Okay I've taken a look at all the maps.
First of all, i think the map is a little too big, perhaps you should remove the tunnels. Also it's a snow map, so it will only be added when it's Christmas. Perhaps you should edit that, if you want it to be on the server the whole year. Also the players hate dark maps, so perhaps make it a bit brighter.
Also here's a few pictures of things that perhaps should be fixed.
The snow on each of the boxes needs a little fix, you can't jump on the box if you're too close to the box. And those hallways should perhaps be removed, they make an OP camp-spot for Humans.
Great map! Added and replaced the old version(s)
Nice map, but it's a bit too much like cbble, perhaps you should edit some things, the players love cbble, but we don't need more of the same maps, unless you're fine with the map only being a special map.
Also here are some texture bugs that needs to be fixed.
The map has potential, but you gotta fix those colors xD They're literally hurting my eyes, also there are some OP camp-spots that needs a little fix.
Nice job with the map, but it's a little too big, imagine if only 10 players are ingame, that would be like finding a needle in a haystack.
In my opinion this area could be removed.
For now
zm_eh_hospitalc Has been added.
hi everybody, can we finally remove this map "temple" ? most of the player don't like it, and this map as nothing to do in zm imo. I dont need to develop more why or what that map should be removed everyone knows that she's sick and even admins left at each time that she's played... thanks for answering.
Perhaps it can be removed, i have thought about it already, but if it gets removed a new map should be added. Anyone got an idea?
Regards Klovn