Unban Request: youssef

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9 Sep 2013
Name: youssef

SteamID: [U:1:161290035]

Ban reason:
Pretending to be another player for 2.5 years. Breaking rules with his fake name. General bad behavior. provoking admin in dead-chat

Unban reason: hello there!
as you all know my in game name is "zm_youssef_the_terminator" since like 3-4 years! few years ago admin niko confirmed on forums that "is allowed" to use one name mulitple times!! but this admin who banned me still thinks he knows it better! please unban and inform this guy for the next time ...

1.) everybody knows who the real youssef and who the fake youssef is...
2.) what rules exactly did i break the 2 minutes i was on server until you banned me?
3.) i was only 2 minutes on server and you are banning me for "general bad behavior" ??? u kidding right?
4.) go back and read the chatlog! i never provoked you! i just told you that i am allowed to use this name and that i wont change it! hos that provoking????

"no matt3r" said this more than 2 years ago:

"What's up with that name faking? We don't ban for that. So what happened? "
"We don't punish for name faking "

"advoldo" said around 2 years ago:

"You can continue to use any name you want [...]"

how is that "provoking admin in dead chat":

"i dont have to."
"ask niko."

thats what i said in spec when he told me to change name... how the fk is that provoking???
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It is allowed to use the same name to a certain extent. For example the name "youssef" cannot and will not be exclusive for 1 player.

However, complicated names raise suspicion when copied. In this case, i see no possible way you randomly created the same name as "zm_youssef_the_terminator", so you definitely copied it from that player, and moreover you are breaking the rules and insulting using that name.

This is a case of knowingly impersonating another player with the aim of discriminating and making him held accountable for wrongs he did not commit.

The ban stays, with the possibility to be reduced if you permanently cease to impersonate other players, but with the risk to be extended to permanent in case you keep doing so.
first of all, as you can read above, i can take what ever name i want... there is no copyright on names!
if i like a name, i can take it and i can play with it aslong it is not offensive or racist!

tell me then, which rules i exactly broke??? show me some proof for insulting!

give me proof for the ban! just dont say that i insulted!


i cant see any insults there on the 24.6.2016. for the other stuff i already got punished!

i already got gagged for insulting and this was the first time playing again and then you are telling me that i insulted???

This is a case of knowingly impersonating another player with the aim of discriminating and making him held accountable for wrongs he did not commit.

you are acting like he got banned cause of me many many many times... fact is that he got banned cause he broke the rules!!!
there is enaugh proof of him breaking rules and there are enaugh admins here who know that!
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It's very clear.

You have 6 previous bans, therefore you behavior is generally bad.
You got all those bans by misbehaving while using another player's complex-structured name.
you have insulted using that same player's complex-structured name.

This combination persuaded me to demand you change your name. I asked three times and warned you. You didn't change it, so you got banned.

As for insulting, following THIS REQUEST, and as admin MIAUMARMELADE stated, you have been gagged on 14-06-16 14:38:36 for "1 week now, due to previous gags and because his chatlog is full with further german insults.".
In addition to that you have been gagged by admin DATAWORM on 10-06-16 21:11:21.

This means you have not been punished for the english-written insults you made in between these two gags, and for the all-languages insults you made after the latest gag.

Lets take a look :

2016-06-12 09:59:39 suck my d.
2016-06-14 07:51:08 sit the fk down.
2016-06-14 10:12:29 mother itch.
2016-06-14 10:16:51 i prefer your mom.
2016-06-14 10:18:25 can you tell me more about your om?.
2016-06-14 10:27:32 shut up muter jucka.

This calls for a new communication block which i just INVOKED.

I also ran across this :

2016-06-14 13:50:40 i didnt get banned.
2016-06-14 13:51:39 the fake got banned.
2016-06-14 13:51:49 im the original.
2016-06-24 08:58:17 im the real youssef horo.

Which proves furthermore you are guilty of impersonating with bad intentions.
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This means you have not been punished for the english-written insults you made in between these two gags, and for the all-languages insults you made after the latest gag.

are you kidding? you should really read what miau said.... "due to previous gags and because his chatlog is full with further german insults."

i already got gagged for that, so you cant punish me again for the same!

it doesnt matter if i faked the name or not!
since there is no copyright on the names!

it seems that you are desperate trying to ban me without any serious reasons!
get over it and say that you made a mistake and lift the ban!

you had no right to take any actions against me cause i did nothing wrong in the 2 minutes of playing on the server!!!


i am banned now for 6 month and gagged for 2 month!
no idea why people like you are admins....

and btw, you are wrong again!
i had 5 previous bans until you banned me twice!
You were banned under the name "RYAN : taker american badass". Have you used that name for 2 years as well?

You can continue to use any name you want if you want to get into technicalities. But if i sense that any player is becoming upset by your actions then i wont hesitate to ban. Players deserve to play in peace and not have to constantly worry while in game because someone is using their name.

That was my full quote 2 years ago. Please dont leave out important information to suit yourself. I've not properly read this thread so I'm not fully up to date on whats going on yet. Just wanted to get the full quote out there.
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Alright it's time for me to jump in.

1. Name faking - allowed, we have all means necessary to identify players.
2. Banning for same comms twice - we don't do that.
3. Not a commban for comm things - we don't do that either.

I will lift your ban and your comm ban, since neither are legit. Also, forgive our admin mario, he might have not been informed about the names thing, those are borderline cases and don't happen often, so most likely he acted on his opinion.

Ladies and gentlemen,
We have hurried a little bit without collecting all the information, we're sorry as it might have caused some confusion.
While it is not punishable to ban for name faking, it's completely understandable and thus punishable to ban or prohibit a player from abusing someone else's name.

This particular case is extremely borderline, and with the real youssef asking for something to be done, your previous bans and general behavior, We believe that you should cease to use his name from now on.

I personally fell for this last week, as "youssef" was appearing a little bit too much on the banlist and proceeded extending one of his bans, despite it not being the same steamID as ever.

Additionally, stating that you're the legit youssef is wrong, we don't want to play the police here but seriously, it's not hard to come up with your own name.

We'd appreciate if you acknowledge this and agreed with it.
I reinstated the ban to make sure you see this, I'll lift it as soon as we come down to an agreement.

Niko for the Head Admins team
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