Bug Reports


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Head Admin
26 Mar 2012
Germany / Munich
To report bugs regarding the forum either post a screenshot or leave a message and describe the bug.

We will take care of it.

Thank you!
Screenshot_2013-09-02-18-24-11.pngNothing important, but this is on my phone, the writing overlaps (look at the tabs)
View attachment 2973Nothing important, but this is on my phone, the writing overlaps (look at the tabs)

Ran out of time before I got to computer so...

EDIT: Looks like that when my browser isnt full screen to;

Forum in full screen: http://gyazo.com/1e9bf224d366320741c7d15a88d11bf1
Forum in half screen: http://gyazo.com/267488d743d0048a1290cde4561c594a

EDIT 2: The calendar, when on the 'week' tab, the white parts are hard to read, for me: http://gyazo.com/8bddac9d10a36633494a6c601e42ea23 Not really a bug but though.

EDIT 3: Minor bug, but sometimes, for me, the 'APPLICATION FORMS' tab disappears.
Also: When on the tabs to the right of 'MEMBER MAP' the 'HOME' tab is highlighted, as if on the 'HOME' tab. This doesn't apply for the 'WEBCHAT' tab.
Last edited:
sss (2013-09-03 at 12.41.53).jpg

This indeed has always been an issue for me. I thought it would be fixed with the update/change, but apparently it didn't. The forum should be optimized for resolution of 1280x800 and above. Otherwise it's very difficult to browse with phones-tablets-low resolution laptops.

That aside, incredibly good looking layout.
Ran out of time before I got to computer so...

EDIT: Looks like that when my browser isnt full screen to;

Forum in full screen: http://gyazo.com/1e9bf224d366320741c7d15a88d11bf1
Forum in half screen: http://gyazo.com/267488d743d0048a1290cde4561c594a

The top menu issue is not a template problem. Let me put it to you like this: If you had a cup of water and you kept filling it with water, will the water eventually overflow and come out of the cup? Yes, this is the same thing which happens with the menu when you overload it with links. Does this make sense? I will remove some links and maybe add another navigation bar. But that's the only way.

EDIT 2: The calendar, when on the 'week' tab, the white parts are hard to read, for me: http://gyazo.com/8bddac9d10a36633494a6c601e42ea23 Not really a bug but though.
EDIT 3: Minor bug, but sometimes, for me, the 'APPLICATION FORMS' tab disappears.
Also: When on the tabs to the right of 'MEMBER MAP' the 'HOME' tab is highlighted, as if on the 'HOME' tab. This doesn't apply for the 'WEBCHAT' tab.
At that time i was just playing around with the app forms tab. The highlight issue is caused by vbulletin because those tabs refer to the "Home" section. Thus this tab is marked. I need to create a workaround for that.
To report bugs regarding the forum either post a screenshot or leave a message and describe the bug.

We will take care of it.

Thank you!
Me and a couple of mates just joined surf_utopia_njv EU and we encountered a bug, but we're not sure whether it's the server or just the recent update of csgo. Anyways, the bug is really weird. When I'm on T side, I can't hear Rony, but Rony can hear me. And Rony is CT. But I can hear Shutfiorever and a couple of other kiddo's. And they are CT too. Weird thing is. when Rony joins me in T side again, I can hear him, but Shutforever and his mates can't in CT. Same for spectator mode. I can hear Rony, but I have to !su him. So I think the mute plugin isn't working properly. Thought I'd inform you guys.
hey mate it's due to the new csgo update, this isn't really the place to be posting this though :p maybe use slack we already talked about it on there xD
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hey mate it's due to the new csgo update, this isn't really the place to be posting this though :p maybe use slack we already talked about it on there xD
Yeah I wasn't able to talk on Slack due to my internet security blocking it. Looking into it now.
Yeah I wasn't able to talk on Slack due to my internet security blocking it. Looking into it now.
Haha lol, why would it block something that is commonly used as a platform for businesses to talk to one another XD
After you kick a player on the glass_war server and he rejoins, you cant kick him anymore. Is this a bug?
Br, Antek
Just a little bug report, on surf_utopia I keep hitting random clips that bring my speed down to 0, this is usually on the corners or the first ramp.

Hope this helps, thanks
Sadly, that's an issue that we can't fix server-sided. It's caused by the ramp(s) being improperly made and to fix such an issue we'd have to decompile the map as a whole, remake all the ramps that have this issue, retexture them, recompile, test and hope it works for it to be reuploaded. It might look like I'm making this out to be harder than it actually is, but nevertheless remaking ramps identically and fixing ramp bugs is a lot harder than you'd imagine. I'm afraid you're just going to have to note down the places of the clips and avoid them :/
Sadly, that's an issue that we can't fix server-sided. It's caused by the ramp(s) being improperly made and to fix such an issue we'd have to decompile the map as a whole, remake all the ramps that have this issue, retexture them, recompile, test and hope it works for it to be reuploaded. It might look like I'm making this out to be harder than it actually is, but nevertheless remaking ramps identically and fixing ramp bugs is a lot harder than you'd imagine. I'm afraid you're just going to have to note down the places of the clips and avoid them :/
No I completely understand, worth bringing it up though. Thanks for replying though
Yeah, I've had similar issues and it's why some naps have fixes for them I believe, to fix those ramp glitches and smooth out the map. Kitsune has had a fix, Aircontrol... etc.
It's a tough thing to deal with on the more popular maps, especially when the map creators hadn't made them perfect beforehand. Then again, it's difficult for a few people to test a surf map because you may not catch those glitches.
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