|SOUR| App

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Well-Known Member
Gameserver Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
Forum Moderator
27 Oct 2010
If I told you, I'd have to kill you.
In-game name: SOUR

Age: 20


Steam username: S0UR92

Can you speak english and german?: Fluently English and klein deutsch, father is half deutsch

Clan history (if none, leave blank): Ghost-Division, Infected

Any serious bans before?: No

Do you have a microphon? Yes

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz (This is important): Been playing on ur server's for a very long time now, ive had my breaks n such but i always join when i have time, i love ur clan & have always do, you seem like a nice community and ive played alot with EH member's and im well known, just seem like a clan i would fit in.

Where you referred to this clan? If Yes, Who referred you?: Anorm refferd for me, but ive found the clan about 3 years ago.

Last but not least:tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc: I work as a painter, at weekends i go out with mates and party n such, i live in Sweden, im single ;) haha, my name is Johan, im a social guy and like to have fun on the servers, and i love all of ur member's haha, this last weeks ive not played so much on the servers cuz of vacation & private stuff, but im trying !

Cheers, SOUR
For some reason i still can't edit.

So here we go, my steam ID: STEAM_0:1:36472608

and some more info about my css history,

Started playing css 2005 i played css normal for a few months till i stumbled onto Zm mod in 2006 i belive,played it for about 1 year at i3d old school servers, played alot iwith $oup, then i discovered Zombie Horde, no not ZH with bots, real players, played it for about 3 years, thats how i learned my bhops n aim, i found EH at 2009 when ZH died out cuz of the low population, since then ive been here, had my breaks n such but im still here, hehe
gl sour
Hey just letting you know that i will be away for 2 days, omw to Stockholm in Sweden and i live in the south parts, so i won't be able to play :>

hope it won't affect My application.

Cheers, SOUR
nah its np.
Sorry about the double post, im just curious, any update on my app ? :) been 1 month soon and ive seen you already replied on ppl that applied before me, dunno why but im just curious haha, thanks i appriciate it ! :>
its in discussion.
yo, on your profile it says that you are vac banned?
What :S

Its S0UR92 with a ZERO haha :p

I bet you looked on the one with SOUR92, thats my brothers old account :> i made it for him ^^
accepted, welcome in to the clan. feel free to use our tag now.


giving you member rights in forum now, create a thread there and introduce yourself.

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