Hey Boubble, thanks for your feedback. When i set up a server i always take a look at how other servers are with their settings. I copy the most common settings and then i try to improve them on my own, some people like these settings and some people don't and it's very hard to satisfy everyone.
I don't know where your idea comes from, another server perhaps? However that's something i'm not going to fix. If you've ever played competetive matchmaking you know about the warmup period where it's deathmatch for 2 minutes or something like that, terrorists spawn at t spawn and ct at ct spawn, it's very easy to take over a spawn and start spawnkilling which i think will happen at one point on the server if i go through with your idea.
The server has a "spawn with friendly's only" option though that works most of the time, but unfortunately it tends to skip that option sometimes and you spawn with enemys instead to then die directly. I've not found a fix for this yet and i think it's beyond of what i can do, i will have to wait for an update of the deathmatch plugin in order to fix that.
About spawn protection, i've had this talk with another player commming with feedback about the server (
We decided to reduce the spawn protection time to 1 instead of 2 seconds to make the player getting backstabbed by a new spawned player have chance to kill him.
I really appreciate your feedback though and if you have any other ideas you can always tell me about them. I also saw your private message and something i can do is to atleast make you admin on the csgo server. And that goes for all the zm admins we got here. If you're admin on ZM and play on our deathmatch server on CSGO, just pm me and i will give you admin on our deathmatch server too since that's something we really need.