Unban req


New Member
5 Dec 2010
Hello my name is Robert i'm 31 and i am from Romania. On 11 july when i played on v1 server i was banned by phanty because he said i waz blocking him. However before he ban me called me "idiot" and i must say is the first time when a "boy" called me that.It's not normal to an admin to call the players like that and they should be an example for us but for the first time i see that is not.there is the proof on my console.Hope to read this niko. Many regards from Romania.

idiot is stated as "light insult" and is 100% fine.

also you want to get unbanned because i called you "idiot" ?

so you know that you blocked me ? because you dont say in your unban request that you did not.

ban stays.
hello i read it all, i have to agree with phanty because "Idiot" is a light insult that after a block can be ok, the ban is ok too if you purposely blocked him.

if you have anything else to say feel free :)

when u consume your bullets and u want to go back in that moment a waz shiitong and i STAY STILL if u paid more attention.when u go back if u remenver i waz shooting u get into me. anyway u should know that i play on your servers for 1 year almost and i never cause problems. keep that in mind before u ban everyone.
anyway - my ban is permenent?
Phanty banned u for 16h40min which is way too high imho. I decreased the ban to 1hr since ure an active player and uve never acted bad before.

@Phanty: "Get ready for a ban" .. not really necessary to write sth like that :p

Aaaaaaand last but no least - Blocking on purpose is sth very hard to recognize(?) cause u dunno if the player just made a bad move or really wanted u to die. Think about banning those blockers atleast twice kk
YOU should care attention that when you hunt with just 1 (!) person that you should not block him.
i mean, its alright if there are 20 ppl and u block 1 but 2 hunters and you still arent smart enoug to NOT block ?

your ban still leasts around 14 hours.

Ban stays unless HA decides different

edit: HA decided different, have fun playing ! :)