V1 Hunting NightZ [regular Ξvents]


Dances With Zombiez
Staff member
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EliteHunterz Clan Member
25 Oct 2013

Dear community, dear fattiez, hunterz, camperz, new playerz, old schoolerz and edgerz,

Almost every time I play or spec v3 i am asked:
"Easy what happened to v1?"
"Why is nobody playing in v1 anymore"
"Easy does v1 still exist?"

"There was a server with no sniper, what happened?"
and so on...

This shows me that I am not the only one who misses it. But if there are so many players missing v1 - but why does nobody play v1 anymore? I guess nobody wants to be the first on an empty server, waiting for others to join in...

The Dream

My dream is to play again on 64/64 - or 40+ at least. This is my shot. Many had ideas before, many attempts had been made - here comes mine.

I have a dream! I want to revive my favourite server, I want to play on v1 again. But to do so I need your help.

The Memories

Some of you might remember v1 - others might not have heard from it. Those who remember will most likely miss the good old times just like I do. So what is v1 about? Here is a short introduction from my memory, basically what came in my mind first when I was wallowing in memories:

  • v1 is the original, the base of this mod, the origin of this community. Not only the the best server I've ever played in this game but also the most popular cs:s server from 2010 to 2016/16 (or at least always among top3 servers). It was almost always full until late night or early morning (CET) when players from both v1 and v3 met and played together. I have a dream today to experience this happening again (at least once or twice a week).
  • v1 had always been the "more skillful server" - this isnt meant as devaluation from my side, this is just what I remember was common opinion in the hunting community. Why was it like this? Cause camping was frowned upon. Players on v1 built strong groups and hunted fattiez down - while players on v3 usually run to a good camp spot and try to kill zombiez from this save spot. (again: I am not saying that there is no skill on v3, I've met awesome players there whith high map knowledge, tactical sense and skill. But it was totally different to play on v1). I have a dream today to gather v1 and v3 veterans and show them the original way of playing this mod.
  • v1 had a short exclusive map list. Mostly hunting maps that offered camping options - but v1 missed any pure camping maps like there are on v3. I have a dream today to hunt on cbble, rush, 4way, palace and all other classic ZM maps on 64/64 v1 again - without auto snipers sitting on highest box they find and terrorfying every zombie that moves on map.
  • v1's playerbase was full of clan players, hunterz and regulars. It was easy to find a trustful partner to hunt with, it was easy to learn new skills and tricks from the best. Some of the best players I ever met in this game were v1-only players. I have a dream to use old tactics again with a partner who doesnt leave you behind if a few zombies appear
  • v1 was the server i switched to when I didnt want to play the map at v3 - and vice versa. I always loved both servers and switched from one to another. I have a dream to have a choice again in the future!

The Idea

Here we go - may I have your attention please!

I suggest to pick one day among the week and one day at weekends - and a time range. I feel like Tuesday and Saturday evening 20 o'clock (CET) might be a great choice. If we manage to have 10-15 regulars joining in I am confident that we can fill up the server by simply playing on v1, by inviting our friends and by making it a regular thing. We wont fill it up at our first attempts. But if we dont give up this might be our best chance to make it happen.

Let's do it! Let's simply do it. Let's pick two days in the week when we join v1 instead of v3. Let's have fun there, let's meet regularly! Let's fill v1 up!

v1-Hunting NightZ: Each Tuesday and Saturday at 8 pm (CET)

Join here: https://forum.elite-hunterz.com/pages/GameServers/

Help Needed

Who shares my dream? Please link/tag all your friends here who love or loved v1 and those who love hunting - everybody who might be interested. We were hundreds - what am I saying - we were thousands! I believe we still are enough to fill up a 64-slot server anytime we want to. Let's do it again :)

@Nikooo777 @Havoc @Blue™ @Melisa @DeltaForce @POWHA @SOUR @AlawY @NorthernLight @Brot @Jonas_k_94 @ThirtyEight, @K4marad @Roach3558 @ASH ツ @AsH @SpeedoX @winter @Advaldo @Kr1pT1c @Molsted @RosK1nG @TheDude @denied @Dhoudz @SukiSuki @syrps @Jd Smith @KURD @Alca @Saucey @salem @MONSTER³ @Advaldo @Finny @Koboldmaki @Yuran @Trevor @NoMatt3r @k1no

Gimme some feedback - this is my shot. Do you like my idea? Who's in? Who is sharing my dream? Who will hunt with me?
I'll hunt with you Easy, and I will ask the rest of Nova aswell 😍
  • Like
Reactions: Shez, Mol and easy
My dream is to have regular meetups on mg server as in old times, maybe we can pick a second day for this! :-D
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Reactions: easy
Great initiative buddy, I like this!! I will try to join as much as I can! =D
  • Like
Reactions: Shez, Hard and easy
Great idea! Throughout V1 I had discovered this great community and I do miss playing on V1. Great server with skilled players who could defend themselves against fattys without camping or barricade.
Count me in!
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Reactions: Shez and easy
dude, you can't force player to join V1 when V3 server is already FULL ? (with !server plugin for example)
CSGO blocked this command, but not CSS, no ?
dude, you can't force player to join V1 when V3 server is already FULL ? (with !server plugin for example)
CSGO blocked this command, but not CSS, no ?
Unfortunately not. If that worked at cs:s it would have been installed years ago.
Is this still a thing?
Love this idea, v1 was the best server to ever exist on css, thanks Easy! :D
Is this still happening?
Let's bring this back please,we can't let the dream die!