When admins likes gamer - rule breaker ! Thay just say all is for same line to jugde .

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Well-Known Member
14 Apr 2022
I will not even report any gamer in this forum cuz of my princips and just how unpointless it is in end . I had say this and it will never ever be change in my mind . Who can explain - O you break rule same category - ban lenght increase - well it is not if you ar in ''good list '' with exuses :
1) You are you and he is he when you know game and that person dosnt know . If you break rule and because you play more the jugdment for you will be 10 more BAD than gamer who dose less game and break same rule - thay just dont tell you that .
2) For some reason some peoples have more ability break rules just because it is not you - if you think you can do no you cant - other can -for tham okey do this 7 more times in 5 mounths we give you some 1 h 2 days 1 h and another 1 h because you do not play that match you are verry young at age and i like you and i understand you but if you person as me in 30 and i do by accident some rule break or i was mad mood and if i do some close calls all eyes be on me and that hope in tham- come do some and it be hard ban for me while ... ... nobody ever will change my mind on it .

I have so manny times point finger on this dude i had multiple times with no jokes some 30 times say that person in game - do not team with me and not even try and i say that when ADMINS is in server and thay are okey this dude ehh you know he jsut 12 and in the verry end he is good kid you know but if you do - you be ban 2 days 2 weeks 2 mounths and on but only you okey and if we ask - how was about if you break rule multiple times wasn't it ban lenght increase ? AND if admins woud be here HONEST thay woud say - you see mate it is not exatly how it works how we... - we look at person we know what calibr he\she is. It is not that simple and honestly we like thay do break rules manny times and i like give bans -and if i be hard on that kid it be bad for me - whom i will a ban anymore > ? i know you grow up i can give you longer ban but for kids you know thay can do 7 times and for each get 1 h 2 h 2 days and agian 1 h but we can't say load in social o thats how it is here you know than we woud be in problems . That how it woud be honest speach with honest admins here but you willl never hear anything like that - that not how it works here you know .

So i will give som verry good name some video of my and i coud writte a biography in last 5 mounths in server about this kid . You know what he do - after he do same thing over and over cuz admins like him and understands him his motive his goal in game you know brother that kid is smart - he knows spots from where to knife and best is after he see all dies he dose dissconect so if some looking who was - kid is no more there brother and you looking for nobody . You know i had saw this dude and say MULTIPLE TIME do not team with me do not even f try that - emocionless and why -? xe xe if you do some law break and your punishment is so soft like you dont have even a time to feel how it is be punish fot that and with out that feeling be punish - what else holding that kid to STOP that law breaking in game ? if you think ADMINS ? Yes sir ! But NO ! If admins like him you know he is like litll devil shaking hands with admins and with soft smile in face he can return really fast and do same thing over and over and over mounth by mounth and that how it is here !
I will try to add my own video and that gamer game ban list what was for me super weird from admins whwo he had deal with him when was reports from multiple persons - name action everything but it just mindblowing for me HOW on EARTH hi is still able to do it while i know if i woud be that guy - holly molly you can forgot about me atleast for half year while that person on his 7 got 4 h . I NOW i know i see all wrong here . ye ye ye it not what i think it some mistake yea you like kids do shit and dont care in end cuz you are nice guy yea we know .

-side note . In video i did record to late and i caught him like not match in action but before i start record he did knife zombies some 5 + and in end nade blowed zombie away and for some reason he leaved server . I speculate cuz he litll stress panic or calulate situation - he have good 7 bans with xa xa xa some 1 h + 1H + 4 H one 2 mounths ban so something flahsed in his mind and by safty reaosn do not get caught or get suspisious he dissconet .

This dude blows my mind how after JUST ME in last 5 mounths i had saw ATLEAST AS A MINIMUM 30 times teaming + multiple time sayed to admins ''look on this guy '' 0 - i see 0 wortth to report here anyone / 0 - You see this 0 ? yOU SEE ? tHIS 0 have more value than outcome of reporting gamers and play your game /fair game .

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So,you are both saying ( well,in your own words) that the admin team is not capable of fairly punishing players.
Let me explain in on something you are probably not aware:

This is a voluntary job,not a full time one,we most certainly don't get paid to do this,we do this due to the love we have for this community to be clean and cleared off rulebreakers.
Given what I said above,let me also clear that we most certainly don't rule out and instantly perma-ban rulebreakers,we give them specific time-length bans,slowly increasing the duration with each offense,in hope that the player actually learns from his wrong-doings and plays the game as it is supposed to be.

