Handled+ Unban Request: ʳᵃZZᶤᵉʳᵉʳ ツ

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15 Jul 2018
Ingame name ʳᵃZZᶤᵉʳᵉʳ ツ
SteamID H3isTheOne1996

Ban reason ?????
Unban reason
hi warum habt ihr mich gebannt ich habe doch nichts gemacht ? oder habe ich iwas falsch gemacht lol

You aren't welcome on our server anymore. It doesn't mind with how many clean different accounts you will come back and actually that's the reason why you are now in the position. Because you kept coming back with many different accounts and kept breaking the rules. Xylon gave you back then one last change and unbanned you, you still broke the rules so live now with the consequences.

I have nothing more to add.

Won't be unbanned until a SPA/HA decided differently (what i doubt)

Hallo H3isTheOne,

Wie Schobi schon schrieb, du bist nicht willkommen auf den EH Servern.
Du brichst jedes Mal unsere Regeln, hast schon Chancen bekommen und brichst weiterhin unsere Regeln weiter, ich hatte dir schon ein paar Mal gesagt du sollst dich an die Regeln halten aber es interessiert dich ja nicht, also wundere dich nicht.
So eine Person brauchen wir nicht auf unseren Servern, du hattest deine Chancen und nun ist ende

Ich denke die Leitung wird gleicher Meinung sein.
You had so many chances. You didnt use any of it. You had an agreement with special admin Xylon. You broke it after few days. Now you say that you didnt do anything and you dont know why you were banned? Click here to refresh your memory. Or here. Or here.

Everybody is responsible for his actions, everybody will be judged by his own behaviour.

You are no longer welcome on our servers. Game over.
and with this acc i dont break rules - Stop joking please.
Blocking, teaming, insulting + destroying barricades are against the rules.
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NothernLight ich habe mit diesem acc nicht einmal die regeln gebrochen. habe net umsonst 30.000 punkte bekommen, eine chance könntet ihr mir ja noch geben die werde ich nutzen glaub mir
No, you won't get another chance, because you had your last chance. Xylon gave it already to you. You should have thought back then when you got it. And to be honest, i wouldn't even believe that you haven't also broken the rules with this account.

Different ppl now already explained to you, why you are banned and that you had your chance and didn't use it. Don't you understand or don't you want to understand or what is your problem?
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