Handled+ Unban Request: Wavy


Active Member
EliteHunterz Clan Member
17 Oct 2015
Ingame name Wavy
SteamID e3pen

Ban reason rejoining multiply times
Unban reason
Hey good people! Saw i got my first permban, so i will just ask that i could get unbanned because i am an active user on the zombie maps and i have learn that i cant rejoin anymore! Hopefully i can be unbanned :) Thanks! (Sorry for my english)
Ingame name Wavy
SteamID e3pen

Ban reason rejoining multiply times
Unban reason
Hey good people! Saw i got my first permban, so i will just ask that i could get unbanned because i am an active user on the zombie maps and i have learn that i cant rejoin anymore! Hopefully i can be unbanned :) Thanks! (Sorry for my english)
You said the same thing some months ago o_O


You will get 1 absolutely last chance, for some reason i trust your word. Don't take it for granted as if you get another ban for rejoining you will not be unbanned again.

You are unbanned for now.
hi wavy,
sorry for my late response (was busy with the repair of my wifes car) . I was the admin who banned you perm, because i dont know how often i kick you the last weeks for rejoining.

You can be happy that havoc has already answers and unban you. Take this very last chance.

Happy hunting ceddy67
Thanks a lot! But can i be unbanned on my main user? Steam id - espgutt // ingame name - wavy
Thanks a lot! But can i be unbanned on my main user? Steam id - espgutt // ingame name - wavy

I unbanned your first account but re-banned the account you most recently got a permanent ban on.