[Recruitment] Counter-Strike: Source (ALL)

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[CS:S (ALL)] ShadowedNemesis

Ingame name: ShadowedNemesis

Steam username: skullslicer2

SteamID: [U:1:277733714]

Age: 15

English knowledge: Advanced

Other languages: Russian, French.

Previous bans:

Past admin experience:

Motivation: I would like to become an admin on CSS as I enjoy playing the game a lot and I enjoy all the players with whom I play with. The community is great and kind and I wish to expand my resources in order to make a even better community for us all. I am a very kind person who believes that everyone should be equal in the world and online and I respect everyone that is kind and respectful towards others. As I said previously, I want to make this community of players even better then it is. I also wish to help others who are being abused in game by other disrespectful players as I wish for everyone to have a great time in the game. I have seen other admins as well and they are very kind to the community and players which I believe helps a lot to create a better game. This is why I want to become an Admin on your servers.

Referred by:

About me: I am a 15 year old student who is turning 16 in a few months and who lives in London. I love playing video games and am currently working on building a new PC for myself. I also enjoy playing CSS a lot as the community is just really kind and they are like a family to me. So far I have had no trouble with any of the people with whom I play with. Moreover. I also believe that becoming an Admin for this game will be a great experience for me as it's something new I have always wanted to do which is why I want to finally try and apply for this unique opportunity. I play CSS zombies every night and on weekends I play until very late.

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3, Zombie Riot [EX V2], Zombie Escape, Glass_War, GunGame, Minigames, BunnyHop
[CS:S (ALL)] d.r.i.f.t.

Ingame name: co³

Steam username: drift_01

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:12604367

Age: 34

English knowledge: Advanced

Other languages:

Previous bans: Roof camping on cbble - 1 time and it was an honest mistake. Another player signaled for me to go up there so I did, as i wasn't aware of the rules then. I was later banned by admin for 8 hours. Haven't done it since.

Destroying a barricade - Again 1 time and I have learnt my lesson.

Past admin experience: none but I am a quick learner. My work requires me to use many different computer programs.

Motivation: I play on V3 daily. I like to play fair and help teammates as much as I can, either by covering them as a human or giving a them boost as a zombie. I get really annoyed with people blocking, destroying barricades or generally disrupting play, and I would enforce the rules as much as I can.

I want to have a more active role on the server by being able to nominate different special maps to play and finding new maps on gamebanana.

Referred by:

About me: I live in England, near London, and work as a customer services advisor at my local council. This requires communicating with people of all ages and nationalities and helping people with their finances and day-to-day problems.

I play other team games such as Battlefield, and Planetside 2 and 3D games (some look amazing!)

I play sports such as tennis, football squash and basketball.

I also play online poker and have won a few tournaments.

I dj and create mixes of all styles of music @ mixcrate.com/co3. I have organised club nights in the past and am looking to own bar/nightclub in the future.

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V3
[CS:S (ALL)] cluth3r

Ingame name: Sky

Steam username: uoeno

SteamID: U:1:129289412

Age: 23

English knowledge: Beginner

Other languages: german

Previous bans:

Past admin experience:

Motivation: I would like to be admin because I think you could still use a bit of support I am often on and would love to help you to keep the server clean and help other players about questions on zombie server.
two years ago I was still a admin on jail !server I know there is no zombie but it has yet to help was fun to me if there were any problems.
I know my English is not good but I hope it is ok
I would be glad if you give me a chance to be an admin.

Referred by: TheRalle

About me: My name is hans I am 23 years old and live in beautiful Germany.
In my free time I undertake what with my friends and the rest of the time I'm just on playing my favourite game counterstrike source or fifa on the playstation.
if you want to know more about me just send me on steam ;)

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3, Zombie Riot [EX V2], Zombie Escape
[CS:S (ALL)] timothy1074

Ingame name: BloodyKilla10899

Steam username: timothy1074

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54305276

Age: 15

English knowledge: Intermediate

Other languages: Maltese

Previous bans: None.

Past admin experience: None.