We have no friends who we treat them differently in the server than any other player in terms of the admin job and we most definately do not support the action of this player or pretend to be blind/not see what he is doing.
No matter how many times he has done this,player has received bans from when an admin was online or from a regular player via forum report ( exactly how it happened minutes ago).

Mostly replying to this:
This dude blows my mind how after JUST ME in last 5 mounths i had saw ATLEAST AS A MINIMUM 30 times teaming + multiple time sayed to admins ''look on this guy '' 0 - i see 0 wortth to report here anyone / 0 - You see this 0 ? yOU SEE ? tHIS 0 have more value than outcome of reporting gamers and play your game /fair game .

Did the player do it when no admin was on? Probably,since he did it so many times as you stated @Aha*gunpower*
Did you or any other player file a report on him( record a demo and post it on the forum) since you saw him do it so many times? No.

Therefore,player has received the bans only when he was being seen by admins or ACTUALLY REPORTED by other players.
The admin team is really trying their best but,no matter how hard we try,we cannot be there to support the server and keep the rulebreakers off 24/7,so if you really feel like someone is ruining your game this much,consider trying to report them on the forum and help them instead of whining about "admins not doing good job nerding this game 24/7 to ban everyone hurr durr".

And on a personal note, I have been playing so much in the last 5 months and I have seen this player many times,mostly because he was being a disturbance in chat. Not once did I see the player teaming nor did I see any player or you report him for breaking the rules.Yet you still state that he has been doing this for 5 months and we are ignoring it and treat him differently just because "he is not very well known in the server".Completely wrong and pathetic statement.

As for you @sxmity you would stand a pretty good chance if you tried writing an application on your own instead of using "famous internet helpers" so to say,because we are not actually stupid and can tell the difference.
So,you are both saying ( well,in your own words) that the admin team is not capable of fairly punishing players.
Let me explain in on something you are probably not aware:

This is a voluntary job,not a full time one,we most certainly don't get paid to do this,we do this due to the love we have for this community to be clean and cleared off rulebreakers.
Given what I said above,let me also clear that we most certainly don't rule out and instantly perma-ban rulebreakers,we give them specific time-length bans,slowly increasing the duration with each offense,in hope that the player actually learns from his wrong-doings and plays the game as it is supposed to be.

We have no friends who we treat them differently in the server than any other player in terms of the admin job and we most definately do not support the action of this player or pretend to be blind/not see what he is doing.
No matter how many times he has done this,player has received bans from when an admin was online or from a regular player via forum report ( exactly how it happened minutes ago).

Mostly replying to this:

Did the player do it when no admin was on? Probably,since he did it so many times as you stated @Aha*gunpower*
Did you or any other player file a report on him( record a demo and post it on the forum) since you saw him do it so many times? No.

Therefore,player has received the bans only when he was being seen by admins or ACTUALLY REPORTED by other players.
The admin team is really trying their best but,no matter how hard we try,we cannot be there to support the server and keep the rulebreakers off 24/7,so if you really feel like someone is ruining your game this much,consider trying to report them on the forum and help them instead of whining about "admins not doing good job nerding this game 24/7 to ban everyone hurr durr".

And on a personal note, I have been playing so much in the last 5 months and I have seen this player many times,mostly because he was being a disturbance in chat. Not once did I see the player teaming nor did I see any player or you report him for breaking the rules.Yet you still state that he has been doing this for 5 months and we are ignoring it and treat him differently just because "he is not very well known in the server".Completely wrong and pathetic statement.

As for you @sxmity you would stand a pretty good chance if you tried writing an application on your own instead of using "famous internet helpers" so to say,because we are not actually stupid and can tell the difference.
Only if I continue playing the game itself for just one more month, I suppose. 👍
So,you are both saying ( well,in your own words) that the admin team is not capable of fairly punishing players.
Let me explain in on something you are probably not aware:

This is a voluntary job,not a full time one,we most certainly don't get paid to do this,we do this due to the love we have for this community to be clean and cleared off rulebreakers.
Given what I said above,let me also clear that we most certainly don't rule out and instantly perma-ban rulebreakers,we give them specific time-length bans,slowly increasing the duration with each offense,in hope that the player actually learns from his wrong-doings and plays the game as it is supposed to be.

