Ideas to populate v1 server again


19 Apr 2024
Hi, I have a few a ideas to re-populate v1 servers again. I haven't been on this forums for too long so Im not sure if any of these things has already been tested. Been playing for the last years in EH tho (with long breaks). I am an old zm player (2007) and been admin on several communities (main ones being Extreme Network and Famous Hunterz), I know a lot of great maps that people used to love and still love.

So this would be the (short) list with the most important ideas:

1 - Allowing all weapons to be available, I think most people don't play this server due to the weapon restrictions, just let it be like v3.
2 - Add great old school maps (like zm_roy_the_ship, zm_onadega, zm_little_city_v6, zm_hospital & other lila panic versions - Yes I know some of these maps might be in Special Map list, but I mean to add them as regular maps). Can provide a list with some old gg zm maps from gamebanana if needed.
3 - Although this is a zm server, I'd suggest to add 2 or 3 hybrid ZE/ZM maps like zm_atix_helicopter (people ALWAYS love this map) or zm_atix_panic - so players have the option to vote/nominate them. This would make the server more dynamic while still maintaining its structure.
4 - Make v1 more focused on barricade building type of server, so it can be differentiated from v3 (not full barricade, but like 70% barricade + 30% hunting+camping / v3 looks the opposite: (70% hunting/camping + 30% barricade), so I think it would be a good idea to have both styles.

I probably have more ideas but these are the main ones. What are your thoughts on this? Lets discuss 😇

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I think that autosnipers should not be allowed on v1, but m249, it’s strange that it’s banned
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I think that autosnipers should not be allowed on v1, but m249, it’s strange that it’s banned
Yeah you could be right, would make more sense in this kind of server. Also I don't know either why m249 is banned ^^
I think that autosnipers should not be allowed on v1, but m249, it’s strange that it’s banned
M249 is simply banned because on V1 a zombie's base health is 2.5k and mother zombie goes up to 5k and with the sheer amount of bullets in the mag the m249 holds not only he can easily kill a normal zombie with half of the mag,but also take down a mother zombie one if he lands all of his shots.
And that's only if we consider 1 person holding the m249,let alone 2 or more..
Also,M249 has poor mobility and V1's concept is to be as fast as possible as a human,holding specific guns which greatly support hunting and being mobile (SMG and SHOTGUNS).
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Hi, I have a few a ideas to re-populate v1 servers again. I haven't been on this forums for too long so Im not sure if any of these things has already been tested. Been playing for the last years in EH tho (with long breaks). I am an old zm player (2007) and been admin on several communities (main ones being Extreme Network and Famous Hunterz), I know a lot of great maps that people used to love and still love.

So this would be the (short) list with the most important ideas:

1 - Allowing all weapons to be available, I think most people don't play this server due to the weapon restrictions, just let it be like v3.
2 - Add great old school maps (like zm_roy_the_ship, zm_onadega, zm_little_city_v6, zm_hospital & other lila panic versions - Yes I know some of these maps might be in Special Map list, but I mean to add them as regular maps). Can provide a list with some old gg zm maps from gamebanana if needed.
3 - Although this is a zm server, I'd suggest to add 2 or 3 hybrid ZE/ZM maps like zm_atix_helicopter (people ALWAYS love this map) or zm_atix_panic - so players have the option to vote/nominate them. This would make the server more dynamic while still maintaining its structure.
4 - Make v1 more focused on barricade building type of server, so it can be differentiated from v3 (not full barricade, but like 70% barricade + 30% hunting+camping / v3 looks the opposite: (70% hunting/camping + 30% barricade), so I think it would be a good idea to have both styles.

I probably have more ideas but these are the main ones. What are your thoughts on this? Lets discuss 😇

As I mentioned in the shoutbox:

1- The solution to populate V1 is simply not having another V3. Yeah people don't play on it because of the weapon restrictions but also people don't hunt nowadays.V1 is the OG of EliteHunterz,server has a hunting background for years ( from 2009 up until 2019 I believe when the server was completely).That's 10 years of hunting maps,and It should stay that way.

