Please do something about the blockers


Retired SPA/HA
Retired SPA/HA
30 Apr 2013
Isla de Muerta
Thanks for hosting Zombie Hunting servers, it is really fun.

You are starting to have a problem with teammate blockers. A big problem. Especially the last 14 days the same people show up and frustrate the other players. This of course is included me. The worst thing is that even if there are Admins on the server, nothing is done. The only admin I have seen kick/ban and warn(in text and/or slap) people appropriately is Avollaj. I don’t know why this is, but it is a problem. Your Admins should be more strickt.

I have self changed servers or just quit the game several times because of the lack of enjoyment of being blocked all the time, and I know I’m not the only one. I’m not talking about accidental blocking here, these are the same people with the same nicks roaming thru your servers. Some of them changes between a nick or two, but people do remember the bastards who blocks you.

“Its me!” , “FaceFuckker”, “Slam”, “rod”, “r0bot”, “bobot”, “ϝûçkϝ@cȜ”, “@k03d”, “z|-| lucRRR”, “KriTzeL” and a few others are people, loves to block elevators, close/block doors, block you from getting on an object(like a crate), stops in a ladder and stands in the way when you jump from one place to another, so that you fall down(and sometimes die).

They have no respect for the other players and certainly no respect for the rules and thus you and the Admins you provide to represent your rules. I know you can’t ban the players I have named now, but I really hope you take notice and be on the lookout for them. I suggest that you for a little while slam down very hard on blockers to discourage their behavior for everyone. A 30 day ban and strong warning not to repeat their actions, should help matters.

Please do something. More Admins would help.
Hello and thanks for posting this information.

I have noticed that V3 is lacking with admins as its the only server with all weapons, all other admins seem to prefer the "hunting" servers which I assume is why there is little activity with admins. The only regular admins that I notice is Maxgs and Avollaj.

Every admin has to follow strict rules as admin on EH, these include warning/kicking players before banning them, this may seem as if Avollaj isn't doing his job but he is following the guidelines which we set and he actually doing a great job. It's hard for one admin to see everything and admins have to see it with their own eyes to punish players.

To other admins who don't normally play V3, I'd appreciate it if whenever you get some free time to join V3. Even if its just for 20-30 minutes a day just to get rid of some rule breakers.

Thanks again for letting us know. We will try and clamp down on rule breakers on all servers to the best of our ability.
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Thanks for the answer.

I think we misunderstood each other, I think Avollaj is doing a very good job. :p He is the one sticking out. I have seen him give warning and then punish those who don’t listen. I have seen other Admins give players warnings, but not follow through when the rules are broken by the same player.

I’m not talking only about server V3, but the other also. V1 is pretty much the exception, but the others are not. Most of those nicks I listed in my first post, is from V4 actually.

Thanks again for the quick reply :D
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What do ” Saulus 2 Paulus” mean? A bible thing? I don’t believe, so.. :p

I don’t get what you’re trying to say with that link anyway. According to the numbers Avollaj was last banned for bad language in August, and that has nothing to do with him being a good admin or not.

Just so you understand, I don’t say other Admins are bad or anything(I wouldn’t dare :wink: ), I just wish they were more stern with people who act like assho.. ehm.. bastards :) Teach them a lesson you know.

I hope I didn’t misunderstand what you where trying to say.
add me NOR in steam ;) maybe i can help you when no admin is online
Same add me too, S0UR92 (the O is a zero)

Ill try play some more on v3. thanks for posting this !
I normally play on the V3 70% of my time and I can confirm that me, max and avo really need more admins xD. The players on the V3 for some language lol.

The only regular admins that I notice is Maxgs and Avollaj.

I normally play on the V3 70% of my time and I can confirm that me, max and avo really need more admins xD. The players on the V3 for some language lol.


Sry lol I didnt mean to miss you out xD

I remember when about 20 players at once were shouting at you and you were pulling your hair out!
Hey, nice to see you guys so active on the forum :D

I recognize your nicks but didn’t know you are big scary admins. Good to know who to suck up to ;)

Trying to control the bad language on the internet got to be a full time job. Personally I’m starting to be blind to it, but as I was looking through the forum posts it was good to see that the worst offenders are feeling the buckskin boot.

I do hope we get more admins so your jobs get easier and you get at least some time to play.
haha v3 is the moste fun zm server we have mostly cause off the players dx
Oh, This was via keyword.
My fault.
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people on v3 seem to be more 'social' than on the other servers, as in they use the chat more often to interact with others (though not always in a friendly way ^^), whereas the other servers' chat log is 50% of the time only things like 'longknifer' 'noob' 'rejoiner nap' 'huso' or 'fix youre laggs' (yes, they say youre for your and vice versa -,-)

Oh, and my favorite is 'du scheiß lowbob' I mean c'mon, is bob meant to be an insult? It makes me laugh instead if anything lol.
I think "Nap" is one of the most used words now :). People seem to like to play more "for the luls" on the V3 then on the other servers. Even though that there's a lot more mad gamers here, people atleast talk lol. Without doubt, we got the biggest amount of elevator blockers. We might even have 50% of them. But it's still fun with all the joking on the server.

I'll try to pull my hair out less from now on xD. Don't wanna end up bald lol

I think Avollaj is doing a very good job. :p He is the one sticking out.
He now got a new tecnique, He slay with Evil rockets :D