thanks for all :>
Anytime buddy! Please don't hesitate to let us know if you run into anymore issues, we're here to help!
thanks for all :>
loentra isn't loadable, even after deleting my map files and downloading the map from the server, i still get kicked for having the wrong version of the map.
jusched has landmark ~halfway through the map during a down spin that (i think) makes the map impossible.
mdrn also has a landmark during a falling section towards the end of the map, you have the option to go left or right just before this part, but on either side i wasn't able to make it to the bottom
gettingharder 10 stage t3 was added, actual map is 20 stage tier 6
i still can't get on loentra for same reason as above
bonuses on not_so_zen are out of order, and the times players have got don't seem to match up to how the bonuses are in order currently. for example right now b1 is pyrism stage, which is supposed to be b5 and about ~30 seconds, meanwhile the 6 times on it are all 17-18 seconds. the order of the bonuses is doesn't really matter i suppose, the unbeatable times tho should probably be removed.
the end zone on motion1_easy is misplaced, there's a room below the area it's placed on top of
surf_apollonian stage 9 has a door that's supposed to open that stays closed, making the stage/map incompletable
checking to see if you have any plans on adding sinsane2 ;x
i got the map file from sneaks server if you need it: