Abuse Report: TheBestio

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Ex Admin
1 Apr 2010
Admin's Name: TheBestio

Time and date: 28.11.2013 around 00:30 - 2:30 AM GMT+2

Description: So we were playing first round of the map zm_corpse..
there's a vent on the roof, not such of an camping place because you don't even need to crouch to get in there, but you can make it an uper camping place by shooting a soda machine inside of it, which is pretty hard to do because the nearest soda machine is downstairs and usually you don't have the time to shoot it up before the zombies start taking over.
Anyhow on that round I got the soda machine on the roof and shot it inside the vent to make it extremely good camping spot and started camping there with my friend. Zombies start taking over, not many CT's are left, but of course I am and so is my friend. A couple of zombies get up on the roof and find us, we cover ourselves and shoot at the zombies as I think is meant to do in this mod. After ~ 30 seconds an admin finds us camping there, TheBestio, decides on his head that it's impossible place and unreachable spot for zombies to get us, which it is not because the soda machine can be pulled out. So the admin just quickly teleports us out of there to our deaths and when we ask confusingly for the reason he tells us that "The admin say You can't camp there." I wanted him to explain more for the reason but he didn't answer to me anymore, so this is why I made the abuse report. I'm not sure if some other admins had something to do with this as there were plenty of admins online at that moment. I have also been camping on that spot several times before without getting teleported out or anything so could some admin on higher position clarify us if a spot such as that is forbidden or not.

Thank you.

3 Pictures from the map, if somebody doesn't know which map I am talking about.

1. Picture the vent.
2. Picture the roof.
3. Picture the soda machine.
This isn't a forbidden spot as far as I know, seems to just be a mistake.
I remember playing with you and your friend before, seeing this scenario in action. With soda machine inside the vent this camping spot becomes unreachable. Zombies tried to pull it out, but it seemed useless because CTs are able to pull it right back in. Have you ever lost?
i believe that the spot may become really really hard for the zombies to reach, but that should pay off the CT's efforts as you risk a lot by spending time in dragging the soda machine in, hence I think i would let it go.
It is not unreachable, zombies can pull the soda machine out all they need is time and probably a few dead zombies dying in action.
As example I can give this one round when I survived camping there, I was the only CT left and over 40 zombies being alive.
Pretty much all of them atleast over half of them had found me from the roof, vent. Trying to pull the soda machine out which was as far as possible,
the round ended for my victory 28-0 stats and the soda machine was almost out of the vent. If they had 20 seconds more they would have gotten the soda machine out and I would've instantly died.

I still want TheBestio to reply something on this thread.
As an admin, and if you or you guys where the only ones left, i would teleport you out and away to get the gameplay going. I do the same with doorspammers, doorblockers and other places that stops the game.
Usually if some lone Human is hiding, i use the beacon so we dont have to wait 2 minutes for someone to stumble over the one that is hiding. Same principle with people who lock them selfs inn. They hold the gameplay and to get to them the zombies have to cooperate, and when did any of you see 3 of more zombies working together? Its usually just one BIG man-pile, and if we are lucky, no-one will ruin what another zombie tries to do.

It sounds to me like the admin was trying to stop you from stagnating the gameplay.
That's bullshit,
"He made himself a proper camp spot lets ruin his fun because IM AN ADMIN AND I DONT WANT TO WAIT."
Take it easy, there is no need to be aggressive.
I can understand Finny's frustration, from this perspective it looks like a really cool idea. I would have embraced it, I like what Finny and his friend did.
I'd like to add that, that spot is reachable by jumping on the vent and pressing E, to move the vending machine out. Perhaps it didn't work at the time because of bad teamwork but it does not make it illegal camp spot. Besides, we see campers building barricades in containers all the time in panic and marrble with vending machines. Kind of the same strategy. Wait for bestio's input.
Indeed thank you Alawy.
All that effort to only bring up that vending machine, that alone worth watching till the end.
Besides that, i've tried it yesterday and tbh i could actually push it easily out, ofcourse without some other zombies blocking it or push it back in.
As last ct inside and all zombies want to rape your brain around the vent, i dont believe its that easy, but i think everybody will try to rush there and try it atleast once. Therefore i agree with Finnish Finny and Alawy.

