Denied# Abuse Report: Soup

3 Aug 2023
Admin's Name Soup

Time and date 2024-08-25 22:51:50

Server Zombie Hunting V3 by ElitE HunterZ

Hello everyone,

I was just permanently banned by Soup for no reason.

I was playing the game, round had just started. I was zombied. Then immediately banned.

It's not understandable why I was banned, I did nothing wrong and this was pure admin abuse - even other players that were there agree with me.

If there's a way to check the logs and to see whether I did any damage that would be great I would really, really appreciate it. All I remember is being zombied and getting banned, I wasn't even moving and I was alone.

Also, Saverok was online so it would be great if they could join this conversation too and give their input on what happened.

I also want to add this: recently, I called Soup a "nub" when I knifed him. He go very angry and warned me to not spam the chat with "nub", claiming that I do it too often and shouldn't do it. Saverok can attest to this, as I found what Soup was saying so ridiculous that I wanted to get his opinion on this matter - which Soup didn't seem to enjoy please check the logs. This happened during this game session.

What I think happened, is that Soup got angry with the conversation that we had 10 mins before, that he thought I knifed a zombie into humans and wrongfully banned me, seemingly as an act of revenge.

So, after that happened, I actually even messaged him, here on the forum. You can see, it was right after the ban, asking why I was banned. You can see his reply on the picture. A simple reply with the link to the admin abuse page here - not even a word which really is telling of his impression of me.

I also put a screenshot of my console where you can see that I did nothing wrong, I simply got zombied and banned in a split second.

I really think this was an act of revenge that really should be looked at.


Reporting an abuse is a serious matter. Do you hold all the proofs requested for an abuse request? Yes


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Even if I was online at the time, it's none of my business. But I have to say, he tried to explain to you several times and you didn't understand, so I intervened to explain and you still didn't understand. I respect the decision he made.

I am not going to intervene anymore, just provide this information.

Hello Madgrizzly (Aka Holydonut,Cademonium,salandpepper)

First things first,I would like to say that I only responded to you with a forum link,simply because I was heading off the computer at the time and matters like that are better handled publicly through forum unban requests and not via private messages.
That's just how things work.It has nothing to do with my poor impression of you as you falsely claim.

Off to talk about our conversation first.I explained multiple times that it is fine to call someone "noob" "trash" etc etc once in a while to let out some frustration off your chest (hell,I even do it sometimes if someone unwillingly blocks me or shoots a zombie into my face).There is nothing wrong about that. I specifically sat down and explained to you that you should stop repeatedly saying it every time you get a kill/get killed.And I could not care less if it's aimed towards me,a random player calling me a noob? No reason to be mad at that,I've been called a million times and it seems like an every day occurance I've been used to.The main reason I called you out is because I've warned you billions of times in the past about your provocative behavior and foul language,yet you still keep doing your thing,ignoring the admins,seeing yourself as a rebel and all.After all,you are not new to provoking admins and insulting.
Some of my past warnings include:

And so much more,honestly,I could be posting screenshots forever of you insulting,those are only the few recent ones..
To end this topic,I also said in-game,any other admin could have instantly gagged you,instead I patiently sat down and explained what you were doing wrong and how to stop it.As per usual,you didn't listen.But I let it slide since you stopped using the chat at that time.

Now on to the main thing,your THIRD (note that down please) permanent ban.
You should know,I was spectating you in-game way before our conversation started.Why is that? Admins tend to sit down from time to time and observe players who have troubled them in the past and haven't learned from their mistakes.You can guess the player I am talking about by simply looking at your mirror.
Players reported you in public and admin chat for Knifing zombies into teammates and Teaming.So I only put out a general warning at first since I never saw the action and then just watched you play.It didn't even take long before you actually knifed a Russian dude into 2 of your teammates,succesfully teamkilling them.
You obviously knew what you were doing and have done it so many times in the past,you are not new to rulebreaking.The irony is that you provide us with your console claiming it's proof you are innocent,yet we can clearly see the Russian player I am talking about getting the 2 kills and then you immediately getting infected right after(just above the logs you have highlighted).So thank you for that.
I also wonder if the "other players that were there and agree that I was power abusing" were also the ones that reported you,or if it's people that I've banned before and are just looking for a way to "get some kind of revenge" towards me.I wouldn't be surprised in any of the two scenarios.