2- All of the maps you have mentioned are currently in the special map list for V3. Special map means that the map is unbalanced or has unfair spots that need admin supervision,therefore cannot be played when there is no admin online.
Regarding zm_roy_the_ship specifically there are plenty of explanations given on why that map got removed and will not be added again,you can check previous answers on add/remove maps suggestions thread.
So adding special maps to V1's normal rotation when barely any of them can make it to normal rotation on V3? Instant no.

3- Alternate ze maps such as atix themed ones,are also available in the special map list on V3,and as mentioned in suggestion number 2,special maps from V3 will simply not make it to V1's normal rotation.
These maps are based on camping to spots until the chopper arrives,these maps do not support hunting.

4- Again.just like all of the suggestions you named above,it seems to me that you are trying to make another V3 out of V1,by simply changing the identity of the server to a camping one,all of your suggestions do not encourage hunting at all.
Besides that,explore V1's available maps from normal rotation and you can find that many of them have rooms to barricade yourself with props. (YES, V1 also has camping options for people who possibly wanted to take a break from hunting these zombies)
M249 is simply banned because on V1 a zombie's base health is 2.5k and mother zombie goes up to 5k and with the sheer amount of bullets in the mag the m249 holds not only he can easily kill a normal zombie with half of the mag,but also take down a mother zombie one if he lands all of his shots.
And that's only if we consider 1 person holding the m249,let alone 2 or more..
Also,M249 has poor mobility and V1's concept is to be as fast as possible as a human,holding specific guns which greatly support hunting and being mobile (SMG and SHOTGUNS).
That's how it is. I didn't notice that zombies have less hp in V1
As I mentioned in the shoutbox:

1- The solution to populate V1 is simply not having another V3. Yeah people don't play on it because of the weapon restrictions but also people don't hunt nowadays.V1 is the OG of EliteHunterz,server has a hunting background for years ( from 2009 up until 2019 I believe when the server was completely).That's 10 years of hunting maps,and It should stay that way.

2- All of the maps you have mentioned are currently in the special map list for V3. Special map means that the map is unbalanced or has unfair spots that need admin supervision,therefore cannot be played when there is no admin online.
Regarding zm_roy_the_ship specifically there are plenty of explanations given on why that map got removed and will not be added again,you can check previous answers on add/remove maps suggestions thread.
So adding special maps to V1's normal rotation when barely any of them can make it to normal rotation on V3? Instant no.

3- Alternate ze maps such as atix themed ones,are also available in the special map list on V3,and as mentioned in suggestion number 2,special maps from V3 will simply not make it to V1's normal rotation.
These maps are based on camping to spots until the chopper arrives,these maps do not support hunting.

4- Again.just like all of the suggestions you named above,it seems to me that you are trying to make another V3 out of V1,by simply changing the identity of the server to a camping one,all of your suggestions do not encourage hunting at all.
Besides that,explore V1's available maps from normal rotation and you can find that many of them have rooms to barricade yourself with props. (YES, V1 also has camping options for people who possibly wanted to take a break from hunting these zombies)
Simply by this answer you're basically telling me that you're not going to change anything, thus the server is still gonna be empty forever:

"1- The solution to populate V1 is simply not having another V3. Yeah people don't play on it because of the weapon restrictions but also people don't hunt nowadays.V1 is the OG of EliteHunterz,server has a hunting background for years ( from 2009 up until 2019 I believe when the server was completely).That's 10 years of hunting maps,and It should stay that way."

I get that it is an OG server, but it is not working anymore, that's why I suggested these ideas. And yes many ideas are taken from v3 because it has great concepts.... Im sure it won't be a copy of v3. It would share similarities (they have to because it is what works). I think people would play both honestly, depending on what they want. Just having completely different maps than v3 alone would make a huge difference of choices for the players. From what I've read you guys been trying to populate the server again but nothing has worked, I think this definetly would work.

I also feel like you are afraid of splitting the player base between the 2 servers. Honestly I don't think that this would happen, server is full or almost full most of the time, I think most people would still keep playing v3, but v1 would also be a real option with more players in it.

Also about the maps, there's still a bunch of other gg zm maps, just would need some testing before adding obviously.

I understand your feelings/explanations and I know what v1 represents for the community, but right now it is just one of these empty old servers. Why keep something that doesn't work? With all respects, you could delete the server aswell and it would be the same.