Motivation: Because the server needs help for catching rule-breakers and I hate the rule-breakers so much

I have been playing on both server zm mod v1,v3 in 2013

and the players really annoyed me in this game insulting each other and swearing provoke something like that

and I report those rule-breakers and punish them by admin
I keep an eye on the sever if they making rule-breaking on a server

I believe that for the many hours I active on a server everyday

If I be accepted as admin :)

Referred by: DataWorm

About me: My name is Tim. I am in secondary school in malta

I like to play pc games

and I like travel with my bike BMX.

Best Tim.

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
[CS:S (ALL)] Cologne_29

Ingame name: O'Neals

Steam username: Kurt_2982

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:169595694

Age: 20

English knowledge: Intermediate

Other languages: German&Chinese

Previous bans:

Past admin experience:

Motivation: I#M playing for a long time on this server, and sometimes, some player have problems( they are getting insulted by other players or they are new players on our Server (V3) and the admins weren't online.
I want to take the responsbility and make sure that our server runs smoothly
I want to give others palyers a good impression of our server and feel welcome when they are playing on our server. :)

Referred by:

About me: I'm kind of person , who likes to Help and who takes the resonsiblity who is self-confident :)
I do all things with patient and passion, even they are boring and Hard .

and I came from taiwan and now I live in Cologne Germany.
I speak 3 languages EN.DE.CHIN.

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V3
[CS:S (ALL)] Alcatrawia

Ingame name: Alca

Steam username: unshark99

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:87942166

Age: January 29, 1994 (22)

English knowledge: Advanced

Other languages: finnish, swedish and german

Previous bans: None

Past admin experience: I have served a year as an EH admin, surely this tells something.

Motivation: Kept a long pause from playing CSS, fortunately im now back in action. I have got my motivation to play back again and more or less I would like to be what I was. Old habits never forget, I'm feeling kind of a deficiency to not be able to do such things as I could before.
Would like to give all of my support again for the servers, at least the best I could do. Evermore it's always great thing to have space for an old stager.

Referred by: Didn't want to bother anyone, hehe

About me: A guy who lives in Finland, likes to spend time with friends and so on.
Having a lot of to study, but there is always time for some CSS, which gives some rest for daily life.

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Glass_War
[CS:S (ALL)] [Ξʀ] ViℛuS

Ingame name: ViRÊŠS™

Steam username: hedshot170

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20665950

Age: 20

English knowledge: Intermediate

Other languages: Finnish

Previous bans: 22-03-13 12:19:16 Advertising
31-10-16 22:12:40 Teamming

Past admin experience: well i have experience in before Ðн server.

Motivation: my motivation to be the admin that would be zero tolerance for the violation of the rules. I'm tired of watching you own teammate kill each other rule breaking. I want that new players would play inside the server without being violated.

my point of view, should be given the opportunity to everybody. I would like to be helpful in these matters that I could somehow act against rule-breakers. sometimes admins are not here watching rule-breakers, I'm pretty active in nowdays in the server.

i enjoy playing with my friends and meet new people in the server. Im a very friendly guy, I'll take these things seriously. I know what it feels like when the rule-breaker severely violates you. because i can empathize with the second part of the drive.

Referred by: Kurd, Hail To The King Baby, just4fun, shazzer.

About me: now im 20 years old I work everyday, my hobbies include ice hockey, gaming playing. Free time I spend time with my friends the weekend. I live in own home, I like my life the way it is now.

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, BunnyHop
[CS:S (ALL)] lol

Ingame name: lol

Steam username: xfactorgaming

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42211716

Age: 21

English knowledge: Advanced

Other languages: French and Romanian

Previous bans: I had one ban from "Hail the king" for calling him "good boy". It was overall a flame I burst with over some players then I got in a hot "chit-hat" with King.

Past admin experience: I have managed SourceMod servers on different games (Team Fortress 2, CSS, CS:GO, Day Of Defeat: Source)

Motivation: I have witnessed many different situations when there were some conflicts under several forms on the server, between the players. The most annoying one, in my opinion is the blocking. Some players just stand in other people's way in order to get the better positions then get ready for a really consistent camping. On the other hand, I have played on Elite Hunter's server since 2007/2008, long before I would get my hands on CSS on Steam. I just find your servers the most suitable for a really joyful and consistent zombie hunting. I really appreciate that you didn't change it.
Anyways, I just want to keep the atmosphere more pleasant to your players by keeping their time worth playing in.

