Unban Request: jake (blackout)


New Member
4 Jan 2014
Name: jake (blackout)

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:17244308

Ban reason: Reason: this is wrong on so many levels


Right here goes,

Basically i was playing on your server when i sprayed a humor spray of a little boy peeing out of a train window,to me this was a very funny picture but obviously it may be taken as a offence to other players which i apologize for.

Firstly i was playing and sprayed the image on my 2nd/3rd round of playing and i got kicked for the image.I highly agree with this as your right it is not a nice image and can be taken offensively.

Secondly i rejoin,i said to the admin this:-

Me: sorry admin
Me: <3
Me: <3
Me: <3

(i have print screens of my console to prove this ask if needed)



I play this server quite abit as its always popular and hardly any morons! i searched on your website and it says i got banned for 6MONTHS!!!!
i was gutted hence why im writing this i would like to say sorry for what happened and ill even change my banner to help advertise zombiehunters if needs be!


Once again sorry, Jake 'Blackout'UK'
i didn't see your text after i kicked you, but that was because i was banning you at the time.

i can see the humor in this, but i can also see the pretty sick side of it too.
this is the internet, and that was a naked boy.. seriously...

anyway, maybe i overreacted.
any input from other admins?

------------ <-- screen of the picture in question. (not sure if i should censor it or what..)
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He came to our Forum, so i would unban him..
But i have to agree, you should change your spray!
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okay,lads i agree maybe its too much if any of you want to send me a picture of zombiehunters logo/banner ill be more than willing to help out and spray it on servers etc?

cheers, jake.
http://puu.sh/69rz2.jpg i got cold feet thinking what an Attorney could do with a picture like that.. im sure someone would have ended up i jail. So i censored it

jake, i dont think you understand how fucked up serious this is.. dont you know what police can do to people who have "half funny/half pedo" pictures?

I seriously hope this is the most stupid think you have ever done on the internet
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YES! believe me type in funny pictures in google and keep going down pages and you will find it,thats how i got it! i understand and iv now changed my picture to a zombie hunter one! when will the ban be lifted fella!

cheers! jake.
you know what, yes, you can find sick stuff using googles search engine. but that is NOT the issue! The issue is that you actually sprayed that shit on our servers.
I just gave one guy who sprayed a nazi-spray 1 month of ban. What the hell should i give you?

And i still have the feeling you dont take this seriously..
Okay i understand.

'NOR DW' Im from England i don't know if laws are different here but my peer group would find this more to the 'funny' side,i know that is NOT the point as its serious but if i wasn't serious about this i wouldn't be here trying to prove my innocence.

'Please' and 'sorry' is all i can say, iv even asked to help advertise as what i done was stupid,i have no previous bans and im not a immature pr**k to play with,if you unban me you will be sure that it was the best thing ill set a new spray as mentioned and you can have me under surveillance and mention my name to other server admins.

Thankyou , Jake.
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I have reduced the ban from 6 months to 1 day.

If i for a second believed that you where serious about that spray i would have given you a perm life-ban right away, so would any admin. But i have talked to other admins and they have bigger hearts than i do, so instead of giving you a month like i was tempted to do, you're lucky and get a day to reflect on your horrific deeds :p

you should be happy, and remember that im evil, mean and always watching what you are doing, so behave!

naw, but seriously, behave and we shall not have any more problems :)

btw, have any spray you want, just no stupid onces
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just to make it clear

No advertisment spray, No naked spray, No nazi spray.

cu in game.
Haaaha,you nutta! love the pic!

But yeah seriously,thankyou fella love these servers and ill be on my best behavour.

Also thankyou to all the other admins too! :)

Cheers, Jake (y)