But you can't change something that doesn't want to be changed I guess.
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Simply by this answer you're basically telling me that you're not going to change anything, thus the server is still gonna be empty forever:

"1- The solution to populate V1 is simply not having another V3. Yeah people don't play on it because of the weapon restrictions but also people don't hunt nowadays.V1 is the OG of EliteHunterz,server has a hunting background for years ( from 2009 up until 2019 I believe when the server was completely).That's 10 years of hunting maps,and It should stay that way."

I get that it is an OG server, but it is not working anymore, that's why I suggested these ideas. And yes many ideas are taken from v3 because it has great concepts.... Im sure it won't be a copy of v3. It would share similarities (they have to because it is what works). I think people would play both honestly, depending on what they want. Just having completely different maps than v3 alone would make a huge difference of choices for the players. From what I've read you guys been trying to populate the server again but nothing has worked, I think this definetly would work.

I also feel like you are afraid of splitting the player base between the 2 servers. Honestly I don't think that this would happen, server is full or almost full most of the time, I think most people would still keep playing v3, but v1 would also be a real option with more players in it.

Also about the maps, there's still a bunch of other gg zm maps, just would need some testing before adding obviously.

I understand your feelings/explanations and I know what v1 represents for the community, but right now it is just one of these empty old servers. Why keep something that doesn't work? With all respects, you could delete the server aswell and it would be the same.

But you can't change something that doesn't want to be changed I guess.
It was not long ago actually,1 or 2 years ago there were Tuesday and Saturday events hosted and people showed up and played,once we even managed to gather 35-40 people,which was impressive.
But after 1 hour of playing,people realised they cannot camp to survive and they failed to try to hunt,so what did they do? They just disconnected,went straight back into V3 and grabbed their autosniper to camp.
It's not about being afraid to split the player base as you say,but it's about 2 different gameplay styles,V3 has a camping playstyle for the most part,and V1 has a hunting playstyle for the most part,hence why people dont play on it anymore.
Players don't want to hunt,they want to camp and survive.

Why keep something that doesn't work? With all respects, you could delete the server aswell and it would be the same.

Server is being kept for test purposes for us admins mostly but people can also hang out while they are waiting for a spot to fill up on V3.
Sometimes a word is out like "let's play some v1 y'all" and around 10-15 people join up and we play.Sometimes even 20.
Yeah server might be dead for the most part,but completely abandoned and without a purpose is far from the truth.

But you can't change something that doesn't want to be changed I guess.

To be fair,that's about the only thing that I can agree on with you.
Only with one difference: "You can't change something that doesn't want to be changed" I would mostly point that towards the players,and not the servers.

Most people want to camp,you can't change that,but you also can't change the whole theme of the server in the first place to match that playstyle. That's the whole reason this community is called "Elite Hunterz"
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now im not sure how big and active this discord thing u guys are running is but why not do those tuesday and saturday gatherings u guys used to do again and try to reach the community that is interested in such a playstyle through that?

if there is nobody interested to manage/host those gatherings for the people interested then id say that some should tone down their "this is how u play zm", "this is how to play this map" when this praised playstyle isnt really possible on v3.
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now im not sure how big and active this discord thing u guys are running is but why not do those tuesday and saturday gatherings u guys used to do again and try to reach the community that is interested in such a playstyle through that?

if there is nobody interested to manage/host those gatherings for the people interested then id say that some should tone down their "this is how u play zm", "this is how to play this map" when this praised playstyle isnt really possible on v3.

I respect @v_v for providing his ideas to revive a beloved for all of us server and I respect him even more for putting them on the table for discussion and I think that is a good discussion for all of us.

As he also said,this is a discussion thread regarding ideas how to revive V1,so please if you have something to say,that would be to provide some valid points to counter mine,or even spit out some ideas of your own maybe( if you even have any that is),instead of scolding me for things I never said and on top of that acting like you are not on the discord,unless someone else is using your name,which I highly doubt.

I never told anyone "this is how you play zm" or "this is how you play this map",my message is written right above yours,read it carefully,I said that people mostly prefer to camp in order to survive and I can't change that and have to go with it,but I personally wouldn't go as far to make "camping" changes to a "hunting" server.

