[Go-Free SURF] jengelstengel
Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:36601961
What is your ingame name: TME.T_ONE
Link to your steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198033469651/
Where do you live (At least specify from which country): Assen, The Netherlands
How old are you? (please be honest, there is no need to lie as there is no age limit, only maturity counts): 18 years
Do you speak any other languages other than English: Dutch, a bit of French, and a bit of German
What is your timezone? (Please use UTC): At this moment it is summer time, so +0200 UTC,. IN about half a year it will be +0100 UTC
What server(s) do you usually play? (related to GoFree surf ones): I love to surf in CS:GO and just recently found your surf servers. I checked out your website and found even more servers! I mostly surf and occasionally play some ranked or other normal game modes with some friends.
Why would you like to be admin on our servers? This is the most important question!: I love all the friendly people on the servers. Everyone just enjoys doing there own thing, but if anyone needs help with a particular map there will always be someone helping out. I was thinking about running my own surfing server, but then I found this! Even better
I'd love to be an Admin on one of your servers, because I can be online a lot (especially in the evenings), so I'd love working with everyone. I have experience with scammers (lost my knife -_- ) so I know how to handle with difficult people.
Tell us something about yourself: I'm 18 years old and I live in a town with around 40,000 people. At the moment I am studying Human Technology, where I'm in the first year. In my free time I play volleyball, and go to gym to keep myself healthy. I have played the guitar since I am 6 years old and recently picked up the piano.
I also enjoy playing DotA 2 and CS:GO with friends, or Surfing on CS:GO if no-one is around or when I'm feeling like it. I'm not that good of a surfer, but I am improving!
I also picked up a Rubik's Cube recently that I can now solve in under 3 minutes, which isn't that impressive of a time, but it's something
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