Dropping a Hello!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Special Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
29 Mar 2010
Just giving you all a warm ello and greetings!

After a long (yet again) absence, due to busy life I was away indefinetely. Plus my steam wasn't working (again) which now also once more works and my schedule has become lots and lots easier!

So I'd like to welcome myself back here ^^ I still love this place, even after soo many years xD

Abit about myself for any who do not know me.

My real name is Roman, I come from Slovenia - a small southern European country. I'm 20 soon to be 21 and I've been a member of this community since the early days ^^ Yah I'm a veteran about this place!

For any who'd like to know me better, you will no doubt get the chance to see me ingame or here on the forums. Or if neither, I'll be off and on of Teamspeak :)

But for now I bid you all warm greetings!


Welcome back, man. It's been indeed a long time ^^
Welcome back babe <3
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good to see you back bud
Who is this guy?
Dean's worst nightmare I heard ^^
Welcome back Slovenian gangster, nice to see you alive and well!
Welcome buddy... nice to see you come back!
Welcome back AsHy good to have u back

i will be back in 1 month from vacation cu in teamspeak for sure :)
I hope so too cousin, I hope so too :)
So we all welcome u back but u only answer niko. Is he ur bitch or is it the opposite <3
You know it's not like that Pringles ;)

I'm as gratefull to everybody who's taken their time to say hello to me after a long time! I'm really glad! Didn't mean to make it seem like that ^^

But what Niko says is quite on the mark :p

Love you all really <3
Hey buddy! Welcome back.