
Ex Admin
2 Feb 2012
Dear EH admins and members i want to report a player who is just no fun to play at all and i think he used speedhack but thats not my biggest concern since i have no proof for it.

I wanted to report Anonymous Congo because of his FOUL USE OF LANGUAGE!!! It is disgusting and racist and i have NEVER seen anyone talk like this on your servers! I was just playing on V3 and ive played with him before and it is no FUN AT ALL! And there are never any admins to do anything about it! I love playing on your servers but when people like this play, its just no fun at all!! Here is my proof, i know you can check his chat history on the website but id like to put some things that he said! :

yea, me and avo fucked your mom.
cemo = son of a whore.
and then i fucked cemos other.
with my big dick.
i fucked she 1000 times.
no, ask your mother, the vagina of your whore mother is very big.
warte ab ich fick noch deine mom.
ich fick deine schwester.
was willst du scheiss türke?.
deine schwester entjungfern.
scheiss türke.
ebend nicht du sohn einer schlampentochter.
ich bin kein scheiss türke du hurensohn.

I could go on with the list but ill let you guys read it for yourself, and all of this occurd in a period of an hour or two. Everysingle time he plays he starts with this same sh*t (excuse my language but its really annoying to see that players like him are allowed to play on your servers!)
I also saw him speed hack today 30 mins ago however i do not have any proof for that :( But next time i will try and get proof. If you could please be so kind and so something about this! I am sure it will be appreciated by all the players and not just me!

Yours Sincerely
Forgot this STEAM_0:0:5780050 :)
Nice Joke, or?
And of cause the others havent do anything, hmm?
And of cause i was the only idiot who trolled, or?
Maybe copy the HOLE chat? There was 3 bobs, who trolled me. Why you havent said this?
And Speedhacking? Okay now you going to be a failer. Srsly!
I Jumped on the Lift right to his (Victims Place) with a huge of Speed, and thats for you speedhacking?
Go back to CS. 1.6 or Tetris, if you havent any idead of CSS.
Banned for 1 month i hope it will serve you as a good leasson!
Banned for 1 month i hope it will serve you as a good leasson!

Are you jokeing me?
Srsly maxgs, wake up.

Nikoo, whats do you say, before i write again 1k words?
1 MONTH? I know, that maxgs i hateing me. I dont now why. Maybe Avollaj is crying the hole day for a bann or something else.
Yes, you are right Nikoo. I say it too, iam a troll, but banned for one month? I havent any serious banns before (only 2 banns, not longer as 24h). I can understand, if you bann me 1-2 weeks & after i flaming again to hard longer. But for the "first" time, such a long bann is really sick.
1 Month is to long, srsly...1-2 weeks is okay, but 1 Month??

/flame on
Thats high entertaiment

i banned avollaj for 1 week, his insults were lighter than yours, yours were much worse, that's why such long banlenght, also you were banned few days ago for abusive language already so you knew the rules and you can't deny that.

also trolling is not an alias of "insulting" which is what you did. trolling is something else.

also i didn't ban you but maxgs so it was and it is his decision how long the ban should be.
i banned avollaj for 1 week, his insults were lighter than yours, yours were much worse, that's why such long banlenght, also you were banned few days ago for abusive language already so you knew the rules and you can't deny that.

also trolling is not an alias of "insulting" which is what you did. trolling is something else.

also i didn't ban you but maxgs so it was and it is his decision how long the ban should be.

okay Nikoo, thanks for your post.
yea, i know, that maxgs have banned me but i like to talk with you. you were such seriousler as maxgs ;)
i accept your bann and i will wait the month.
greets ACB.
L 02/20/2012 - 17:54:02: "AVOBOB<4029><STEAM_0:0:5780050><TERRORIST>" say "ADmin here?"
L 02/20/2012 - 17:54:16: "AVOBOB<4029><STEAM_0:0:5780050><CT>" say "no admin? okay, i fuck aiwalks MOM"

L 02/20/2012 - 23:09:55: "AVOBOB<4749><STEAM_0:0:5780050><TERRORIST>" say "ADMIN I FUCKED YOUR MOM"
L 02/20/2012 - 23:10:18: "AVOBOB<4749><STEAM_0:0:5780050><TERRORIST>" say "STFU DOC! I FUCKED YOUR MOM TOO"
L 02/20/2012 - 23:11:30: "AVOBOB<4749><STEAM_0:0:5780050><CT>" say "ADMIN I FUCKED YOUR MOM LAST NIGHT"
L 02/20/2012 - 23:13:15: "AVOBOB<4749><STEAM_0:0:5780050><CT>" say "SON OF A WHORE"
L 02/20/2012 - 23:15:00: "AVOBOB<4749><STEAM_0:0:5780050><TERRORIST>" say "FUCK YOUR MOTHEr"
L 02/20/2012 - 23:15:05: "AVOBOB<4749><STEAM_0:0:5780050><TERRORIST>" say "!resetscore"
L 02/20/2012 - 23:15:25: "AVOBOB<4749><STEAM_0:0:5780050><TERRORIST>" say "I FUCKED YOUR MOTHER LAST NIGHT"
L 02/20/2012 - 23:15:34: "AVOBOB<4749><STEAM_0:0:5780050><TERRORIST>" say "YOUR MOTHER IS PREGNET FROM ME"
L 02/20/2012 - 23:15:45: "AVOBOB<4749><STEAM_0:0:5780050><TERRORIST>" say "SAY HALLO TO YOUR BITCH SISTER"
L 02/20/2012 - 23:18:08: "AVOBOB<4749><STEAM_0:0:5780050><TERRORIST>" say "YOU SON OF A RUSSIAN WHORE; WHY YOU SHOTTING AT ME?"
L 02/20/2012 - 23:18:15: "AVOBOB<4749><STEAM_0:0:5780050><CT>" say "FUCK YOU ADMIN"

This is from the log Niko provided. I rest my case. 1 month is just enough, and you can't say you are trolling or joking or whatever. And there is a lot more from where that came from.
As i said, i will wait the month...
maybe read the wohl thread?
whatever! 1 month is not the world, so i will wait
just wanna mention, prepare, i / we will keep an eye on you.

if i see this behaviour again you will get a permanent ban, we DO NOT need this kind of player on our servers which stfu when admins are around but have the biggest
mouth when they are gone.
just wanna mention, prepare, i / we will keep an eye on you.

if i see this behaviour again you will get a permanent ban, we DO NOT need this kind of player on our servers which stfu when admins are around but have the biggest
mouth when they are gone.

ok, do that dude
btw somebody (admin, mod, ...) is always observ me. srsly
& other thing: pls delete some PM of you, i cant write you pm, cause your folder is full
Complaining about 1 month? seems to be you're lucky not to be perm banned.
Complaining about 1 month? seems to be you're lucky not to be perm banned.

And, thank you too for your post.
i know iam a ass and a troll & i know that the flames were really hard, but this situation is now complete.
i will wait 1 month & the admins will observ me more. it is all okay.
but pls now close the thread or stop write the same like others.
greets ACB
deleted my inbox folder and case closed, i hope that this thread doesnt get spammed so i dont need to lock it.
Just wanted to say thank you! Im sure the other players also appreciate it!