // CBaseEntity::m_fFlags #define FL_ONGROUND (1<<0) // At rest / on the ground int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HWND hl2wnd = 0; DWORD hl2pid = 0; HANDLE hl2proc = 0; SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo; MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mbasicinfo; SIZE_T memory = 0; unsigned char *clientdll = 0; unsigned long clientdllsize = 0; unsigned char *mclientdll = 0; unsigned char *sp = 0; SIZE_T numbtread = 0; unsigned long moffset = 0; LPVOID localplayer = 0; LPARAM lparam = 0; unsigned char localplayersig[] = { 0x33, 0xC0, 0x39, 0x35 }; hl2wnd = FindWindowA(&quot;Valve001&quot;, 0); if(!hl2wnd) return 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hl2wnd, &amp;hl2pid); if(!hl2pid) return 0; hl2proc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, hl2pid); if(!hl2proc) return 0; RtlZeroMemory(&amp;sysinfo, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO)); GetSystemInfo(&amp;sysinfo); for(memory = 0; memory < (SIZE_T)sysinfo.lpMaximumApplicationAddress; memory += mbasicinfo.RegionSize) { if(VirtualQueryEx(hl2proc, (LPCVOID)memory, &amp;mbasicinfo, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION))) { wchar_t module[MAX_PATH]; if(GetModuleBaseNameW(hl2proc, (HMODULE)mbasicinfo.AllocationBase, module, MAX_PATH)) { if(wcscmp(module, L&quot;client.dll&quot;) == 0) { MODULEINFO minfo; RtlZeroMemory(&amp;minfo, sizeof(MODULEINFO)); clientdll = (unsigned char*)mbasicinfo.AllocationBase; if(GetModuleInformation(hl2proc, (HMODULE)mbasicinfo.AllocationBase, &amp;minfo, sizeof(MODULEINFO))) { clientdllsize = minfo.SizeOfImage; } break; } } } } printf(&quot;client.dll %p %p\n&quot;, clientdll, clientdllsize); mclientdll = (unsigned char*)malloc(clientdllsize); if(!mclientdll) return 0; if(!ReadProcessMemory(hl2proc, clientdll, mclientdll, clientdllsize, &amp;numbtread) || numbtread != clientdllsize) return 0; // localplayer // 5AD7B56D - 33 C0 - xor eax,eax // 5AD7B56F - 39 35 44A2295B - cmp [CreateInterface+2A1DB4],esi // 5AD7B575 - 8B CF - mov ecx,edi sp = mclientdll; while(sp != mclientdll + clientdllsize) { if(memcmp(sp++, localplayersig, sizeof(localplayersig)) == 0) break; moffset++; } free(mclientdll); if(!ReadProcessMemory(hl2proc, clientdll + moffset + 4, &amp;localplayer, sizeof(LPVOID), 0)) return 0; printf(&quot;localplayer: %p\n&quot;, localplayer); lparam = MapVirtualKey(VK_SPACE, 0) << 16; while(TRUE) { DWORD p = 0; WORD flag = 0; ReadProcessMemory(hl2proc, localplayer, &amp;p, sizeof(DWORD), 0); p += 0x2E4; // + offset zu den flags ReadProcessMemory(hl2proc, (LPCVOID)p, &amp;flag, sizeof(WORD), 0); if(flag &amp; FL_ONGROUND &amp;&amp; GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) { PostMessageA(hl2wnd, WM_KEYDOWN, 0, lparam); PostMessageA(hl2wnd, WM_CHAR, 0, lparam); Sleep(10); PostMessageA(hl2wnd, WM_KEYUP, 0, lparam); } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END) &amp; 1) break; } CloseHandle(hl2proc); return 1; }

scoure fail
now its better ;)
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If somebody will check the source:
bte here is the tool as exe as somebody cant compil it