Furthermore,I would like to point at that not only you had 2 of your previous accounts permanently banned,but you also had 7 chances in your 3rd account( see here: ,one of which we talked about together again,when I gave you 6 months off to redeem yourself and come back with a clean mind.Yet,you obviously didn't,and came back to do the same stuff again and again and again,expecting a different outcome(definition of insanity right there).Here is a forum link to refresh your memory: .
You are just..something else.

On a final note,I have to scream for it to be understood.

Concluding my statement,if it wasn't obvious enough,the ban will stay.
You had more than enough chances on 3 different accounts.If you wish to play again,I am pretty sure you have already set up your 4th account,just for it to get banned again.
I sincerely hope this is the last time we have to deal with you,I believe in changes.
Hello! Thanks @Saverok for replying - I understand and respect your take on this.

About what @soup said:

It's great that this is now cleared. I really hope that is the case. If you want, since you brought up the chat history, gag me I'm fine with that if you feel that's a punishment I deserve.

What I cannot agree with is the ban as it was unfair. I didn't boost any zombies.

we can clearly see the Russian player I am talking about getting the 2 kills and then you immediately getting infected right after(just above the logs you have highlighted)

This a map where as humans are often clustered together because there are no hiding spots.
Because of that usually people are infected very fast. What you say here - and ironically thank me for - doesn't prove I team. It just proves that we all got infected within seconds - which, again, happens often here.
In fact, you can see I do "Need backup" radio command, because I saw I was doomed and was going to be zombied a split second before we all get zombied.

.It didn't even take long before you actually knifed a Russian dude into 2 of your teammates,succesfully teamkilling them.
This is where we have our disagreement.

So what I suggest we do is that the damage logs from this moment are shared here.

I repeat I didn't boost any zombies. I wouldn't do that, especially with an admin, that I used to think has a special hate for me, specing me.

I understand that people who have been banned in the past have more scrutiny from admins, but this is unfair as I did nothing wrong.

So, if I did any damage - at this point I honestly do not remember - it was the left mouse click to slow him down, never to boost it.

Never boosted a zombie whatsoever and the logs will prove that.

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So, if I did any damage - at this point I honestly do not remember - it was the left mouse click to slow him down, never to boost it.

And that's what we disagree on. I 100% know what I saw. You were behind the zombie,the zombie was no threat to you,hell,wasn't even in your way.
But,you decided to walk sideways towards his back and knife him into the doorway on azdue,killing 2 of your teammates who were holding that corridor.
Do you really want me to believe that you willingly knifed a zombie,that wasn't even in your way,in the back to "slow him down"? Please..
I wouldn't do that, especially with an admin, that I used to think has a special hate for me, specing me.

I am not spectating because I hate anybody,why on earth would someone assume that?
It's part of the voluntary admin work.Sometimes you need to make sure everyone is having a good and fair game,and that part comes with spectating the usual suspects and also the people other players are pointing out to us through public/team/admin chat.

It's great that this is now cleared. I really hope that is the case. If you want, since you brought up the chat history, gag me I'm fine with that if you feel that's a punishment I deserve.

Consider it as yet another chance given. I never punished you for it,explained to you how to improve your chat behaviour,however,if you wish to continue like that,there will be consequences this time.
Even though I think you've already have wasted all of your chances to redeem yourself at this point,nothing to improve on.
And that's what we disagree on. I 100% know what I saw. You were behind the zombie,the zombie was no threat to you,hell,wasn't even in your way.
But,you decided to walk sideways towards his back and knife him into the doorway on azdue,killing 2 of your teammates who were holding that corridor.
Do you really want me to believe that you willingly knifed a zombie,that wasn't even in your way,in the back to "slow him down"? Please..
Sorry Soup, you are wrong.
I even did the radio command wanting backup because I was in danger.
If anything happened, I knifed him with the left mouse button. I am 100% sure of that. Never with the right button to send him to other humans.
As I said, why on earth would I team especially with an admin online?
Could you please share with us the damage log to clear this whole situation?
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If anything happened, I knifed him with the left mouse button. I am 100% sure of that. Never with the right button to send him to other humans.
At this point you are assuming I don’t know the difference between a left and a fight mouse click,that’s obsurd.
As I said, why on earth would I team especially with an admin online?
Your 2 already permanently banned accounts and the amount of bans on your third account say otherwise.Did you magically receive these bans ? I don’t think so. Obviously there was an admin online to issue those bans.And knowing most of the admins,it’s never an instant ban.Warnings come first,then punishment,then a kick/ban.So let’s say you got banned once for team killing= that must mean you did it multiple times in a few rounds.I just skipped 1 part because,well,you are not new to this.
Could you please share with us the damage log to clear this whole situation?
I don’t have a clue what you are referring to as “damage log” but I certainly don’t know the existence of it,let alone have access to it.i I don’t need a damage log to know when a zombie got launched by a left or a right click.

