It is standard practice to issue a ban and then check the players prior ban history and adjust the current ban based on that. I would like to also say that in the message you sent me you claimed you were only doing what other players have also done, but this is not a defense for breaking our rules. However, you do also admit that you broke the rules, and looking at the logs I can see both that you joined the spectators team and that this is your only instance of rejoining in a significant period of time. While you should know the rules and be sure to follow them, Brot likely could have given you a warning in this case instead as bans should be a last measure and I do not see any indication that you have received a warning or done anything to deserve a warning.
Since you have served a good chunk of your ban I will reduce the length of your punishment to 8 hours, so you will no longer be banned, but I will leave the ban there as a part of your history to be used in the future should you break any rules again.
In the future please follow what Data said above and use the "!specme" command in chat rather than rejoining, as it is against our rules and you cannot claim ignorance of those rules again in the fut