We have no friends who we treat them differently in the server than any other player in terms of the admin job and we most definately do not support the action of this player or pretend to be blind/not see what he is doing.
No matter how many times he has done this,player has received bans from when an admin was online or from a regular player via forum report ( exactly how it happened minutes ago).

Mostly replying to this:

Did the player do it when no admin was on? Probably,since he did it so many times as you stated @Aha*gunpower*
Did you or any other player file a report on him( record a demo and post it on the forum) since you saw him do it so many times? No.

Therefore,player has received the bans only when he was being seen by admins or ACTUALLY REPORTED by other players.
The admin team is really trying their best but,no matter how hard we try,we cannot be there to support the server and keep the rulebreakers off 24/7,so if you really feel like someone is ruining your game this much,consider trying to report them on the forum and help them instead of whining about "admins not doing good job nerding this game 24/7 to ban everyone hurr durr".

And on a personal note, I have been playing so much in the last 5 months and I have seen this player many times,mostly because he was being a disturbance in chat. Not once did I see the player teaming nor did I see any player or you report him for breaking the rules.Yet you still state that he has been doing this for 5 months and we are ignoring it and treat him differently just because "he is not very well known in the server".Completely wrong and pathetic statement.

As for you @sxmity you would stand a pretty good chance if you tried writing an application on your own instead of using "famous internet helpers" so to say,because we are not actually stupid and can tell the difference.

That's why I wanted to be an admin in this server - to ensure round-the-clock support, anytime, evening or morning xD.
You are not match smart . are you ?
Did you or any other player file a report on him( record a demo and post it on the forum) since you saw him do it so many times? No.

So . when you skip whole article than i belive you can ask me somthing like this . Didn't i say i ask admins to take a look on him when i was and admin was and that kido was doing his best - didn't say that ? didn't i say it was 7 bans and last 7 was 4 h only ? didnt i say reporting him is unpointless .
all i have learned you will never win here when stood up against truth here . so go on . Take your bright expert sxmity with you . do some debates go on it is your time to shine.
Before i do report i do investigate what i am dealing with and if i know i had say to admin in game hey i have this can you help and i recive 0 answer 0 reaction 0 . than o check dudes ban list i see some bans i check it o this guy looks he can do what ever he wants that litll devil and admins is nice here and what ever and than i join game and i do something by acident and all eyes on me and do one more time aha and you will be punish hard . That is moumetns when i am like - huh ? what was about that kid . ? a i see i am me and he is he . wright ,
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Did you or any other player file a report on him

