
Dances With Zombiez
Staff member
Special Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
25 Oct 2013

Hellooo HunterZ, CamperZ and FattieZ,

Ξlite HunterZ proudly presents our first event of this year. Soon we will be starting our 2024's Ξlite HunterZ Halloween Ξvent.

Like all of our events, this one comes with a RANK RESET. This means all ranks will be reset at the start of the event. Regular players know what that usually means... exciting event rewards are up for grabs!

Category: Ranking Awards – The top-performing zombies will also a chance to win a highly sought-after prize. There is a total of 6 prizes up for grabs in this category!

The player who infects the most enemies will receive full premium features, including all three skins and the coveted "Zombie King" title. The 2nd and 3rd place zombies will also earn rewards:

Most Cts killed/infected: 2 months of full premium features and the "Zombie King" tag

Second most Cts killed/infected: 2 months of full premium features and the "Zombie Boss" tag

Third most Cts killed/infected: 2 months of full premium features and the "Zombie Boss" tag

The top 3 players with the highest points at the end of the event will also be rewarded with exclusive prizes. These elite players will not only secure their spot on the leaderboard but will walk away with special awards as a mark of their success. It’s your chance to prove your skills and claim the glory that comes with being one of the best!

The #1 ranked player will win 2 months of full premium and the "Hallow King" tag

The #2 ranked player will win 2 months of full premium and the "Hallow Prince" tag

The #3 Hallow Prince player will win 2 months of premium and the "Hallow Prince" tag

Category: Map Awards – The top-ranked player on each of the following maps will receive 2 months of premium features, which include all three skins and the exclusive "Ξvent Winner" tag. In total, there are up to 9 awards available in this category. (Disclaimer: If any map is removed from the rotation due to performance issues or other reasons, the corresponding award may be canceled.)


Spooky surprises are creeping up soon, so keep your eyes peeled and don’t miss our ΞH HALLOWΞΞN ΞVΞNT 2024! Get ready to battle it out for 15 awards across various categories... if you dare 👻

Looking forward to see you on servers!

Event starts with rank reset on Tuesday, 1st Oct 2024
Event ends: Friday, 1st Nov 2024, 8 pm (CET)

⚠️Important notice: Breaking any of our rules will lead to disqualification.
i do want to ask , no weapon awards like - ak47, tmp, m4a1,m3, master/specialist for example in this year ? or it was xmas or easter event that tags ?

Ladiez and Gentlemen, dear HunterZ, CamperZ and FattieZ,

...as the shadows recede and our Ξlite HunterZ Halloween Ξvent 2024 comes to a thrilling close, ΞH wants to thank each and every one of you for making this event unforgettable. Your passion, fair and fierce competition and unyielding, combative spirit made this season a highlight of the year! And now let's move to the winner's boards - congratulionz to all championz!

Category: Ranking Awards

Your commitment to claiming the top of the scoreboards was both impressive and frightening, and you have earned your place in our hall of fame.

Top 3 Zombiez

Congratulations to our top-performing fattiez who reigned supreme throughout the event. All hail to our new Zombie King and big up to the two Bosses - those guys made no difference between hunterz or camperz - and we're excited to announce the winners:

🏆 Most Cts killed/infected – YXO: Awarded 2 months of full premium and crowned with the "Zombie King" tag.

🥈 Second most Cts killed/infected – 女aBDULLAH15n: Earns 2 months of full premium and the "Zombie Boss" tag.

🥉 Third most Cts killed/infected – Alina: Wins 2 months of full premium and the "Zombie Boss" tag.

Top 3 Points Leaders

These champs proved they are a force to be reckoned with. Well done on your hard-fought victories! Congratulation to the new crowned Hallow King and both Hallow Princes.

🥇 #1 ranked player – xXEsIqUeLXx: Rewarded with with 2 months of full premium and the esteemed "Hallow King" tag.

🥈 #2 ranked player – Night Viper: Secures 2 months of full premium and the "Hallow Prince" tag.

🥉 #3 ranked player – Zouay.: Receives 2 months of full premium and the "Hallow Prince" tag.

