Nomination issue?


19 Apr 2024
Hi, I have been seeing this for a long time. So, sometimes Im the first one to nominate a map, but when the vote arrives, other map is in the top to vote. I review the chat and no one else nominated a map before me, so how is it possible? Is a map randomly always the first or how does it work? Please explain, because Im considering VIP but not if nomination system doesnt work.... thank you
As far as my knowledge goes, if you're the first one to nominate a map it will stay as the first map choice ''button 4'' in-game whenever the map meny pops up.
I'm usually the first one to toss out an nomination time to time and my nomination always stays, if you leave the server and reconnect your nomination will be removed.
There was a problem where a map was missing yet it was on the nomination list so if you nominated that specific map it would replace it with a random one, but that's fixed now

Havn't heard anyone else experiencing this yet as most people seem to get their nominations where they want them, and it's not randomized
I'd suggest trying it out more to make sure you didn't miss something and report back if the issue still persists.
(I'd also recommend considering VIP, the benefits are balanced and worth it in my opinion :>)
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Looking back through the last few days of logs, you nominated a map 36 times, 5 times you were the first nomination, 2 times it was your nomination that was voted for. All 3 times it wasn't selected, you had nominated the same map, so maybe people would just rather play something different
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I think some VIP put a bind to nominate as soon as they join. So if you join seconds later after the map changes, you wont see it in the chat.
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I think some VIP put a bind to nominate as soon as they join. So if you join seconds later after the map changes, you wont see it in the chat.

That would explain it for me. I have also backtracked the chat, while in game, a few times having found no one nominating before me
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As far as my knowledge goes, if you're the first one to nominate a map it will stay as the first map choice ''button 4'' in-game whenever the map meny pops up.
I'm usually the first one to toss out an nomination time to time and my nomination always stays, if you leave the server and reconnect your nomination will be removed.
There was a problem where a map was missing yet it was on the nomination list so if you nominated that specific map it would replace it with a random one, but that's fixed now

Havn't heard anyone else experiencing this yet as most people seem to get their nominations where they want them, and it's not randomized
I'd suggest trying it out more to make sure you didn't miss something and report back if the issue still persists.
(I'd also recommend considering VIP, the benefits are balanced and worth it in my opinion :>)
Thanks for the explanation! Wasn't sure if that was how it worked so I was confused and unsure if my nomination was working. Yes considering VIP, just looking to have a bit more time to play

Looking back through the last few days of logs, you nominated a map 36 times, 5 times you were the first nomination, 2 times it was your nomination that was voted for. All 3 times it wasn't selected, you had nominated the same map, so maybe people would just rather play something different
Wait, you can see that?! 36 times for the same map is a lot dont you think? I feel ashamed 😈

I think some VIP put a bind to nominate as soon as they join. So if you join seconds later after the map changes, you wont see it in the chat.
Yep, that was one of my "theories", that's probably what happened ^^
Not 36 times for the same map, just in general over the past few days that is the number of times you nominated something
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