New models! Show us your favourite skin!

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Head Admin
26 Mar 2012
Germany / Munich
We are going to introduce new models for zombies and humans on our zm servers. These models will be mainly used for VIP skins but we may also provide an additional public model.
So, this is your chance to suggest your favourite skin and it may get implemented.

But before posting please make sure that your model fits the following conditions:

  • It has to have the approximated height of the current models (no crawling or supersized models)
  • It has to be appropriate for zombiemod (no aliens or sailormoon models)
  • It has to be a server-side model (on gamebanana it's ONLY this category)
Either post a screenshot or a link but please make sure that we can see how it looks like.
After we've collected enough models, there will be a final vote.

Possible sources:
Your own game folder! Once you've played on a gameserver with custom models, you've automatically downloaded these. By using Source SDK Model Viewer you're able to view them and you probably want to post a model as suggestion. See instructions here: Source SDK - Model viewer: How to take screenshots

Let's see what you've got!
Saying the word "mainstream" is also way too "mainstream", I guess.
Found two nice zombie models in my game directory

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On Friday noon this thread will be closed and i will open a poll. Only models which meet the requirements will be picked.

If everything proceeds as expected we are going to have new models the next week :)

Btw: One funny CT model (like Batman or The Joker) will be implemented aswell.

New thread!-Vote-now!
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