Referred by:

About me: I'm a student at Political Sciences, heading to Applied Statistics. I will have some spare time for games for the next 2 or 3 years. So I'd like to get the most from them, mainly from VALVe games. There isn't much to tell about me. I run my life in a simple manner and aim at the triumph of the will.

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
[CS:S (ALL)] WolfRam

Ingame name: WolfRam

Steam username: serverus

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:8477175

Age: ask SKY

English knowledge: Advanced

Other languages: Mermish and Haggish

Previous bans: Yes, i have been banned twice before. Not too long ago I got banned by Sophie, but I looked so pathetic that she felt guilty and deleted the ban. Another time Niko had no other choice but to give me a ban for public safety. People were hurting and I could not control myself, but I’m dealing with the issue..

Ban: https://bans.elite-hunterz.info/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:0:8477175+&Submit=Search
Stats: http://stats.elite-hunterz.info/hlstats.php?mode=playerinfo&player=106708

PS: in my chatlog you will find a sailors curse here and there, but I promise you. THEY WHERE WELL DESERVED!
PSS: uhm, there where this guy who kept insulting players and such, so I talked to him abit and I insulted him with this:

“2016-11-03 19:10:45 pyro, your so ugly you mom had to sit on the other side of the table and feed you with a slingshot.”

Just so you know.

PSSS: He got banned later for being a knob.
Link to knob-ban: https://forum.elite-hunterz.info/showthread.php/8433

Past admin experience: I have been an admin before, but remember to handle this application like any other. I don’t want any special treatment(except from advaldo). I was admin on EH for about 2 years. Quit a year ago to focus on schoolwork.
If you are admin on EH, you have most likely seen me around somewhere, sometime, doing mysterious things.

Motivation: I applied for admin back in April 2013 because a blocker pissed me off and there weren’t enough admins around to catch them all. He was not the first blocker, but O-MY-GOOOOOD-YES did I shadow him until I caught him blocking again. And it’s the same reason again. Sort off..

This time as well you need more admins to help out innocent players who are abused by other gamers, people who get stuck in things, answer questions, instruct noobs & help keeping order on a server. This is an admins tasks and I have always seen it as the most important thing you do as an admin. When I was an admin before I remembered how frustrating and helpless you can feel when there are no admins around. So when I actually was playing, my rule was to always set the other players first. The first 2 months I was admin I never played the 4way map because I was in spec looking for ppl needing help( Those doors and elevator was hell, remember? :p ). Going in spec or having myself killed because I needed to help someone else, was never a problem for me. Even if I was having a fantastic round and owning everyone, because the duty of the admin is to help the players who are (in lack of a better word) helpless. Its also a good way to encourage gamers to come back to the servers. And niko would have kicked me if I didn’t.

Another part motivation for me is the community. I have known many of you guys for a long time and I even dare to call the relationship between some of us, “friendly”. I don’t talk much over steamchat because I hate all humans, even you. Yes, YOU! But I have still had many long conversations with most EH admins, one time or another. And we all learn from each other’s experience, teach the new admins the old tricks and have much fun doing it. I mean, some of you might remember all the times we tried catching Scootah cheat, talking shait on IRC and the poor guy who got lost on our forum and ended up making an admin application typing only “help mi” “help mi plis”. Those where good times^^

Another reason for me to apply is that I like making maps and working on them. Where else would I find a good place to test and play them? Only on the best servers in the WORLD!

In the end, there are many reasons for me to rejoin EH as an admin. However, here are a few reason why you should want me back.
- All the things above..
- Most admins know me already and I know them.
- I make creative maps(as you know), but are also good at fixing old maps without messing them up.
- I am Norwegian and not Swedish!!
- I made the wolframs radarpack. (seriously guys, get it if you don’t have it)
- I have a lot of experience as an admin.
- I’m a good admin.
- If youre not really reading this application im getting pissed because it took a long time to write!
- I sometimes make bad YoutubeVideos of the madness that can be witnessed as an admin.
- WolframAlpha is based on my life.
aaaand I hate blockers most of all.

