
New Member
13 Apr 2012
Hi EH nikooo777 banned me in 1 month for no reason and i think he banned wrong guy cuz my friend was still in the server and they talked in chat about treecampers or something and all said ban "him" and i dont know which guy the wanted to ban i dont remember he's name but i knew it was not me. please talk to nikooo777 and ask him why he banned me? thanks!
nikooo777's reason: he "rejoined and insulted me several times"
Steam id: STEAM_0:0:50230175
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Hello i am the HeadAdmin who banned you.
2 days ago, on V4 you rejoined several times because you were the first zombie, at first i warned, then i slayed (maybe not you but someone else) and at the end i kicked. after some time you started insulting me and my mother, and said you were going to rejoin once more when you were zombie, hence i directly banned you. after some time i checked sourcebans and saw you already had previous bans for the same reasons, hence you'll take a break now.

btw you even accused me of cheating when i killed you
Admin look the Screenlog, he say "sieg heil", he is a Nazi, ban him perma
05er stay out!
sorry for my bad launge nikooo777 it will never happend again and i will never rejoin again. im very sorry
i reduced the ban to 2 weeks,
take care when you'll be able to play again because if you break the rules once more it will be a ban much longer!