Yeah,it’s still there,just not glowingouffff, i see... i dont have time to fix it atm..
i thought it was only the button upstairs needed a fix
also does not the tmp work like its not glowing? @Soup^

Yeah,it’s still there,just not glowingouffff, i see... i dont have time to fix it atm..
i thought it was only the button upstairs needed a fix
also does not the tmp work like its not glowing? @Soup^
if you take the elevator up and try to run out you dont die anymore you get teleported outside.
just wondering, regarding the teleport part: is there a chance it teleports you inside someone else standing there? not sure if it's a big deal but it's something that hit me while reading the changelog.
Good work otherwise <3
The lightning was rewamped to look like the original versions, like the small rooms where you can close the doors were very dark back in the day so zombies could hide in there, Yep forgot that ladder lol!So far I found those issues in this version:
1. The door area is very dark now, is this on purpose? Not sure that this is an improvement:
View attachment 20049
2. Ladders are missing:
View attachment 20050
3. The buttons in elevator can still be shot. I suggest to replace the glass by a real wall or insert a small wall but thick above the buttons.
I think everybody knows which one is meant... o7
- Fixed a missing texture
A small feedback after a first review:
Afair: The camp spot in elevator had been changed in a previous version so no crouching was necessary - now it's back to the oldschool version where you have to crouch (and might get easily stuck in roof).
Last but not least: I can still shoot the button at spawn elevator (and the slow one that only rides once per round). Would be great if you fix the spawn elevator buttons (and the slow elevator) too.
Bonus: Elavator doors aint opening at spawn if elevator isnt there - which was a bad change as it takes away a few options and doesnt really improve anything. Elevator should open no matter wethere it is up or down. Or had there been a reason that i forgot why we did this?
Plot twist: the button was never shootable in the first place and other players simple activated itCould the elevator button issue be possibly coming from a specific server setting?
I launched fix8 version of 4way on a local server and shot the spawn elevator button with every single weapon,and it never activated to go down.