7 times 7 peoples and i know just only me in game i had say atleast some 8 times ( to admins ADMINS SEE ADMINS I SAy IT TO ADMINS ) in game and each time i had say over and over this guy do this teaming . if i woud have this feeling in me - reporting gamer than i woud take my time and do all good but when i think about okey dude come back from school he come in game than he do rule break and when admins ban him he proboly is back to school or is doing anything else besides game and after 7 times he be get way with it really soft - the problem is with tham - thay do not even notice it . like you can go ban list and see that but in reality thay do not even notice it thay have even 0 emotion to feel about it cuz i belive moust of times thay do not even know thay was banend and that who makes report put some time on you know soome 30 mins on 1 h even if you want strong case and in end when you relise it not working and if do my best and just becuase i am aha and maeby manny dont like me it is like be ignored or his word dosn't metter but metters only admin like that kid it is not big deal . Give me a feeling yea it is worth to deal with tham on reports in forum than i will maeby do it on wright way like 7 other persons has done before . How you think Soup how gamer who died from that dude teaming and person comed here and make report and later he find he got 4 h for 7 time break seriously rule in game ? Lets say that person has hard to to make report and it takes time like 1 h than other 1 h in game to catch him on action and he is not even a admin . What free voluntire are we speaking here ? everyone take thay FREE GAMING TIME to deal with tham but if system dosnt work with tham where is the point . O wee need Sxmity here i belive he have some in his bright mind something to say . Comon Sxmity show your brain cells here comon man ! peoples want that Sxmity . You want be admins favourite person here you need to litlll to ( o i cant say that here ) for be good boy Sxmity we like you . Go on Sxmity do that plesure ....
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Spending half the time of creating this post in actually reporting him and he would already be permbanned (not takling into account, that the usual combined banlenght before a permban is 2 years)
If you got your principles in not reporting others, then dont do it, but then also stop complaining.
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Spending half the time of creating this post in actually reporting him and he would already be permbanned (not takling into account, that the usual combined banlenght before a permban is 2 years)
If you got your principles in not reporting others, then dont do it, but then also stop complaining.
Only admin who did proper ban lenght was DataWORM . Only person who checked person before ban him and relise he dose change names bitween bans. After 2 mounths for teaming he got 1 h ban Mr Dhoudz . than he change few more times name . What exuses you have for that ? If i woud see this whole thing in difrent way i woud just report him but if i see how it is mr Dhoudz i see no point of it . I not understand if admins do not want do profesional thay work than do not be admin . Wright ? I go in server change name 5 times and 5 times i break rule . will it be 30 mins- 1 h- 30 mins -another 30 mins? Than some good admin give me 1 week than i change name i got 2 h ban . And for each time i do breaking rule to be hard get caught and some will spend on me verry match time . Yes ? and in end i will never feel that 30 mins be ban and for i woud not learn a simple lesson - do not that agian. If i woud not move that persons name Mr Dhoudz and not complain on things- how this is even possibile when verry not smart gamer outsmart whole ELITE HUNTERS ADMIS comunity .OKey DataWorm figure out him and gived legit 2 mounths what i like - that only dude who do the job in wright way - ONLY ONE . You are soft Dhoudz for kids thats okey . Am i hurting somebody here MR Dhoudz by complain about admin works ? hOW ABOUT gamers be pissed out like me in last 5 mounths from single gamer outsmarting EH ADMIN Cominity (exept DataWorm) 5 stright mounths. Today that person got 8 h ban since his last ban was 4 h and you know if i woud never ever complain like this - it never woud be next his ban even that long(8h). You Dhoudz gived him 4 h - next ban next admin woud give him 2 h but since i start complain he got 8 h . Are you happy on my answer why i in your eyes waste time here ?

And do not forget Mr.Dhoudz.
- We love Dhoudz ! Dhoudz love us ! Dhoudz our power ! 😍
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Pretty simple, it is a different steam ID and profile. How you know its the same guy just because they have partly the same name?

If you search by Steam ID you will see this:

Pretty simple, it is a different steam ID and profile. How you know its the same guy just because they have partly the same name?

If you search by Steam ID you will see this:

View attachment 17886
at star in first things i sayed - all i have learned you will never be wright here against tham . What ever you bring for me Dhoudz that 7 ban history storys is not explain with no metter what . Maeby we have some 100 of this names difrent peoples and each ruski name with our guy nametag and other names what is used with difrent steam if . i justt man truck down one person i know it is him i find 7 bans werry unlogic why you show me this . what this prove ? that previous 7 bans for 1 person was what ? i not wright understand what you want to prove by now ? In end i have dude with 7 bans verry not fair jugment and for times when i saw in person with our guy rusk kido with verry ruski name verry same patern of gameplay - i dont man maeby from 30 times i told dont team with me with all times name was not change it was same verry ruski verry same name and i belive verry same person . Like this replay litll fucks my mind what you . i have evidence with ban list history from 1 same person where is name changes . wtf is this what you say - how i know it is same person - it litll are you drunk Dhoudz ? i not understand what on hell you ty to twist around wright now ,really.
Pretty simple, it is a different steam ID and profile. How you know its the same guy just because they have partly the same name?

If you search by Steam ID you will see this:

View attachment 17886
i did have to think for a while - the logic in your quastion verry shocked me - it was litll hard in end and still understand . You really ask me how i know it is same person ? Really . man relly . i belive my english is again bad or your translator or some - sorry i cant figure out this what on earth just you asked me . .. How i know ... i have complain about 1 person what i have find his ban list history - 1 person that person have 7 bans and you bring up this and ask me how i know it is same perosn ? You know fk me i honeslty hope i speak last time here fk man i am sorry for cursting mand gosh no fk this icant figure the logic what rules here , nah f this i give up - nah ma nnah pfff how i know ,,, wtf.. wtfff is this quastion when i literaly have 1 ban list history 1 verry same person with .... nah man nah you . i give i fking give up .this logic this quastions is killing wright not . it is to match . With no dissrispect man to yo uDhoudz i know you cool guy i just wright now not understnad where i missed what what what f whatt. oh gosh . this is to match for wright really.. NAH . no more . it is over . you guys won . nah ...
This is Джем actual banhistory: here

He just has 4 bans, not 7. The other bans in your list picture is someone else with a similar name.