#include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <Psapi.h> #pragma comment(lib, "psapi.lib") // aus dem sdk const.h: // CBaseEntity::m_fFlags #define FL_ONGROUND (1<<0) // At rest / on the ground int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HWND hl2wnd = 0; DWORD hl2pid = 0; HANDLE hl2proc = 0; SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo; MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mbasicinfo; SIZE_T memory = 0; unsigned char *clientdll = 0; unsigned long clientdllsize = 0; unsigned char *mclientdll = 0; unsigned char *sp = 0; SIZE_T numbtread = 0; unsigned long moffset = 0; LPVOID localplayer = 0; LPARAM lparam = 0; unsigned char localplayersig[] = { 0x33, 0xC0, 0x39, 0x35 }; hl2wnd = FindWindowA("Valve001", 0); if(!hl2wnd) return 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hl2wnd, &hl2pid); if(!hl2pid) return 0; hl2proc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, hl2pid); if(!hl2proc) return 0; RtlZeroMemory(&sysinfo, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO)); GetSystemInfo(&sysinfo); for(memory = 0; memory < (SIZE_T)sysinfo.lpMaximumApplicationAddress; memory += mbasicinfo.RegionSize) { if(VirtualQueryEx(hl2proc, (LPCVOID)memory, &mbasicinfo, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION))) { wchar_t module[MAX_PATH]; if(GetModuleBaseNameW(hl2proc, (HMODULE)mbasicinfo.AllocationBase, module, MAX_PATH)) { if(wcscmp(module, L"client.dll") == 0) { MODULEINFO minfo; RtlZeroMemory(&minfo, sizeof(MODULEINFO)); clientdll = (unsigned char*)mbasicinfo.AllocationBase; if(GetModuleInformation(hl2proc, (HMODULE)mbasicinfo.AllocationBase, &minfo, sizeof(MODULEINFO))) { clientdllsize = minfo.SizeOfImage; } break; } } } } printf("client.dll %p %p\n", clientdll, clientdllsize); mclientdll = (unsigned char*)malloc(clientdllsize); if(!mclientdll) return 0; if(!ReadProcessMemory(hl2proc, clientdll, mclientdll, clientdllsize, &numbtread) || numbtread != clientdllsize) return 0; // localplayer // 5AD7B56D - 33 C0 - xor eax,eax // 5AD7B56F - 39 35 44A2295B - cmp [CreateInterface+2A1DB4],esi // 5AD7B575 - 8B CF - mov ecx,edi sp = mclientdll; while(sp != mclientdll + clientdllsize) { if(memcmp(sp++, localplayersig, sizeof(localplayersig)) == 0) break; moffset++; } free(mclientdll); if(!ReadProcessMemory(hl2proc, clientdll + moffset + 4, &localplayer, sizeof(LPVOID), 0)) return 0; printf("localplayer: %p\n", localplayer); lparam = MapVirtualKey(VK_SPACE, 0) << 16; while(TRUE) { DWORD p = 0; WORD flag = 0; ReadProcessMemory(hl2proc, localplayer, &p, sizeof(DWORD), 0); p += 0x2E4; // + offset zu den flags ReadProcessMemory(hl2proc, (LPCVOID)p, &flag, sizeof(WORD), 0); if(flag & FL_ONGROUND && GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) { PostMessageA(hl2wnd, WM_KEYDOWN, 0, lparam); PostMessageA(hl2wnd, WM_CHAR, 0, lparam); Sleep(10); PostMessageA(hl2wnd, WM_KEYUP, 0, lparam); } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END) & 1) break; } CloseHandle(hl2proc); return 1; }

that's not a script, that's an hack.
i think you'll get a VAC ban too...

E: for better view:
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that's not a script, that's an hack.
i think you'll get a VAC ban too...

Case solved then!
not sure about VAC anyway. it depends if the PostMessageA interacts somehow with the process/DLL of the game because as far as i remember reading memory is not VAC bannable
asdhif ashdfzae2834f sdfh28ef sef23f834f sef2wfsfkldfger0 wef9 fw8ef 8w7efz we7f6 23f2f23f 23f 1 fe sdf 3t

This is what i understood of
it depends if the PostMessageA interacts somehow with the process/DLL of the game because as far as i remember reading memory is not VAC bannable

So the case is solved then with him hacking on our servers?! :)
I also spam the "space button" but with my mousewheel :D
It is a fact that in most games programs which run simultaneously to the game and have effect on it aren't allowed.

