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when life gives me lemons, I rtv
Staff member
Head Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
25 Mar 2010
here we will announce everything you may need to know about the server community.

only head admins and special admins will be able to post here
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server #2 is not scoutzknivez and nomore zombie escape.
why? because the server was dead :(

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things has been cleared up and we finally discovered all the true.
as you know rocky has been recently hacked and after more than a week we understood all.

DAVID GUETTA, and only him (also known as Gringo <3) managed to guess rocky's password and take his account over.
cause of this we banned:
today we decided to unban god gold and espirit because they have done nothing to the account and they deserve to be able to play on our servers again.

Thank you, Niko
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eKO has now access to server 3 war for managing it from FTP. incase you need anything please refer to him. congratulations
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we have a new admin on server #1 zombiemod called NANO! welcome!
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server 4 gungame is now an Elite-Hunterz server with metamod and sourcemod installed
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!zstuck command now finally works!

thanks to a mate i have now we have a plugin that allows you to get unstucked by yourself by typing !zstuck
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access to those subforums is now restricted for HA only
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server #1 will soon have 55 slots and fresh plugins!!! i am currently reinstalling it as server #8 and it will be replaced in the night when no one will see ;) enjoy last day of "old server"!!!

by the way you feel free to post maps and suggestions in the proper section "elite-hunterz's servers"!!!!

your feedback is always appreciated!
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the server weirldy crashed and didnt restart anymore. fixed now. we are sorry
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server #1 zombiemod has been totally renewed today! we hope that this will get more players into our server!

have fun!

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ill fix it asap!
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Elite-HunterZ Tool!

Hello guys!
i today started learning C++ and i made this useful program for you all!

Elite-HunterZ MultiTools

what you can do with this little program:

-join servers by picking them there
-open the forum

todo list:
Give me a list!
I need to learn so it may take a while for me developing new versions!

known bugs:
*if you type a big number the program breaks and it will eat half of your CPU till you close it.

Report any you see!

and save it on your desktop!
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Hello to everybody.

You may be Like WHAT THE FUCK?

you are right.

well what happened?
i gave access to a friend of mine to the website ftp so that he could install for me a nice controlpanel that would allow us to restart servers and upload easily maps.
what he did? he did what i told him but at a point he got a problem with php and he decided by his own to install some kind of tool as ROOT user (administrator).
well he did something wrong and deleted the folder /opt that is the APACHE folder.
by doing this he deleted all our websites (the pointed domains) and ALL THE databases where we store all our datas (like forum's posts, bans, stats, admins...)

when i spotted it (i wasn't at home) i thought about a apache crash and i tried to restart it from remote. but then i saw that there wasn't an apache server anymore so i drove home immediately and started backing up.

what i could do:

i reinstalled APACHE + PHP + mySQL
i found a backup (LUCKILY!!!!!!!!!) of the forum from 6-7 days ago (27.5.2010)
imported it.

now we have again the forum luckily. i say that we are lucky because if i wouldn't have that backup we wouldn't have the forum anymore.

i cant find:
a backup of HLstatsX:CE
a full backup of Sourcebans (atleast not recent)

what i will do:
sourcebans will be restored as 4 months ago + all permabans we had till 2 weeks ago.
stats: will be resetted for all servers.

what's new after this FAIL:

new subdomains:
and the old one:

i will also make backups daily to be always sure we have all!

please help the community to get over this huge problem and try to be more active on the forum so we get all what we lost back.

i am truely sorry for what happened and i hope you will forgive me for this :(

yours, Niko
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Hi! i want to tell you that Autsch has been promoted SPA due to his great work for the community.
he will be able to support us with uploading maps, checking logs, checking configs, restarting servers and every tasks he needs to do as SPA!

Welcome and congratulations!
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Downtime planned today for about 2 minutes for server #1 #2 and #3
reason: replacing outdated addons with updated and more stable ones/ changing path of runnable binaries
when: in less than one hour
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only #1 has been updated with successful results, it is running more smoothy
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