Please always search by Steam ID.
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Also if you believe that a rulebreaker already got lots of bans on another account, you can also point that out in your ban request. Admins have some tools available that can possibly help to find related accounts but usually admins don't check for that every time. In the end players have a new chance on new account, so even on a second account they usually don't get a perma ban right away. But the ban lengths might increase faster if that player already has many ban records on other accounts.
This is Джем actual banhistory: here

He just has 4 bans, not 7. The other bans in your list picture is someone else with a similar name.

Please always search by Steam ID.
Yeah i did overlook . This whole complain from me is total false . i am apologise to elite hunterZ comunity. Everything is baned as it need .
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Damn, the bro need to chill xd
explain why you such a coward and leave server when you go for teamkiling when i record you than say next admin you love server and never do that . You are still inaf dumb to understand i can be okey you do that all crap but i am not okey if you get away with that all while others be punished . Explain me how gamer as you able to do that ? Explain me why you disconnect when you understand you are about be caught? explain me why you pretend you not the guy in server when i say the facts ? Why you later put on your side you do that for fun what means you do not denide my aligations . i will chill when you will get pernament ban cuz it is no fair others with ban list as you have soft punishment while others have twice serious . Admins watch you for 1 round 5 mins maeby whole map while you waiting tham leave . Alos this is old thread and you comed to say chill out to me . i will kill you x 1000 times in game and thats a other way i gona chill out . Tell others why and how you do teaming for fun . Since page as this https://stats.elite-hunterz.info/hlstats.php?mode=chat&game=css literaly person chat logs and it cant be as valid proof when have times you feel nobody can do nothing cuz you such a smartass amd you litera expose yourself saying how good you feel when you do it for fun but as it is" fake page fake material " what cant be use as proof on way to prove i have truth on my side . 5 mounths and yesterday i again saw you go for zombie on coner and kinfe him towards cts . you say chill out in times you ruins other gameplay and by rules is here it ends i must chill out . Are you dumb ?

explain why you such a coward and leave server when you go for teamkiling when i record you than say next admin you love server and never do that . You are still inaf dumb to understand i can be okey you do that all crap but i am not okey if you get away with that all while others be punished . Explain me how gamer as you able to do that ? Explain me why you disconnect when you understand you are about be caught? explain me why you pretend you not the guy in server when i say the facts ? Why you later put on your side you do that for fun what means you do not denide my aligations . i will chill when you will get pernament ban cuz it is no fair others with ban list as you have soft punishment while others have twice serious . Admins watch you for 1 round 5 mins maeby whole map while you waiting tham leave . Alos this is old thread and you comed to say chill out to me . i will kill you x 1000 times in game and thats a other way i gona chill out . Tell others why and how you do teaming for fun . Since page as this https://stats.elite-hunterz.info/hlstats.php?mode=chat&game=css literaly person chat logs and it cant be as valid proof when have times you feel nobody can do nothing cuz you such a smartass amd you litera expose yourself saying how good you feel when you do it for fun but as it is" fake page fake material " what cant be use as proof on way to prove i have truth on my side . 5 mounths and yesterday i again saw you go for zombie on coner and kinfe him towards cts . you say chill out in times you ruins other gameplay and by rules is here it ends i must chill out . Are you dumb ?
first of all, u have to stop insulting people because of all sorts of little things. Secondly, Im being punished with the same cruelty as everyone else, moreover, I was recently gagged for 2 months because of one "racist" word (in fact, I didnt mean anything bad). Thirdly, I don't ruined the game for other people, on the contrary, sometimes it makes it better, although if it's okay for you to sit in one place for the whole round without giving zombies a chance to succeed, then this is your problem. And most importantly, u blame only me for teaming, although there are zombies who interact with me during that
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