zm_undergrounds_eh_v1 worst hunting map


Well-Known Member
28 May 2018
The map is good for camping and one of the worst maps for zombie hunting.

Why is this on a zombie hunting server.

Main reason why its impossible to hunt in groups is that its 1 man ladder up to the surface and zombies will kek you instantly, you cant go up there without dying if the zombies are up there.

you might be able to run around a little in the underground place but small corridors, kinda hard and literally made for camping.

El removo, no need for a map where its impossible to hunt.
Seriously man .. if you start wanting to remove maps because there is too much camp, you are going to want to remove a good 70% of current maps. What about zm_an_kapras / zm_16chambers / and others "boring campers maps"... for exemple ?

I will repeat what
AsH told me on the discord (and I find it quite descriptive), the V3 is a server of "lazy", 80% of the players camp..
And when the admins have the misfortune to put a hunting map, it's rockthevoted two rounds after the start..

If you want hunting, V1 is free to access, and there you will have good hunting maps !
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its not that u camp

its that you CANT hunt on this map cause the ladder to the surface = instant death, you cant go with a group up and hunt zombies.

so, you cant hunt there thats what i mean, on most other maps ur able to go around and hunt in groups, here you cant. thats what i mean so its kinda bad
On all the maps you can hunt the zombies, you just have to do teamwork (which is VERY complicated).

Certainly, some maps don't leave "easy access" for hunting, but we must vary for all tastes. And if you think about it, many maps have the same "kind" of problems..

And I would like to say, that from the moment the zombies camp, it is because they feel in danger.
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you go in groups when u hunt

on this map you cant cause the way to surface is 2 ladders Only, no other map has this where you're forced to go through a little hole to hunt, a team cant walk through there so u cant hunt.

what other map has this? seriously, None.
v3 is not hunting server,it's look more like a zombie escape.
most players camp on absolutely any map, you can count on hunting in a group only if there are several old and experienced players who know how to do it right, most of them played before on v1
I like that "Manhole of Death" Wolfram, it's in fact the only spot of the map I really love to use! =)
one of the greatest spots to teamkill!!

what would yoda say? "the force strong in your manhole it is"
I beg to differ, since this is one of the better maps to hunt. In top 5 actually. The issue you are explaining is actually no issue at all, since there are two ladders to the upper area. Key here as always is team play and keen watch on the radar.