Eh :D

Sajco Lucky Headshoot

Well-Known Member
EliteHunterz Clan Member
Ex Admin
26 Nov 2012
In-game name: Sajco lucky headshoot , Crazy sajco.

Age: 19

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:31649048

Steam username: jasminjasmin177

Can you speak english and german?: no only english, but i know swedish and bosnian also if that matters.

Clan history: i have been in THD,DH,DR and Zr clans

Any serious bans before?: nope only bans like 2 years ago.

Do you have a microphon?: No i dont :(

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz (This is important): Well i have been playing here long time and through all my years ive noticed that this is the only serious clan that will remain long time and that still is the most sucsesful one. i would like to become a part of this ''family'' and try making it better for everyone. i remember when i was new i saw many of you like wow awsome guys and how you teamed upp agains many zombies while i couldent control 1 of them .. but now i feal like im good enough to be by your side and team up beacuse i like to have no blockers and 1 or 2 friends by my side that will watch my back and i watch theirs even tho they might steal kills :p. I allways wanted to be part of eh sence my first day on server beacuse i heard abouth you and i tried to improve my skills and so i could join the clan one day. peace :D

Where you referred to this clan? If Yes, Who referred you?: Nobody

Last but not least:tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc: I like going out and be with girls and friends i like to drive around with my car and when its bad day i like to stay home and play until my ass hurts. I do studdy and its going pretty well at the moment and hopefully it will continue this way until im finished and having a great jobb, well thats it and i got a dog but you allready know that sence my last apply for admin i supose bye :D
Scandinavians... Scandinavians everywhere!
Scandinavians... Scandinavians everywhere!
I told you guys a few months ago, now the northern invasion is obvious... And i'm afraid it is too late to stop it xD

Anyway, good luck mate =D
good luck mate
Sorry you DECLINED

We will not be recruiting new members for the time being. Better luck in the next application session.

Elite HunterZ Recruiter AsH
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Like i said above. DECLINED.

Better luck next time!

Elite HunterZ Recruiter AsH