[CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Ciudad Kaluga

Ciudad Kaluga

26 Jun 2024
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name Ciudad Caluga

SteamID STEAM_0:0:203887204

Ban/Gag reason aim

Desired outcome Lift my punishment

Statement of grounds
I was disconnected from the server with the reason - aim.
Please tell me what it is and who needs to write about me unbanned.
You were flagged by one of our anti-cheats for a possible aimbot. After spectating you for a while a couple of things stood out, firstly there were multiple times when you would be shooting at one target and then your aim would suddenly snap onto another player, and secondly, once you started using a weapon other than the autosniper your shooting could only be described as non-human, shooting single bullets at an extremely fast and consistent rate. Autoshoot or any other kind of cheat are not permitted on our servers.
As it turned out, I aim well even after a glass of whiskey. :) I don't need special programs for this.
Measured shooting is a special button on the mouse that presses the shots itself. If it can't be used, I'll stop doing it.
Please remove the ban from me.
Could you let me know what mouse it is that has this on it?
Logitech G604
A button on the side. If I hold it, it repeats pressing 2 or 3 times per second. It is very convenient to shoot.
I learned to shoot in the head about 20 years ago, as soon as I started playing CS. It is more effective than in the body. It's harder to hit, but you score more points at once.
For playing with cheats, I'm already very old.
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Alright, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here cause I wasn't super convinced by the aim while I was watching, it was just when you switched weapons that it started to look more odd so the few flicks in combination with the shooting all added up. When you play again please just shoot with the standard left click like everybody else, the way you were doing it (even if it's just on your mouse) is not allowed. Ban should be lifted now
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name Ciudad Caluga

SteamID STEAM_0:0:203887204

Ban/Gag reason aim

Desired outcome Lift my punishment

Statement of grounds
I was disconnected from the server with the reason - aim.
In the video recorded as the reason for the ban, I did not see anything that would indicate that I use cheats.


  • demo3.dem
    2.6 MB · Views: 332
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name Ciudad Caluga

SteamID STEAM_0:0:203887204

Ban/Gag reason aim

Desired outcome Lift my punishment

Statement of grounds
I was disconnected from the server with the reason - aim.
In the video recorded as the reason for the ban, I did not see anything that would indicate that I use cheats.
Please allow us some extra time while we review the ban
Apologies for the delay, we reviewed the demo and we decided that it is inconclusive, therefore I'm unbanning you.
I couldn’t find a topic to write in, maybe the admins will read it here.
Is it normal on this server when the player throws zombies up with a knife?
I couldn’t find a topic to write in, maybe the admins will read it here.
Is it normal on this server when the player throws zombies up with a knife?
Greetings Ciudad Kaluga,
As K4marad has already mentioned in the chatbox.
This action of the CT's knifing the zombies is not a crime as long as no other players (cts) are harmed or impaired by it.

If you experience something like this, please prepare a demo and report it in a separate post.
We will take care of your problem and solve it as soon as possible :)
Greetings Ciudad Kaluga,
As K4marad has already mentioned in the chatbox.
This action of the CT's knifing the zombies is not a crime as long as no other players (cts) are harmed or impaired by it.

If you experience something like this, please prepare a demo and report it in a separate post.
We will take care of your problem and solve it as soon as possible :)
I'm not talking about when it just cuts with a knife. And about when he throws a zombie with a knife on top of the defenders.
And how to make a demonstration?
Hey, i will help you real quick
CT's knifing the zombies is not a crime as long as no other players (cts) are harmed or impaired by it.
Kaito said just that, if they knife the zombie to the other cts on purpose thats against the rules!

For the demo, there is this thread where Niko explains:

Its a lot of text so i will copy a few steps quickly:

1. Open your in game console

2. Write 'record [name]' into the console

3. Join a server and record a rule breaker

4. Then write 'stop' in the console and you should see some text like "[name] saved 337.0 seconds"

5. To find the file go to this directory
Steam>steamapps>common>counter strike source>cstrike
And you should find it somewhere in the bottom