XMAS Event 2020

Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: - Rōnin - Rodjon

Merry Xmas! You've been awared with a premium skin.

Christmas Ξve winners (24th of Dec):
Mighty Mo'

Merry Xmas! Both of you have been awared with all our new premium skins and individual chat colors. Contact me for customizing your chat.
Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: Vikingen

Merry Xmas! You've been awared with a premium skin.

Christmas winners (25th of Dec):

Merry Xmas! Both of you have been awared with all our new premium skins and individual chat colors. Contact me for customizing your chat.
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Reactions: Captain Chewbacca
Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: Mr. Durp

Merry Xmas! You've been awared with a premium skin.

Christmas winners (26th of Dec):

Merry Xmas! Both of you have been awared with all our new premium skins and individual chat colors. Contact me for customizing your chat.
Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: i l l U k a . S i

Congratulations! You've been awared with a premium skin.
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Reactions: Captain Chewbacca
Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: Yarida

Congratulations! You've been awared with a premium skin.
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Reactions: Captain Chewbacca
Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: Republika Hrvatska

Congratulations! You've been awared with a premium skin.
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Reactions: Captain Chewbacca
Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: magellan|1348|

Congratulations! You've been awared with a premium skin.
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Reactions: Captain Chewbacca
Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: Ascalone

Congratulations! You've been awared with a premium skin.
  • Like
Reactions: Captain Chewbacca
Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: Boo-Urns

Happy new year! You've been awared with a premium skin.
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Reactions: Captain Chewbacca
Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: Roach3558

Congratulations! You've been awared with a premium skin.
Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: Damassk

Congratulations! You've been awared with a premium skin.
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Reactions: Captain Chewbacca
Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: Rifle

Congratulations! You've been awared with a premium skin.
  • Like
Reactions: Captain Chewbacca
Ξн Advent Calender:
Daily winner: green-curry-soup

Congratulations! You've been awared with a premium skin.
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Reactions: Captain Chewbacca
Ξн Advent Calender:
The last daily winner is: Fadass

Congratulations! You've been awared with a premium skin.
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Reactions: Captain Chewbacca
So here is what all have been waiting for - we proudly present our ingame winners - the last winners of ΞLITE нUNTERZ's BIGGEST XMAS EVENT so far! 6.083 players participated, more than 400.000 zombie infections had been made and 43 winners had already been chosen randomly. The following 13 players won our special prices:

JUNIOЯ' was top ranked and won the event and 3 months of full premium features (all premium skins + Ξvent Winner tag).
rhodo finished at a strong second place and won 2 months of full premium features (all premium skins + Ξvent Winner tag).
ZW xXEsIqUeLXx finished at third place and won 1 month of full premium features (all premium skins + Ξvent Winner tag).

The Zombie King tag and 3 months of full premium features are awarded to [ΞD] Superman. All hail to the fatty king, first of his name, ruler of fattiez and worst nightmare to edgerz and noob naderz!

The following players received the Ξlite Zombie tag and won 1 month of full premium features for being the knights of the zombie king:


- Rōnin -

We hope you all enjoyed the event and we thank everybody for participating! Congratulationz to all winners - stay tuned for our next events in 2021. I am looking forward to see you all sound and safe at servers.

Happy new year to everyone!