Title of map: zm_4way_tunnel_v2_fix_1
There is a youtube video of this map and some of the changes further down.
Link to Map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oi1bxkmfpz62efp/zm_4way_tunnel_v2_fix_1a.bsp
Link to Map(compressed): https://www.dropbox.com/s/e7due03usvcty3a/zm_4way_tunnel_v2_fix_1a.rar
Other maps i have made:
zm_lila_epic_v2_1b(only modified): https://www.dropbox.com/s/f23vdbq8binbl9q/zm_lila_epic_v2_1b.bsp
zm_huntingpark_v1_5(co-creator with [EH]Sajco): https://www.dropbox.com/s/gyfv875mxpq3nyr/zm_huntingpark_v1_5.bsp
zm_cbble_eh_v7_wolfy_v1(only modified): http://forum.elite-hunterz.info/showthread.php/3949-zm_cbble_eh_v7_wolfy_v1
zm_Office_House_b3: http://forum.elite-hunterz.info/showthread.php/3551-office-house-b3
zm Hillbilly Backyard: http://forum.elite-hunterz.info/showthread.php/3510-zm_hillbilly_backyard_v4-bsp
zm_bunker_v1: http://forum.elite-hunterz.info/showthread.php/3646-zm_bunker_v1
About this map:
The Point of changing the original 4way map is to reduce all the rulebreaking and bans that the original map alone have produced. All of the work done, is to help Admins and the Good Gamers. It was also very important to me to keep it as close to the original as possible, i think many other 4way versions have made some errors of judgment there and that is why i turned down several suggestions of other changes.
This project started with me trying to convert the original 4way into a CSGO-map for Advaldo, then decided to see if i could do small fixes to help the players(the falling wood-platform ontop of the map actually). And i just kept on.
I have not been the only one trying to find issues that needs fixes and even more important; finding solutions to said issues. AlawY, Advaldo, ThirtyEight, Eniss@y and others have all contributed to make a better gaming experience for everyone. AlawY have especially helped alot.
What is changed: (only for the interested)
- You are first going to notice the light looks different, thats because its now HDR.
- The original lighting was a big mess that took me a long time to fix, and all light was intense pure white.
- Because of the HDR i had to add more light-sources because of the greater contrast of light and shadow.
- I changed the color of the light_environment (main light) to white, with a drop of orange(as you can see here)
- Some props(models) are added to make the light look more natural(meaning that it looks like the light has a lighsource like a lamp.)
* The Doors is fixed.
- In the video(the youtube video at the end) you can see that CT can open the doors from both sides now. ZM is still trapped if the doors are closed, but if we change that the doors will have no function. (Extra note: In an early version of the map we tested on v1 and CT kept loosing because they could not stop the zombie horde without using the door to block their advance. At the time, there was a timelock on the door that made it unlockable for 10 sec. The doors have to be able to stop the zombies, or the map don't work.)
- You can no longer TeamKill with the doors. If the door closes on your head, it stops and then pushes you out of the room so the door can close properly(No damage given).
- Shotguns dont work for shooting through the doors, any other weapon will work i think.
* The first Elevator.
- The buttons can no longer be spammed. If someone uses one of the buttons they all will be locked and only unlocked 2 seconds after the elevator has stopped.
- A Green light on the Triangle will indicate when the buttons are activated and ready for use. Red light when the buttons are locked.
- The rock-roof is fixed, less spikes more.. rocky..
* The other Doors.
- As you can see in the video you can no longer use the door-glitch to lock yourself in the room.
* THE Elevator.
- After tested several types of elevators i have concluded that there are no way any kind of CSS elevator can carry 1 person with another person ontop on his head. What i have done to work around that is to create a Teleport that is parented(stuck, for non sdk nerds) to the elevator and it is only active for 4.2 seconds after the UP-button is pushed. Going all the way up takes about 5-6 seconds.
In this picture, you can see the big orange block above the elevator. Anything that touches that get teleported into the Jail. The distance between the elevator and the teleport-block will always stay the same.
Anyone on the elevator that jumps when the elevator is on its way up, will get teleported into the Jail, same goes for blockers that try and jump on players head on the way up.(If you, on the way up, try and jump from elevator on onto the CT and end up in jail, you jumped WAY to early, its tested.)
- The Push-Zone: This is how the push-zone really looks like. The Orange blocks that is marked(with yellow lines) are trigger_push, and they ofcourse push anyone that touches them away, with force. The orange one in the middle(not marked) is another teleport, that teleport anyone that touches it into the Jail.
