A new forum! much more professional!


when life gives me lemons, I rtv
Staff member
Head Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
25 Mar 2010
Hi guys, you may have noticed that we changed forum,
due to that your password has been lost so you're required to use the "I forgot my password" system to recover it!

we're still working to fully replace the old forum with this one but if you have questions or suggestions ask here!

Greetings, Niko
Now I have to learn how to handle this new forum! =/
hehe ^^
It's nice to see you guys changed im more used to this style of forum and yeah more options and more proffesionall forum ! +1
why do you dont buy wbb3 :D?
this is so much better.
I've seen it on other forums and i must say it's a really good idea.
I though maybe you could set the chatbox public, i mean, i can't even use it anymore since i'm not admin on forum. I didn't receive any answers to my questions anyway on this so.. who cares