Referred by: that guy -----> 38 (but only if im a good boi, tho)

About me: I still go to school, but soon I will become an apprentice off a sort for a couple of months, which means no papers and exams, aka more gametime. Then all that’s left is to write up a paper, and im done! :)
So, yeah.. i got more time now.

Here is a picture of me: http://puu.sh/scLeL/9384ede34d.png

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V3
[CS:S (ALL)] Proxyy

Ingame name: Fragment

Steam username: Xoogi

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15890561

Age: 21

English knowledge: Advanced

Other languages: Swedish, pocito espanol

Previous bans: No bans!

Past admin experience: Yes, 2 times. On Elitehunterz CSS servers and on Kumlaonline, one of Scandinavias biggest jailbreak servers (at the time).

Motivation: I was admin before on your source servers and honestly it was a long time ago since I enjoyed playing as much as I did during that time. Loved the admin group and loved to help out on the server I've been playing on for so many years.

I left beacuse I was offered an internship at a dive center in the Caribbean. I was planning on staying there for half a year so there was no point in me remaining as an admin. However and sadly, my grandfather passed away just 2.5 months after arriving there and I took the decision to go back home for his funeral. Unfortunately the tickets are too expensive for me to go back, so I'm back in Sweden now and are currently unemployed as I quit my job for the internship... Therefore you could say I have a lot of spare time on my hands.

When you guys check my activity I'm quite sure your first impression will be that I need more, and quite frankly DataWorm and Sophie told me as well. But I've been online everyday since I came back and I will continue to be so and I hope you'll understand. My lack of activity is simply beacuse I haven't been home for a while.

Referred by: Sophie, DataWorm mainly:D

About me: Well I think some of you guys know me allready so I'm just gonna put https://forum.elite-hunterz.info/showthread.php/6959-Sup-) this in here for you who don't:]

Quick info: My name is Joel, I'm 21 and live in Sweden with my parents, hobbies and interest involves boxing, motorcycles, cars, mountain climbing, scuba diving and more... Typical person who feels I have too much energy for one person, I also love cooking/baking. 3 dogs at the moment, 2 shepards and 1 boer boel. Unemployed, but worked at Media Markt, a German tech company, for 1,5 years before I quite to move to the Caribbean.

Thank you taking your time and for considering me, again, lol:D

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V3
[CS:S (ALL)] garts16

Ingame name: †BΛDΛSS† <3

Steam username: xxhunter_killxx

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:84226118

Age: 18

English knowledge: Elementary

Other languages: German,French

Previous bans: I have a CS:GO Ban because i become the account from a friend :) so i dont know why have the ban

Past admin experience: I was admin on a Jail server and a bhop server so i have a little bit experience

Motivation: I would like the server to support because I am a very helpful beriter human being is not part calibration and can be listening to each his opinion before I decide what or something doing what is not considered. I hope you see it also

Referred by:

About me: I'm Nico'm 18 years old and currently studying marketing and e-buisniss in my free time I go also likes to get out and chillin with my friends but I also like to play with my friends or css arma

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
[CS:S (ALL)] mohan711

Ingame name: Furyman

Steam username: mohan711

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:106902403

Age: 18

English knowledge: Intermediate

Other languages: telugu hindi sanskrit

Previous bans: I have Banned because i used my friends spray (admin).

Past admin experience:

Motivation: HI
I want to be Admin because elite hunter 99/100 percent is ok but something is missing that is some people enjoyment.We get that enjoyment in this server.Thanks for god if i not seen this server i would not been a member of this family.But that 1% admin are tried and trying to fulfilled.I have some plans and good adjustments that make Elite hunterz powerful and popular.WHy me only ?Because i all always think about CSS and my studies.CSS= Elite hunterz.i AM WANT BE ADMIN IN THIS SERVER

Referred by: skarbie, easy,soph

About me: Hi
MY real name is Jhonny.
I am 18 yrs old.
My hobbies studies and playing CSS.
I play kabaddi and Vollyball i love these games.
In mean time i think about my visions.

