[Application] Jumpin'

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3 Dec 2012
In-game name:
Jumpin' - Jumpyy Boyy'

19 in 2 weeks.


Steam username:

Can you speak english and german?:
Yes my english isn't so bad, and i can hardly speak German.

Clan history:
I've got many clan in the past because i like play and talk to the nice people. Many of my clan broke but my friend and me keeping the idea of staying together in a clan to have fun. But now, I want a strong clan with nice people who never broke. I was in B2H (Born To Hunt), DH (Deadly Hunterz), DR (Deadly Raper) and that's it.

Any serious bans before?:

Do you have a microphon?

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz:
As i said before, The Elite Hunterz clan is a strong clan, who've got only professional hunter. I play on this server for a very long time like 4 years, and i'm keeping playing on it. In fact, I never saw any server better than yours. The map, the people, the config, all thing are all right to play as well and have fun. Moreover, i know some member of Elite Hunter and i really would like to be in that clan.

Last but not least: tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc:
I'm living in France and i'm actually 18 Years Old. I can say that i'm a simple guy, I like joking with my friends, doing some party and meetting some new people. At the moment, I'm doing a Higher Technician Certificate in the IT (Infomation Technologie) who's during 2 years and I got a job who's related by that school. In fact, I'm working at my job for 2 week a month, and I'm studying at school for 2 week a month too. Then, I practice a sport that I love, the Taekwondo and I'm actually dark belt, first Dan. Moreover i'm playing football, and basketball sometimes with my friends.

Finaly, I wish you will enjoy my application and take the best consideration as possible.

Great player, friend, Best of wishes!
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