WireleZz Needs Help @ Server Editing.


30 Aug 2011
Hello Elite HunterZ,

Ive never seen you guys before untill now, ive played on your zombie server for about 5 minutes and i already liked it.

Who is WireleZz?:
Name: Alex
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Country: The Netherlands
City: The Hague

If you played surf before, ive made these following maps with other people:
and a few more.

The reason i registerd here and making a post is:
Ive been going around to friends/steam groups if they are willing to help me setup a zombie mod server for my own server / public server. But no succes yet the last (2 years). And i haven't really found any good zombie with a website attached to it so i can ask the people that own it.

So whoever is doing the servers here i'd like to know:
If there is any possibility in you helping me in setting up a Zombie Mod server.

What will be given in return when we help you?:
Well i can offer a server whenever you need one to test a map or what so ever, or i could help you with translations or speak in diffrenct languages. The languages i can speak are: English, Dutch, German, Italian, French.
I can also offer credits in surf maps of mine, but at the moment there isn't one close to be finished yet.

And if you don't want to help me, thats fine at all i'd be just sad and trying to find another person to help me out. xD

Anyway enough of the talking, i think i made my question pretty clear.
Hopefully some admin on here will add me that does the servers or knows how to help me.

Talk to you soon.

Name: WireleZz (Ingame)
Steam addy: Mr_thunderalex
Steam id: STEAM_0:0:9554232
E-mail: Blizzard-fan@live.nl
Hey Wirelezz !

Nice that you registered here to ask for our help, but I have a question.

Aren't you that Wirelezz from i3D.net ? 1 of Firemail's friends ?
Phanty said:
Hey Wirelezz !

Nice that you registered here to ask for our help, but I have a question.

Aren't you that Wirelezz from i3D.net ? 1 of Firemail's friends ?


That is correct.

My Best friend works for i3d "Danny" so i see people from i3d sometimes over the year.. but i'm not like on their forum and shit becouse i can't really be asked to keep being active on a forum.. i used to be active on forums (only the ones ive made myself tbh lol).

Anyway, who might you be?

I saw Firemail @ Indoor paintball Rotterdam Holland i think?
Yep, I've heard you were in the same car or something like that.

On i3D.net my name is also Phanty, you might find me there (I'm not active anymore) , I got like 5000 posts orso. :D

Anyways, lets wait for Niko. (Our Tech - Headadmin)
Phanty said:
Yep, I've heard you were in the same car or something like that.

On i3D.net my name is also Phanty, you might find me there (I'm not active anymore) , I got like 5000 posts orso. :D

Anyways, lets wait for Niko. (Our Tech - Headadmin)

Koboldmaki said:
Phanty said:
Yep, I've heard you were in the same car or something like that.

On i3D.net my name is also Phanty, you might find me there (I'm not active anymore) , I got like 5000 posts orso. :D

Anyways, lets wait for Niko. (Our Tech - Headadmin)


Please ignore ^that kid above Wirelezz. He's been trolling around our forums for a while know and thinks he is funny. Jeez.
lol don't listen to Phanty either. they both are trollbots i accidentally spawned :D

anyway I'm Niko, and for the records i'm also a representative of i3d ^^.

anyway I'm a community owner of EH and i manage the servers.

monday i started my last school year and I'm already very busy with my real life other than management of our servers + client servers so i don't have much spare time....

I'd like to explain you the basics but I surely cannot put up and own another zm server. feel free to add me on steam "pastello007"

anyway if other people from EH is willing to help just step in!
nikooo777 said:
lol don't listen to Phanty either. they both are trollbots i accidentally spawned :D

anyway I'm Niko, and for the records i'm also a representative of i3d ^^.

anyway I'm a community owner of EH and i manage the servers.

monday i started my last school year and I'm already very busy with my real life other than management of our servers + client servers so i don't have much spare time....

I'd like to explain you the basics but I surely cannot put up and own another zm server. feel free to add me on steam "pastello007"

anyway if other people from EH is willing to help just step in!

Hey nikooo777, ive seen your name before btw..

Hehe yeah, a joke is fine.. It really depends on my mood when i want to troll but it's not very polite to trol around when your looking for help.

"Anyway" I found a guy on some other clan that helped me out pretty nicely with the zombie mod server and it works execpt the models wont work and the fastdl i am using only supports maps and not models/materials/sounds.

The Fast dl i am using is: http://www.fast-dl.net/testing/?p=home

Its free but not good enough for a server like this.

I would really appreciate it if you could let me use your fastdl for these things.
and btw Nico your lucky that my CAT6 Internet kabel broke yesterday and i have to use 2x CAT4 Kabels for my internet from my modem/router to PC.

I beat would beat your signature big time when all my kabels where CAT6 again.

I have 150 MBIT Download + 40 Mbit Upload

But becouse i am using Cat4 i currently have:

oh screw you!

anyway for the fastDL i cannot give you access unless you're a client of ours :s

one thing, your actual fastDL won't work. you need a direct access to the files, pratically you need something like we have: www.elite-hunterz.info/cstrike/
you'll get a 404 error going there but under that folder you can manually find all the files we uploaded to fastDL :)