The Knife-Through Glitch

@Xylon made that map, so he can make an update to it.

Lost made that map, but i can always take a look at it. but with that map i think we should also fix a few of the other bugs, like knifing zm to the roof.

When it comes to marbble, i made the updated version of that, so i can fix it. btw, are there anything you v1 guys want changed/removed? can you shoot the car on the v1 version?

Yea the cars are moving if you throw grenades at them or just shoot them. I think we don't need them to move. (Atleast there's 1 or 2 cars which move.)
zm_temple also through the van at one of the human spawns.

Saw it happen there 3 times now
fixed marbble.
however, its an eddited version of the v3 version, so there are some minor changes.
- doors are bigger
- 1 or 2 more trees
- 2 new camp-areas
- 2 or 3 more physics boxes
- cant knife through vans or containers
- cant shoot the cars anymore
- harder to see through containers
+other minor changes

picture of the new campspots:

i know you guys on v1 hate changes, so if this is too much please reply. but if someone can test the map it would be nice


  • zm_marbble_eh_v2.bsp
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I just tested out the new version of Marbble, I think the add of trees are just fine, you also added a few (3) "unneccessary boxes" I'm not sure if those are needed.
(I'm just talking about the small movable- boxes which can be found in each room.)
Cars are fixed that's great, and about this new camping spot I'd like to get others opinions. (Picture)
I myself think it's ok but maybe need to test it and see how it goes with this spot.
Also meanwhile testing the map, I remembered this "milktank" is a little too off from the wall, making you kinda- stuck and just slide through it. (Demo)

++ The main thing that you've fixed the knife-through bug ++ *claps* :cool:


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  • milktankthing.dem
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Here are the updated versions

they are tested and work fine with positive response from the people helping with the testing. The only change since the testing is fixing the container that didnt work on rush.

However, @Havoc dont approve any changes i make and there is no point in me talking to him about it. im more of a V3 guy. Maybe some of you V1 guys can test the maps and talk to him about it, if you like them. Being you guys speak the same language and all :D

I have uploaded them and they should be both on v1 and v3 as special maps.
The only changes that should be happening from this are to the crates. End of story, anything past that is unnecessary and I guarantee people are going to complain
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@Lotus says the guy tho think the van is the best spot on rush. and have you even looked at the maps before judging?

the changes are minimal, small fixes that needed doing anyway. just ask the others, the maps are the same maps. People complain about the maps anyway and i challenge you to think of any map we play today that we still played 10 years ago. Those few maps we still play are either specialmaps or edited versions of the old ones because the old version isnt good enough. They are full of bugs, outdated mechanics, OP spots, some are just broken and others arent made for ZombieMod.
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You asked for an opinion so I gave it. You'll recall what I actually said was there's always 1-3 people holed up in that van. If you're just going to dismiss an opinion that contradicts your own cause of something else I said then don't ask for opinions? You might also remember I said "well im not the one who plays regularly so you guys do whatever you feel is right, i've just always hated random changes being made to anything for no reason other than the sake of change". You asked for opinion, I gave ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"well im not the one who plays regularly so you guys do whatever you feel is right, i've just always hated random changes being made to anything for no reason other than the sake of change". You asked for opinion, I gave ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oki @Lotus , this is what i find very frustrating.
You keep saying I keep changing things for the sake of change, and that all the changes I do are unnecessary. If you see above to the post where I have the updated marbble version, you see a list of reasons for the changes I have made. I don’t explain in detail why I have done them, but that is because anyone who know the map knows why these are good fixes.

Also, when I update a map I usually gather all sorts of information and personal experiences from me and others so I can fix as much as possible at once. That is so we do not end up with 14 versions of the same map and constant uploading and downloading too/from the servers. Other small fixes I do, are finding flaws in the map itself. Especially if the mapmaker is not that good. We are talking about walls that goes inside walls, bad optimization, leaks and other stuff. So, again I have very good reasons for the changes I do. Infact, marbble are one of those maps I had to rebuild from the ground because the original was so bad it was impossible to work on. zm_rush_final is also a map I helped LosT make and optimize. And its still a mess and that is why I keep doing small fixes when I find issues.

What you and @Havoc (it seems) don’t understand is that most of these changes you will never notice because it has nothing to do with gameplay, except making it smoother and gaining fps.

When I do make changes to a campspot it is with good reason. That Van have been the source of much trouble and its not very good. And, it must be replaced by something, right? Or its one less campspot. Again, this is a GOOD REASON for changing it. Its not something I do randomly because I feel like changing something. Not only that, I ALWAYS testplay the map with other admins so I know if there are issues and things needs changing/removing, then I upload.

At last, ofcourse you should have your own opinion. And I love feedback on maps, but then I expect them to actually have played them and tested that the opinion they have, hold merit. Nothing is random, everything is tested if it doesn’t work we change/remove it. That is how mapmaking work.

The only changes that should be happening from this are to the crates. End of story, anything past that is unnecessary and I guarantee people are going to complain
What crates are you talking about?
The crates that are the whole purpose of this post? :p
I get what you mean I just don't want to deal with people complaining about changes and personally I just don't see the need which is what I'm trying to express. I also said you guys know better than I do so do what you feel is right. Just don't want to have people complaining about these things.
To me when something that has existed for ages is changed cause an admin complains about people complaining too much like with that zm hiding room, I consider that change for sake of change, that's where I'm coming from which I hope you understand.
I just want to clarify I support any changes to make the gameplay better but I'm expressing these opinions because I am unsure if these changes outweigh the possible negative impact or not. I guess we will see soon :)
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@Lotus do you mean containers?
and that zm hiding-room was something we just discussed on slack because alot of people get stuck in there. i havent done anything to it, just so you know.

People complain all the time, i know its annoying and frustrating. But remember that they complain about issues if they arent fixed too. Both new and old maps.
If you want to experience what good things improvement can do, you should change the current 4way map with the original one for 1 day and try to keep all the rulebreakers in check :p
Both admins and players complained about the updated version so it took many months and even longer before the original 4way was replaced.
I tried the original 4way about half a year ago on v3, and the blocking, doorclosing and teamkilling was much worse than i remembered, didnt think that was possible :p

seriously try it, just for the experience^^
They're called crates in Canada lol
4way is already enough of a pain xD
I hope the changes all turn out good, I'm just a very pessimistic person :p
Anyways, turns out I'm almost out of data so I'll have to sign off for the time being, peace
zm_eh_forgotten_town v2 has the knife-through glitch atleast on the van by the middle of the map.
(so probably every van in the map has this.)
It says that map has been edited by a guy called Skela, is it still possible to be fixed by someone else?
You did it too me finny, in the eh_fast_final map. But you apologized after, saying you would talk to someone who could fix it. But recently I have seen a lot of players doing it to other players and me. Players are slowly using the bug.
You did it too me finny, in the eh_fast_final map. But you apologized after, saying you would talk to someone who could fix it. But recently I have seen a lot of players doing it to other players and me. Players are slowly using the bug.

You're correct. I'm just waiting for @Xylon
What is the etiquette around editing other peoples maps? Is it considered bad form to do so without permission? Don't want to step on anyones toes about suggestions or anything else.

I deleted that video so there is no examples for people to copy, they are probably gonna see folk do it in-game anyway.