Let's not make this a debate,I say that if anyone wants to participate in the coversation should provide points to prove me wrong or suggest any ideas of his own.Myself,personally,as well as the rest of EH team/management will carefully read them and evaluate them as best as we can.
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so please if you have something to say,that would be to provide some valid points to counter mine,or even spit out some ideas of your own maybe( if you even have any that is)
I did make a suggestion or how you phrase it "a valid point to revive v1" which is to do those gatherings again and by communicating on discord about it. And by all means, i didnt try to counter any of your points at all, what i saw by skimming through this thread (i aint reading allat) was you mentioning those gatherings and because EH got that discord server, which bqck then wasnt the case, i thought it would help with the communication about those gatherings.

instead of scolding me for things I never said and on top of that acting like you are not on the discord,unless someone else is using your name,which I highly doubt.
Now i have no idea what you are seeing on discord because i literally havent been using it for like 10 months. yes i remember i joined that server and that account is still on there i guess(?). The account has been deactivated for multiple months now, hence why i said that i dont know how big that discord is, even though i have no idea what my discord activity or account got to do with reviving v1.

I never told anyone "this is how you play zm" or "this is how you play this map",my message is written right above yours,read it carefully,I said that people mostly prefer to camp in order to survive and I can't change that and have to go with it

I never told anybody who is directed with the word "some" and i also didnt think about you when writing that, so if that was what provoked you into writing such a passive aggressive message directed to me i suggest you read my message thats directly over urs carefully. I think the people who wrote something like that will know who i mean by that, i never directed any part of my message to you, which i dont mean in a bad sense.

Myself,personally,as well as the rest of EH team/management will carefully read them and evaluate them as best as we can.

Leave it to the rest of EH team pls🤲🙏
Nah thats just a joke, if anybody id want you to evaluate them since you are good and passionate with it, i guess you just felt like my message was directed to you which in all honesty wasnt directed to you in anyway except that you judge my suggestion with the return of those gatherings. No hard feelings from me, and no more unnecessary long responses to a single person that isnt helping this thread in anyway from me either.

Btw what do you mean by "i never told anyone 'this is how you play zm' or...", i look at another thread and legit 5 minutes after you wrote this message you wrote a message exactly like that xd?
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I don’t know if there was such an idea here, but since the topic of “Renaissance” version 1 came up, I propose this:

Make an analogue of "Zombie Boss". Someone alone becomes a zombie with 20k hp (this is just an example) Make sure that the guns push him away very little, so that people cannot squeeze him in the corner. He will infect people, and then continue as usual. The main thing is to kill the zombie boss, and then the people will win. You can somehow change the rules of the game, change some aspects, but I think this is a really good idea.

This version will be different from the standard camping in v3
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Would it be possible to enable all weapons for 50% of the rounds (or every third round or something.)? Gameplay might not be optimal, but could attract v3 players.
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As an option, you can also do a random distribution of weapons! That is, the round has begun, and each player is given one random primary weapon and one random pistol. Some element of randomness. Players can also exchange weapons if they can come to an agreement. In my opinion, this is a cool idea that also diversifies the gameplay
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I also got another idea. Combine minigames and zombie mode. Each round will have a different kind of event, for example:

1. All players are reduced by 50%
2. Player speed increased by 1.5 times
3. Round with shotguns only
4. Gravity reduced
5. Jumping disabled

And everything like that. I think it will be fun, and thanks to this, players will definitely complete v1
You can come up with a bunch of new ideas that will diversify the gameplay and keep players from getting bored. Just imagine these exclamations when, let’s say, the event “Players no longer become human when they die” began. Everyone was like “Oooh yeah, now it’s going to be hot”
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I also got another idea. Combine minigames and zombie mode. Each round will have a different kind of event, for example:

1. All players are reduced by 50%
2. Player speed increased by 1.5 times
3. Round with shotguns only
4. Gravity reduced
5. Jumping disabled

And everything like that. I think it will be fun, and thanks to this, players will definitely complete v1
You can come up with a bunch of new ideas that will diversify the gameplay and keep players from getting bored. Just imagine these exclamations when, let’s say, the event “Players no longer become human when they die” began. Everyone was like “Oooh yeah, now it’s going to be hot”
No thanks. We have tried to revive V1 for many years, but like soup said people enjoy camping more. v1 will not turn into v3 because also like soup said we do enjoy to play from time to time and we can get a few players to play. also its used for testing new maps and practicing bhops and tricks :D
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