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
[CS:S (ALL)] Nuntiuz Cudi

Ingame name: Cudi

Steam username: Nuntiuz

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:97647486

Age: 20

English knowledge: Intermediate

Other languages: Dutch

Previous bans: https://bans.elite-hunterz.info/index.php?p=commslist&searchText=STEAM_0:1:97647486+&Submit=Search
only comms

Past admin experience: EH admin

Motivation: Ello all its me Cudi,

I know I've said goodbye to the team couse of my time and work. To be honest my part time job takes allot of energy besites that I still have to work on my school couse it has to be done in 1,5 years. This takes allot of time on a basic day but if I still got a few minutes or hours ill play css or games on my xbox. In my heart I mis the team and how its was before I was a ex admin. When I join and there is no admin online I see ppl abuuse to much and if they know im no admin anymore they will abuuse even more. Ive seen knifing to team (not as the fun way)/blocking/spamming/barricade destroying. Ye I know I can make a demo and send it to you guys but thats not me I rather handle something directly when I can do it even if its a warning. I know on these moments I can rage sometimes but most of time I use nub or shit nothing more. Im really sorry for the word ive used and to be honest it should be on the blacklist. ^^

2016-11-14 14:39:45 fckin shootin them.
2016-11-14 14:39:40 damn diggas.
2016-11-13 14:55:12 digga.
2016-11-13 14:55:10 fckin.

its up to you guys what the action should be. I'll Always be the Cudi I was before.

Referred by: none but ppl asked me why I left

About me: most ppl know me as Cudi or Stan and know how I am. If you wanna know stuff or have questions feel free to ask

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
[CS:S (ALL)] Headshotz75

Ingame name: Headshotz

Steam username: fallenqs

SteamID: Headshotz

Age: 18

English knowledge: Advanced

Other languages:

Previous bans:

Past admin experience:

Motivation: i would love too

Referred by:

About me: I love Gaming

Favourite Server: Zombie Escape
[CS:S (ALL)] seLuTioN

Ingame name: seLuTioN

Steam username: seLuTioN

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:14796449

Age: 22

English knowledge: Intermediate

Other languages: German, Turkish

Previous bans: First one because I talked turkish with an other player
Second because I got really angry because someone always destroyed my cade

Past admin experience: Second Clan-Leader of pTL-Clan (2007-2009)

Motivation: I am a person who wants to enforce justice. I hate it if someone break the rules and destroys other players fun in the game. You can always count on me most time I plays CSS I am playing on your servers and mostly I play several hours. So if someone thinks he can do shit because there is no admin online I will be the Batman for Elite Hunterz. The Robin Hood for the players.

Referred by:

About me: I am a student living in Germany, Aachen. The most free time I have I spend with going out with friends and playing games. I am playing CS:S since 8 years. Its my favourite game (CS:GO sucks). If you have any questions ask me.

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
[CS:S (ALL)] sgtlooper

Ingame name: Light ™â˜¢

Steam username: headshothunter1

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:70905037

Age: 17

English knowledge: Intermediate

Other languages: German and Russian

Previous bans: I got a permanent ban on a different acc because i used a hack.
Im not proud of me because i also hate hackers on games and other plattforms.
I swear i never do that again because i loved the game and i know how it feels like if you lose something like that.

Past admin experience: I was an admin on a minecraft server and i watched that no one insult other players.
I was looking for that everybody played fair but with fun.
And i banned some players for cheating.
So i actually know which task i will have if i get the admin permissons and how i use them.

Motivation: I want to become an admin because i dont want that any players break the rules.
I play on youre servers for a long while and sometimes i see players on the zombie servers they block or insult other gamers and this is not fun.
I think that if everybody listen to the rules the game will makes much more fun.
I also see that many players need help and they ask for admins.
Im a nice guy and it makes me smile to help other players.

