Unban request YourFace

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New Member
28 Nov 2010
name: GW|YourFace(BUJA)
steam id: STEAM_0:1:13559631
reason of the ban: Bad Spray.Calling EH Members Gay.<<<----?

Yep, I'm sorry for Spraying something like this. . . But a Perm Ban is a bit overdone!!!

So Please unban me or change it to a time ban. . .

With best regards
YourFace :p

By the Power of BUJAAAAA!!!!


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Warum 3 monate der ban grund war ja das angeblich dort steht das eh member gay sind doch das stimmt ja nicht

Why 3 months due to the ban was what was allegedly there is always the member are gay but that's not so
rocky du nap :D

eigentlich heißt das ja das jeder gay ist AUSSER eh members wenn ichs verstehe.. ;)

dann nennt ihr euch selber aber auch gay :p
Danke. . .

Wenigstens einer. . .

Ich dachte schon ich wäre dem englischen nicht mehr mächtig und wüsste nicht was ich da geschrieben habe!


The sense is obvious
Edit or not , ban or not...

i won´t decide.

3 months? for what ?
does anyone read it and understand it ? (Phanty does)
or does anyone think "hmmm....sux.....hmmmmm....give him 3" wtf!
and biersportz ----> quick with bans and nice post you make my day -.-(i think fail)

this ban is unbelieveble

at least nice server (love him :3) :mrgreen:
hi there i am the one who ordered bier to ban perm.

since i am not leading EH clan i won't decide anything, your only way is to nicely talk here with marbengie rocky or kobolmaki. I am done here.
he said: unbanned and ban deleted cause i see it exactly like phanty :p
thanks for translating what i understood myself ^^ i meant above, what did you see?
dno what u mean -.- explain
if u read this ur gay OR if u read this ur an eh member ( not written that eh members are gay...)
okay thanks, well that's still quite senseless... why would we be EH if we read it? because we don't like girls? which would mean we are gays...

but arent we gay :O?
yes he is :D
niko your the leading character in this gaynesss :O don't deny it xD :D
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