The Push-Zone is only activated when the elevator is on its way down, and will only deactivate the moment it stops on the ground.
- The Jail, is a "punishment" for those who block, but its easy to get out, just brake the Wood-block and press the button. The floor will brake and respawn after 3 seconds.
- The Pink plate above the Jail, will only spawn when the elevator is on it way UP. Its there to stop teleported zombies from exploiting the speed of the elevator and force them down in the Jail. This block will be invisible but ppl are able to stand on it, for max 6 seconds, then it removed.
* Ladders! Yay!
- This and This. If i could have made them bigger, i would have, but no more space
* The glitching platform.
- As you can see there are two of them now(they are both marked). The original one is the one on the forbidden spot, and when shot down it will be "deleted" right before it stops moving. The new one will be spawned at the same moment the old one is deleted, so you have to look carefully to notice.
- The reason for the glitching is that the original plate is a physics-object(func_physbox), that means it has the same qualities as a sofa or vending-machine = glitching when players come in contact with it.
* The forbidden spot.
- You see the Orange trigger-block that is marked in Yellow lines, anyone that touches it activates the death-trap panel. Someone HAVE to actively touch the orange-trigger-block to be able to activate this panel.
- Not all that happens is deadly.. if you jump down before you are hit, pushed, exploded or anything else..
* The Jump plate.
- It works pretty much the same as the elevator. The push-zone makes sure noone can block it, and in the middle there is a teleport, with this destination(that green guy).
* The new containers.
- This is pure me, all new and pretty much the only new thing in the whole map.
- In the original map, this is such a big waste of space, noone uses it for anything, its useless for everything and it has always bugged me. The other 3 containers you could atleast use to observe the elevator-blockers. Hate it, love it, i dont really care. Now it is atleast something.
It may look like alot of changes, but unless you brake the rules you will not notice much. Well, except alot less rulebreaking and masslaughter of elevator-blockers.
The map is already on the servers and the difference is very noticeable.
Please try the map before judging, but i welcome questions, ideas and opinions(remember the judging part
Known Issues/Bugs:
- All the elevators are still blockable if you stand on someones head, but on THE elevator it is very very hard.
I need all the feedback i can get, please try it and share.
btw, sorry for the bad quality, youtube makes it like that. The original is 4GB and perfect.
There is a youtube video of this map and some of the changes further down.
Link to Map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oi1bxkmfpz62efp/zm_4way_tunnel_v2_fix_1a.bsp
Link to Map(compressed): https://www.dropbox.com/s/e7due03usvcty3a/zm_4way_tunnel_v2_fix_1a.rar
Other maps i have made:
zm_lila_epic_v2_1b(only modified): https://www.dropbox.com/s/f23vdbq8binbl9q/zm_lila_epic_v2_1b.bsp
zm_huntingpark_v1_5(co-creator with [EH]Sajco): https://www.dropbox.com/s/gyfv875mxpq3nyr/zm_huntingpark_v1_5.bsp
zm_cbble_eh_v7_wolfy_v1(only modified): http://forum.elite-hunterz.info/showthread.php/3949-zm_cbble_eh_v7_wolfy_v1
zm_Office_House_b3: http://forum.elite-hunterz.info/showthread.php/3551-office-house-b3
zm Hillbilly Backyard: http://forum.elite-hunterz.info/showthread.php/3510-zm_hillbilly_backyard_v4-bsp
zm_bunker_v1: http://forum.elite-hunterz.info/showthread.php/3646-zm_bunker_v1
About this map:
The Point of changing the original 4way map is to reduce all the rulebreaking and bans that the original map alone have produced. All of the work done, is to help Admins and the Good Gamers. It was also very important to me to keep it as close to the original as possible, i think many other 4way versions have made some errors of judgment there and that is why i turned down several suggestions of other changes.
This project started with me trying to convert the original 4way into a CSGO-map for Advaldo, then decided to see if i could do small fixes to help the players(the falling wood-platform ontop of the map actually). And i just kept on.
I have not been the only one trying to find issues that needs fixes and even more important; finding solutions to said issues. AlawY, Advaldo, ThirtyEight, Eniss@y and others have all contributed to make a better gaming experience for everyone. AlawY have especially helped alot.
What is changed: (only for the interested)
- You are first going to notice the light looks different, thats because its now HDR.
- The original lighting was a big mess that took me a long time to fix, and all light was intense pure white.
- Because of the HDR i had to add more light-sources because of the greater contrast of light and shadow.