Referred by:

About me: Im a 17 years old boy which live in a small city in germany.
I like playing games like Counter Strike Source and i also like watching series or movies on netflix.
Actually im a friendly guy with nice friends which i also like to hanging out with them.
I still go to an IT school and i learn programming so i am very often online but only after school at 4pm.

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V3, ScoutKniveZ
[CS:S (ALL)] aliz

Ingame name: shouroX

Steam username: shouroX

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:192926202

Age: 24

English knowledge: Elementary

Other languages: swedish, persian, dari

Previous bans: no bans :D

Past admin experience: i was admin in csmega.bg zombie mod about 2 years.

Motivation: i would like to be admin because i want to improve the server. i want to kick player in spec.
one day when i was playing, the server was full and there was 17 spec and no admins to kick them and other players couldn't join the server. i want to help the server. there are players who swear alot.

Referred by:

About me: My name is mahdy, im 24 years old and like to play football. My favorite team is FC Barcelona.
i have played on EH about 2 years and its my new account!

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3, CBBLE only 100Tick V5
[CS:S (ALL)] lol

Ingame name: lol

Steam username: xfactorgaming

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42211716

Age: 21

English knowledge: Advanced

Other languages: French, Romanian and bit of German

Previous bans: https://bans.elite-hunterz.info/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=lol&Submit=Search

Past admin experience: I have been admin on several old communities who ran on Source engine games, mostly. I've been working as admin on those communities for more than 2-3 years. Most of them are dead by now due to lack of financing.

Motivation: I have noticed that many times when I play on V1 and V3 there aren't online admins or are too few to hold the players by the rules. Most of the issues I've seen are the blocking, barricade destroying, teaming and flaming.

I now know how the rules are working on your servers and I also met most of your staff. I think I'm prepared to help you now.

I hope I will get the second change.

Referred by: King.

About me: Student at political science; I like writing, playing games and improve my play around some valuable friends.

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
[CS:S (ALL)] HavKa

Ingame name: Toby jo fiu

Steam username: megtorlohun

SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044828158/

Age: 18

English knowledge: Elementary

Other languages: German, Hungarien

Previous bans:

Past admin experience: 1.5 year admin on hungarien servers.

Motivation: I want to build a community for the server and I really want to help the admin team and be part of a good server.I always hate the trolls,cheaters and haters and be grateful if i can help.

Referred by: Virus

About me: My name is Szabo Andor live in Hungary but I'd like not to be bored so I can goes on.I play Counter-Strike since i was 10 always love the game and enjoy the Zombie's mode.Now im 18years old i studying at high school.In my free time i play counter strike mostly and watching football in TV.My Favorite team Real Madrid.

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
[CS:S (ALL)] snowman

Ingame name: Snowman

Steam username: SnowmanUk

SteamID: 5nowmanuk

Age: 24

English knowledge: Advanced

Other languages: Reasonable German, and ok French.

Previous bans:

Past admin experience: I have been playing css for 13 years, as shows with my badge, i used to be an admin for a assault and office only server around 4 years ago. But due to the servers lack of interest it dissolved.

Motivation: I would like to become an admin for the server, i am online daily and would love to help the fellow community of players to make their online time on the servers more enjoyable. I am 24 and an electrician and believe i have a mature outlook online as well as a fair and reasonable as well as a good sence of humour with the online community. I can speak to a reasonable level of german as well as french so would be able to communicate to most of the european players as well as liasing with other admins if they are unable to communicate with them to a good level. I am willing to donate money to the server to help maintain the excellent service it provides to the community as well as helping on the forums daily on my lunch break for any issues that can arrise with the servers players.

Referred by:

About me: I am 24, a qualified electrician, a extremely keen angler as well as a passionate pc gamer. I enjoy helping others within the online community and would love to help the servers community in game as well as on the forum. As well as helping publicise the server to gain a more consistency of players throughout all times of the day. As well as paying my way to support the server. Many thanks for your time any questions feel free to email me on w1ffen@hotmail.com.
Best regards Perry

Favourite Server: Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3, Glass_War, ScoutKniveZ, GunGame
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