surf deathmatch and bhop issues/suggestions


Ex Admin
10 Aug 2013
Hey, noticed a few issues with these servers, some significant, others minor;

Surf deathmatch:

- There also appears to be more lag on this server than any other, for example: I am normally on around 40 ping, and on this server I average 80 ping.
- On some maps, me and NOR DW have experience crashing. This appears to be particular maps, though I'm not too sure of the name. When I join, after I select a team I get the connection issue timer in the top right.
- Once I choose my weapon, I see no clear instruction on how to change it again if I select 'Always spawn with these weapons'.

- There should be a more clear instruction onscreen to help with weapon changing.
- As for the crashing and lag, I have no suggestions :p
- Some more maps would be awesome!

Surf Bhop:

- When I last played, there were only 2 maps available to play, I'm pretty sure this is not right as there were considerably more yesterday.

- Add more maps! :D
- Me and one or two other players think that it would be nice to have the /showkeys command on there, especially when noobs (like me) need help learning.

Off the top of my head, that's all I can remember, if there are any more I will post them here!
If you know of any issues or have any suggestions, feel free to post them :]
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"- Once I choose my weapon, I see no clear instruction on how to change it again if I select 'Always spawn with these weapons'."
If you didn't find out yet, use "guns" at roundstart :)

Oh and I got some suggestions for surfing too:
-No Jailkill, its just annoying.
-Make normal mode without weaponspawning and respawn.
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Yeah, normal surf is considerably better than deathmatch. And yes, that weapon system is also disturbing. Most of surf maps have their own weapons located in different places. The better weapon the harder to get it.

And for the jailkilling, it's an undividable part of the gameplay.
Well, It's annoying because you can't see the enemies shooting into the jail.
In opened jails it would be okay, like surf_home_sweet_home, but at jails like the one at greatriver_xdream its annoying.
Jailkilling is indeed part of gameplay, making a rule against that would be stupid :)
Fixed the Bhop server and more maps will be added.
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86 maps incoming. Should be done by tonight.
feel the pain:

extract file.rar
bzip2 -zkv9 *.bsp
mv *.bz2 ~/custom_files/fastDLpath
ls *.bsp >> ~/configs/bhopserver/maplists.txt
mv *.bsp ~/custom_files/maps/bhop
86 maps incoming. Should be done by tonight.

And i'm guessing you will be the one setting up start and end zones of every map? :p