Stat Reset on ZombieMod Servers


Ex Admin
25 Aug 2012
Hey Guys,
Today, i played 2 or more hours on EH v4 Server, i made much points, 300 or 400.
Then, after a round, my pc not worked right.
I went away, and when i came back, the pc was online.
So I looked on stats, and i saw, that i got killed over 40 times.

So I lost 250 points, and old stats r terrible 2.

If stat resets r allowed, I'd like to have 1.
Why does people play by the ranks i dont get it haha, yay im ranked 1 what do i get? nuthin... :>

Solly if im not suppose to be posting here.
I don't know if a reset is possible. But if so, they need your Steam ID for sure. You could post it to speed up the process.

Thx for answer & sry for my ugly english.


In RankMe its possible, but on hlstats?. I'm not sure.