increase awp damage


Well-Known Member
28 May 2018
I like the awp, but its so useless to kill a zombie 1 vs 1.

it deals 450-470 dmg a headshot, you need 8 full headshots to get 1 zombie kill. which takes a couple seconds with an autosniper, and if you miss with the awp well thats too bad.

And you wont headshot on every bullet, more or less half if not more goes to regular shots or misses, if we could 1.75x the damage on awp to 900 a headshot and needing around 4-5 headshots to kill it would be a cool weapon.

but right now its just a weapon that pushes zombies back, not a zombie killer, 5 zombies vs couple players with awp you need all 10 shots to be headshots and you need to reload and then you might get some kills on the next 5-8 headshots.

awp is really weak, 7 headshots for 3000dmg and zombies spawn with 3300 or 3400hp. with an autosniper you do all that in one mag and more damage afterwards.

if you miss with awp, ur screwd, if u miss with autosniper, no problem.
Hello and thanks for the suggestion.

AWP is a hard weapon to use as only head shots do real damage and even if you hit the head shots it might not be as useful as the auto snipers, but we can not make all weapons equally strong.

AWP does the normal damage, making it deal more damage will likely make more players use it, and those players that have a really good aim and can hit a lot of head shots will start using it a lot and kill the zombies easily.

Anyway i would like to hear some more opinions.
Hello and thanks for the suggestion.

AWP is a hard weapon to use as only head shots do real damage and even if you hit the head shots it might not be as useful as the auto snipers, but we can not make all weapons equally strong.

AWP does the normal damage, making it deal more damage will likely make more players use it, and those players that have a really good aim and can hit a lot of head shots will start using it a lot and kill the zombies easily.

Anyway i would like to hear some more opinions.

still far away from machinegun and autosniper if the damage is increased. not OP at all.

Aslong you still need 5-6 headshots to kill "One zombie" ur supposed to kill multiple zombies a round you know, takes 10 seconds on an autosniper. ya still need 12 headshots to kill 2 zombies, which is alot compared to just using autosniper or a rifle, p90 or machine gun.

ppl who are good with headshots deserve the kills, its not more OP than autosniper or machinegun, so i would give it a go to get more people over to awp and enjoy that. would be a new change in the game too
i agree with that the awp is too weak :/ tho I think i would be pissed if i had 900 hp left and i'd die to ONE "head"shot from the awp i also think 900 dmg per headshot would be too op atleast for me. make it less.
i agree with that the awp is too weak :/ tho I think i would be pissed if i had 900 hp left and i'd die to ONE "head"shot from the awp i also think 900 dmg per headshot would be too op atleast for me. make it less.
you would need 4 headshots to get "1 kill" , you consider 1 kill alot? :D well i'd say 800 range or so, would make the server pretty fun with AWP.
I agree to Havoc and I personally see no reason to buff it. The annoying part of a buffed awp was already mentioned by Para, just imagine running around on a map, no enemy in sight... and then boom -> headshot -> dead or boom -> flying around -> boom -> dead. where to start buffing weapons and where to end? Having 2-3 skilled snipers most maps would be unplayable for zombiez...

Weapons having different settings and providing us diversity in game experience. And yes I agree, an AWP is a skillful and funny weapon but also very powerful. I dont think it will be more funny to zombies if it get buffed.

At current set up we got
1. A lot of damage (450-470 damage is 4x what a M4A3 does)
2. Huge knock back (probably more than any other weapon)
3. Wide range and short range power

Sounds to me like an over-powered weapon already - without increasing damage :)

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To Easy.

We'd get more players on the server.
More people will love to use the awp that today sucks for killing, people die too much using AWP so they just use autosniper or another weapon instead...

I dont see the negative here, i think people would result to using awp more instead of hating against it, they would be like oh dam il use that. it wouldnt be crying cause autosniper, machine gun, p90, m3 is still alot more OP.

1/15 of M3 kills

I don't think buffing awp will get us more players, if anything it will make less players want to play as zombie and just go crouch in a corner waiting to die.

One of my biggest concerns is that v3 already favors the humans so much with tons of maps with OP camp spots (kapras, 16chambers, lila_epic, canals, little_italy etc) Making AWP stronger will just make it even harder for zombies as those head shots they get will deal so much damage they nearly die plus they get an insane knock back.

A big issue is that there are some very skilled players that can hit almost constant head shots, if they deal up to 900 damage per shot it will kill the zombies too easily i believe.

I support some changes and suggestions but i'd prefer giving zombies a boost rather than making it even easier for the humans.
Hey guys. Sorry @Law_Enforcement but I don't see any reason to increase awp damage at all. Awp is good for playing with zombies, let them fly, sometimes to your teammates... ;) But it's not defensive weapon and you can't have long range weapon with such a big damage, it would ruin the game i think. And you know, next week can @Finny come to forum and ask for increase the damage for scout, because he likes scout...:p
I don't think buffing awp will get us more players, if anything it will make less players want to play as zombie and just go crouch in a corner waiting to die.

One of my biggest concerns is that v3 already favors the humans so much with tons of maps with OP camp spots (kapras, 16chambers, lila_epic, canals, little_italy etc) Making AWP stronger will just make it even harder for zombies as those head shots they get will deal so much damage they nearly die plus they get an insane knock back.

A big issue is that there are some very skilled players that can hit almost constant head shots, if they deal up to 900 damage per shot it will kill the zombies too easily i believe.

I support some changes and suggestions but i'd prefer giving zombies a boost rather than making it even easier for the humans.

Kill an AFK zombie with awp and you see how long and how bad it is. it takes a long time cause you're bolt action it takes a second or two per shot. and the headshot argument, what is an autosniper gonna do there?
Hey guys. Sorry @Law_Enforcement but I don't see any reason to increase awp damage at all. Awp is good for playing with zombies, let them fly, sometimes to your teammates... ;) But it's not defensive weapon and you can't have long range weapon with such a big damage, it would ruin the game i think. And you know, next week can @Finny come to forum and ask for increase the damage for scout, because he likes scout...:p

Yes! Increase the scout damage.

Also, don't buff awp damage. No reason to.
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As an AWP player on EH servers I can say that the damage is fine in my opinion, but without doubt the autosniper is a better choice. That gun is so overpowered.