Seems like you are either too stupid to communicate or just simply don’t want to listen to admins and prove them wrong,as per usual.
Upon your refusal to acknowledge your wrongs,I will take the case to a SPA/HA.
My discussion with you ends here.
Seems like you are either too stupid to communicate or just simply don’t want to listen to admins and prove them wrong,as per usual.
Did you seriously just insult me? Really?

Again, all I am asking is that we see together whether I really knifed a zombie. And, if so, how much damage that made. Because that will prove that I didn't knife any zombies to any humans.
EDIT, after reading again your reply:

Look, I didn't insult you, and never have, and I really think that comment of yours was unnecessary.

My two cents: the way you are speaking here, publicly, kind of makes it seem that you really just have something against me and frankly hate me - which is fine. But, I didn't insult you, you didn't have to do it to me.

Back to the real issue here. You say I knifed a zombie towards humans. Would I be here if I thought I was at fault?

In fact, I was so, so stunned, about this ban that I messaged you here. Look at the message, please. Would I do that if I wasn't sure you made a mistake?

I am so so sure that I did absolutely nothing wrong, that I am asking is that we see together the damage that knife, that I honestly don't even remember, made.

I know I wouldn't do knife a zombie to humans, even more so with you specing me as I said. For the millionth time, I am so sure I did nothing wrong, that all I ask is to see how much damage I made. I know I didn't do anything wrong so, I have nothing to fear.

Once that is done, you'll see that I never teamed or knifed zombies into humans, and hopefully apologise to me for insulting me here and for banning me wrongfully.

You are literally calling everyone else a faggot and a retard,alongside other slurs almost every time you are playing,yet you are offended if someone calls you "stupid" ?

Nor did I heavily insult you,nor did I wrongfully ban you. I stick to my decision.End of discussion.
You literally did insult me. I didn't insult you, ever, Soup. In game or in the forums. I never once did. There's no need for you to be aggressive with me. I never was to you.

You constantly say "but you said this, or did this". Have you gagged me before for the way I speak to my friends in game? No, because it's all jokes and we have fun. Don't try to frame me again.

Once again, and because I always take a diplomatic approach, I won't reply to any further insults from you.

I'll just wait for the damage log to be put here, so you can see that if I knifed, it was with the left click, showing that I didn't team and that you made a mistake.

I'm going to intervene before it gets out of hand.

First thing: this is an abuse report, not an unban report, but I don't believe there is really an abuse on Soup's side.
Sure, saying nub or noob or bot by itself isn't a big deal, but you weren't even gagged for that, you were merely warned in conjunction with your behavior as clearly shown in the chatlog.

As for your ban, I'll pretend that this is an unban request.

We don't require our admins to constantly record while they play, we rely on their true testimony and reputation when it comes to offenses such as blocking, teaming, not following the game play etc

Our admins are volunteers, but they're professional volunteers, their motivation is to keep our servers enjoyable. Unless there is anything else indicating otherwise, we de-facto believe our admins word over our players word.

For this reason, after talking to Soup privately as well, I support his decision of issuing the ban given his experience as admin and his knowledge in ZM mechanics.

You're welcome to get a new account to play on our servers again, if you do, please obey the rules, be respectful and avoid being toxic in general. Your ban history speaks volumes unfortunately.

PS: there is no such thing as a damage report unfortunately. All there is, is a kill log, same as the one you have in your console.
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Thanks for your message Niko and for intervening in this delicate situation.

I understand that admins aren't required constantly record while they play or monitor the server - that would be impossible and impractical for everyone involved.

Given what you said, about the admins' roles in the server, I still don't think that Soup should have talked to me the way he did here.

I think it was unprofessional and frankly rude. As I said, I never once, offended him, there was no need for him to call me stupid in the forums.

I understand and respect that you decided to trust your admin.

After all, we are talking about one person's word against the other.

About this situation in specific, I stand by my words. I am absolutely sure that, if I had a .dem or if I had a damage log, this would be quickly seen as an honest mistake on Soup's side.

I still think that given this situation - where ultimately it's one persons' word against the other - no perma ban should be applied.

Let me know if this is something you are willing to consider.