Category: Map Awards

Here are the top-ranked players on each map, who have conquered the field and claimed victory, each receiving 2 months of premium features and the "Ξvent Winner" tag:

zm_eh_4way_hallow_2024 – ElectriX
zm_eh_cbble_hallow_v2_5fixed – Seele
zm_eh_farm3_hallow_v5 – majestic
zm_eh_fast_final_hallow_v1_5 – Wolsman
zm_eh_marbble_hallow – Mikabrute BANDICAMP
zm_eh_palace_final_halloween_2023 – VipiS
zm_eh_royalcourt_halloween_v1 – b0UNC3'
zm_eh_rush_hallow_2023 – Aha*GunPower*

zm_eh_worzel_hlw_v2 – Dhoudz

As we close this spooky chapter, we want to add: Stay tuned! And stay loyal to your favourite Zombie Hunting server - the next event might already be in the making 🎅

This said: Thank you again for supporting Ξlite HunterZ. See you on servers 💪

Ps. Type !store in game to activate your skin(s)

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe HunterZ, CamperZ und FattieZ,

... während die Schatten sich zurückziehen und unser Ξlite HunterZ Halloween Ξvent 2024 zu einem spannenden Abschluss kommt, möchte ΞH jedem Einzelnen von Ihnen dafür danken, dass Sie dieses Event unvergesslich gemacht haben. Ihre Leidenschaft, Ihr fairer und erbitterter Wettbewerb und Ihr unnachgiebiger, kämpferischer Geist haben diese Saison zu einem Highlight des Jahres gemacht! Und jetzt kommen wir zu den Siegerlisten – herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle Champions!

Kategorie: Ranking-Auszeichnungen

Ihr Engagement, die Spitze der Rangliste zu erobern, war beeindruckend und beängstigend zugleich, und Sie haben sich Ihren Platz in unserer Ruhmeshalle verdient.

Die 3 besten Zombies

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere besten Fattiez, die während des gesamten Events unangefochten die Oberhand behielten. Hoch lebe unser neuer Zombiekönig und ein großes Lob an die beiden Bosse – diese Jungs machten keinen Unterschied zwischen Hunterz und Camperz – und wir freuen uns, die Gewinner bekannt zu geben:

🏆 Die meisten getöteten/infizierten CTS – YXO: Belohnt mit 2 Monaten vollem Premium-Status und gekrönt mit dem Tag „Zombiekönig“.

🥈 Zweitmeisten getötete/infizierte Cts – 女aBDULLAH15n: Verdient 2 Monate vollen Premium-Zugang und das „Zombie-Boss“-Tag.

🥉 Drittmeisten getötete/infizierte Cts – Alina : Gewinnt 2 Monate volles Premium und den „Zombie-Boss“-Tag.

Top 3 Punkteführer

Diese Champions haben bewiesen, dass man mit ihnen rechnen muss. Gratulation zu euren hart erkämpften Siegen! Herzlichen Glückwunsch an den neu gekrönten Hallow King und die beiden Hallow Princes.

🥇 Spieler mit Rang 1 – xXEsIqUeLXx : Als Belohnung erhält man 2 Monate vollen Premium-Zugang und das angesehene Etikett „Hallow King“.

🥈 Spieler mit Rang 2 – Night Viper: Sichert sich 2 Monate vollen Premium-Zugang und den Tag „Hallow Prince“.

🥉 Spieler mit Rang 3 – Zouay: Erhält 2 Monate lang volles Premium und das Tag „Hallow Prince“.

Kategorie: Kartenauszeichnungen

Hier sind die bestplatzierten Spieler auf jeder Karte, die das Feld erobert und den Sieg errungen haben. Jeder erhält 2 Monate Premium-Features und das Tag „Event-Gewinner“:

zm_eh_4way_hallow_2024 – ElectriX
zm_eh_cbble_hallow_v2_5fixed – Seele
zm_eh_farm3_hallow_v5 – majestätisch
zm_eh_fast_final_hallow_v1_5 – Wolsman
zm_eh_marbble_hallow – Mikabrute BANDIAMP
zm_eh_palace_final_halloween_2023 – VipiS
zm_eh_royalcourt_halloween_v1 – b0UNC3'
zm_eh_rush_hallow_2023 – Aha*GunPower*

zm_eh_worzel_hlw_v2 – Dhoudz

Zum Abschluss dieses gruseligen Kapitels möchten wir noch hinzufügen: Bleibt dran! Und bleibt eurem Lieblingsserver für Zombiejagd treu – das nächste Event könnte bereits in Planung sein.🎅

Dies sagte: Nochmals vielen Dank für die Unterstützung von Ξlite HunterZ. Wir sehen uns auf den Servern💪

P.S. Geben Sie !store im Spiel ein, um Ihre Skin(s) zu aktivieren.
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Reactions: Aha*gunpower*