- I changed the color of the light_environment (main light) to white, with a drop of orange(as you can see here)
- Some props(models) are added to make the light look more natural(meaning that it looks like the light has a lighsource like a lamp.)
* The Doors is fixed.
- In the video(the youtube video at the end) you can see that CT can open the doors from both sides now. ZM is still trapped if the doors are closed, but if we change that the doors will have no function. (Extra note: In an early version of the map we tested on v1 and CT kept loosing because they could not stop the zombie horde without using the door to block their advance. At the time, there was a timelock on the door that made it unlockable for 10 sec. The doors have to be able to stop the zombies, or the map don't work.)
- You can no longer TeamKill with the doors. If the door closes on your head, it stops and then pushes you out of the room so the door can close properly(No damage given).
- Shotguns dont work for shooting through the doors, any other weapon will work i think.
* The first Elevator.
- The buttons can no longer be spammed. If someone uses one of the buttons they all will be locked and only unlocked 2 seconds after the elevator has stopped.
- A Green light on the Triangle will indicate when the buttons are activated and ready for use. Red light when the buttons are locked.
- The rock-roof is fixed, less spikes more.. rocky..
* The other Doors.
- As you can see in the video you can no longer use the door-glitch to lock yourself in the room.
* THE Elevator.
- After tested several types of elevators i have concluded that there are no way any kind of CSS elevator can carry 1 person with another person ontop on his head. What i have done to work around that is to create a Teleport that is parented(stuck, for non sdk nerds) to the elevator and it is only active for 4.2 seconds after the UP-button is pushed. Going all the way up takes about 5-6 seconds.
In this picture, you can see the big orange block above the elevator. Anything that touches that get teleported into the Jail. The distance between the elevator and the teleport-block will always stay the same.
Anyone on the elevator that jumps when the elevator is on its way up, will get teleported into the Jail, same goes for blockers that try and jump on players head on the way up.(If you, on the way up, try and jump from elevator on onto the CT and end up in jail, you jumped WAY to early, its tested.)
- The Push-Zone: This is how the push-zone really looks like. The Orange blocks that is marked(with yellow lines) are trigger_push, and they ofcourse push anyone that touches them away, with force. The orange one in the middle(not marked) is another teleport, that teleport anyone that touches it into the Jail.
The Push-Zone is only activated when the elevator is on its way down, and will only deactivate the moment it stops on the ground.
- The Jail, is a "punishment" for those who block, but its easy to get out, just brake the Wood-block and press the button. The floor will brake and respawn after 3 seconds.
- The Pink plate above the Jail, will only spawn when the elevator is on it way UP. Its there to stop teleported zombies from exploiting the speed of the elevator and force them down in the Jail. This block will be invisible but ppl are able to stand on it, for max 6 seconds, then it removed.
* Ladders! Yay!
- This and This. If i could have made them bigger, i would have, but no more space
* The glitching platform.
- As you can see there are two of them now(they are both marked). The original one is the one on the forbidden spot, and when shot down it will be "deleted" right before it stops moving. The new one will be spawned at the same moment the old one is deleted, so you have to look carefully to notice.
- The reason for the glitching is that the original plate is a physics-object(func_physbox), that means it has the same qualities as a sofa or vending-machine = glitching when players come in contact with it.
* The forbidden spot.
- You see the Orange trigger-block that is marked in Yellow lines, anyone that touches it activates the death-trap panel. Someone HAVE to actively touch the orange-trigger-block to be able to activate this panel.
- Not all that happens is deadly.. if you jump down before you are hit, pushed, exploded or anything else..
* The Jump plate.
- It works pretty much the same as the elevator. The push-zone makes sure noone can block it, and in the middle there is a teleport, with this destination(that green guy).
* The new containers.
- This is pure me, all new and pretty much the only new thing in the whole map.
- In the original map, this is such a big waste of space, noone uses it for anything, its useless for everything and it has always bugged me. The other 3 containers you could atleast use to observe the elevator-blockers. Hate it, love it, i dont really care. Now it is atleast something.
It may look like alot of changes, but unless you brake the rules you will not notice much. Well, except alot less rulebreaking and masslaughter of elevator-blockers.
The map is already on the servers and the difference is very noticeable.
Please try the map before judging, but i welcome questions, ideas and opinions(remember the judging part
Known Issues/Bugs:
- All the elevators are still blockable if you stand on someones head, but on THE elevator it is very very hard.
I need all the feedback i can get, please try it and share.
btw, sorry for the bad quality, youtube makes it like that. The original is 4GB and perfect.
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