Oot: I recommence this style ACB used for all ban/unban requests. Niko, didn't you get my PM?
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Finally we can get rid of this guy pfff such a relief ;p
that's not a script, that's an hack.
i think you'll get a VAC ban too...

E: for better view:

No, i am not getting a Vac ban...
and for dhalmo, hacking your server? wtf?
this is only a tool that spamm the space...
its written by me . and that link, that nikoo postet is an guild wars forum..but it is nothing new for nikoo, that iam programming and playing guild wars.
let me explain something:
my first bann was about insulting (the large chatlog...)
whats happened after that?
i havent flame anymore in anytimes (you can check my chatlog!)
i got banned then for aimbotting, and THERE was NOT any hacks! nikoo watched my PC for 4 hours and we have found (we think) the mistkae (autoit)
whats happened after that?
i REINSTALLed my hole PC for EH! now i have here only 4-5 programms and nothing others.! after reinstall i havent shakled on demos or have recoil
whats happen with me after all?
i donated for EH (and as i said, i DONT want my money or something else, i will donate all month)
i get really actice on this forum and on your servers!
i report many players that have broke the rules (you can look a view on the banrequest)
iam ingame really relax to other player and help as i can !
i have made a mistake
hmm nah, i dont see any mistakes....i written a simple tool, cause me was boring and cause i want to learn more about programing (c++)
i dont have damaged any player or any server! i havent any advantage by using this tool; its only makes fun to jump here and there!
i will say sorry! i must say sorry
i dont wanna write any mire such texts
i have said, what must to say
now i will hear HAs decision (and only HAs, no maxgs or some other Gameserver admin (until dhalmo, cuase he have banned me))
i will heas nikoo, phanty, Ash or some other HAs decision!
i will accept the descion.
if the bann stay, then i will say now "Adios EH, it was a really really GREAT great time with you)
Greets ACB
You alredy heard their decision as Niko said it was a hack so i gues ban stays.
When you got banned for aimbot i think you were only pretending that you didnt knew what were causing this shaking why?because to my opinion you have pretty advanced skill in writing scripts and sh**t like this.You alredy fooled us 3 times and i think this time you wont get an unban im clearly against it!
O yea and it's not only up to HA's to decide your fate all admins make a part of this community so they all have the right to speak.
well i copy pasted the code you wrote in the page before and i got linked to that website so i have my doubts you wrote it, it's quite advanced C++ and ASM there, it's not something simple to write.

As for the ban:

Valve states in their agreement that you cannot use third party programs to take advantage in the game, we also ban for every scripter, this is not a script but it's something more advanced, it doesn't spam the jump key as you say, it reads the memory of the DLL base of HL2.exe and assigns a 1 or a 0 to the variable FL_ONGROUND when you are in air it's a value, when you are on ground it's another value. the program loops periodically (very fast, nearly every game frame or more), and when it detects that you are on ground it sends the JUMP command, hence you NEVER miss a jump and you gain an huge speed (700+ vel) which is very unfair for the other players. if you wanted to have fun with such hack, which is a luck if it doesn't get you VAC'd, you could have used it on a bhop server or somewhere where it's allowed to bhop like that.

I am sorry to see that from one side you like EH and partecipate to it by playing and donating, but from the other side i am ashamed to see that you make use of those tools, even if compiled by you.
Valve states in their agreement that you cannot use third party programs to take advantage in the game, we also ban for every scripter, this is not a script but it's something more advanced, it doesn't spam the jump key as you say, it reads the memory of the DLL base of HL2.exe and assigns a 1 or a 0 to the variable FL_ONGROUND when you are in air it's a value, when you are on ground it's another value. the program loops periodically (very fast, nearly every game frame or more), and when it detects that you are on ground it sends the JUMP command, hence you NEVER miss a jump and you gain an huge speed (700+ vel) which is very unfair for the other players. if you wanted to have fun with such hack, which is a luck if it doesn't get you VAC'd, you could have used it on a bhop server or somewhere where it's allowed to bhop like that.

Owned right there^^

I guess its bye bye to Congo then...
eeew, not only is he a cheater but a justin bieber fan oO how much worse can it be? xD
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