Spawn Protection for ScoutzKnifez


Well-Known Member
EliteHunterz Clan Member
Retired SPA/HA
29 Mar 2010
Vienna / Hannover
As the title says, we need that. I just played on it and abused the spawn killing so heavily, that people started complaining.
The spawn isnt very big and a highranked player with lots of HP can kill a low HP player so many times in a row, because there is no spawn protection.

I think the best would be to set it to 2 seconds, because 1 is too less, and 3 might be too much already.
Yea. It used to have spawn protection but I think it got deactivated because it set the HP back to 100 even if you had maxed your HP lvl
Is there no way to fix this? Because its bad both ways.
thank you, will try