Changelog based on all changes from 21st of April 2015:
-changed !rank command to rank so the server accept the command again !rank isn't an available command.
-changed !timeleft command to !timeleft for the same reason.
-changed the GameUi Titel of the Elitehunterz Menu from "Elite HunterZ Beta V2" to "Elite HunterZ Beta V2-Edited"
-Added a new Button in the Elitehunterz Menu called "Elite HunterZ Forum" to directly link into the forum by pressing on the button.
-Changed the name from the Button Labels "Elite HunterZ Gruppe Admin" & "Elite HunterZ Group Admin" to "Elite HunterZ Admin Gruppe" & "Elite HunterZ Admin Group".
-Fixed an error where "Elite Hunterz GUI Updates"-Label didn't show up correctly. (Now you can directly get to the forum-topic where every updates would be downloadable.
-deleted the Quake command out of the GUI because there isn't any quake plugin set on any servers currently.
-changed the Minigame Server IP from "" to "" to get the new IP set into the Game-Menu
-Changed the Bunnyhop Server IP from "" to "" to get the new IP set into the Game-Menu
-Added V4 Server to the Serverlist so everyone can press on v4 and connect on it now