Greetz Pringles

ps: TheBestio didnt mean no harm when he teleported ur ass out of there, but like u see, we all have different opinions. He just reacted fast and we have never discuss or made an agreement on this yet.
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All that effort to only bring up that vending machine, that alone worth watching till the end.
Besides that, i've tried it yesterday and tbh i could actually push it easily out, ofcourse without some other zombies blocking it or push it back in.
As last ct inside and all zombies want to rape your brain around the vent, i dont believe its that easy, but i think everybody will try to rush there and try it atleast once. Therefore i agree with Finnish Finny and Alawy.

Greetz Pringles

ps: TheBestio didnt mean no harm when he teleported ur ass out of there, but like u see, we all have different opinions. He just reacted fast and we have never discuss or made an agreement on this yet.

Thank you and that's why I made this thread

It sounds to me like the admin was trying to stop you from stagnating the gameplay.
No, there were like 5/6 admins on and dunno who said they were camping in the vent so I asked "tele him?" and someone (I think Viole) said yes.
Wasn't stagnating (yet)
So wasn't just my opinion and I have to say that I'm way too kind sometimes with rulebrakers, I prefer just to kick/slay them instead of ban them directly and you use towards me the lagnuage u see under here?

That's bullshit,
"He made himself a proper camp spot lets ruin his fun because IM AN ADMIN AND I DONT WANT TO WAIT."
Dunno if it's true but I've been told you were admin as well so act like one and don't say something like this, I don't think I ever been disrespectful at all with you and others...

I survived camping there, I was the only CT left and over 40 zombies being alive.
the round ended for my victory 28-0
So you survived ALONE against 40, in that round you were in 2 in vent, and you come telling me zombies would have killed you both easily?

Bottom line I may be admin but first I'm human, humans make mistakes.
I used to be basket referee, my rule in the game was to keep an eye an all players but I can't see what's going on behind me and I also made mistakes. Every referee makes mistakes, even the best.
The rule of an admin on a game server is the same, mantain the gameplay smooth, warn/punish who's breaking the rules (written and unwritten like holding the game hiding/cading), he can make mistakes (happend to me few times with key bind) or taking wrong decision...
Dunno if it's true but I've been told you were admin as well so act like one and don't say something like this, I don't think I ever been disrespectful at all with you and others...

So you survived ALONE against 40, in that round you were in 2 in vent, and you come telling me zombies would have killed you both easily?

That is true i've been admin on the servers some time ago.
I'm sorry but I was not trying to be rude or attacking with my comment
** That's bullshit, "He made himself a proper camp spot lets ruin his fun because IM AN ADMIN AND I DONT WANT TO WAIT." **
The caps lock part is to get it noticed better because that's pretty much the fact.

And yes I did survive alone there but it's just pretty much about how the zombies play the game, teamworking with one pulling constantly the soda machine out and a few others trying to 'reach me to kill me'-
tacitc would probably be the best.
If you were camping there in the first place you wouldn't probably get teleported/slayed etc. by the other admins but as a regular player was camping there it was pretty much insta tele.
Thanks for responding I suppose that you admit your mistake for teleporting us out.
And in the future we are allowed to camp there without being punished I suppose..?
If this is allowed so should camping on roff, bugging the door and camping in tele on panic with vendingmachine also be allowed it's the same thing. And no it's not hard u just close the door behind you and have a partner to help you with vendingmachine.
No, there were like 5/6 admins on and dunno who said they were camping in the vent so I asked "tele him?" and someone (I think Viole) said yes.
Wasn't stagnating (yet)
So wasn't just my opinion and I have to say that I'm way too kind sometimes with rulebrakers, I prefer just to kick/slay them instead of ban them directly and you use towards me the lagnuage u see under here?

And just to add, If you slayed or kicked or banned me for breaking an unwritten rule, It would have been heavier abusing, wouldn't it?

And to Avollaj

** If this is allowed so should camping on roff, bugging the door and camping in tele on panic with vendingmachine also be allowed it's the same thing. And no it's not hard u just close the door behind you and have a partner to help you with vendingmachine. **

So due to this commend camping somewhere with a soda machine is exploiting the map just like the door blocking is?
Niko has already said he would let it go and I would agree. Yes, it's a hard spot to get to, but the time you take to get to the top, get the vending machine there and then shoot it in has to be taken into consideration if we're going to view risk vs reward (although I wouldn't punish for it either way..). I see no problem with this and in no way think it should be forbidden.

Door spamming on the office maps is completely different since it's an exploit as it actually is impossible to even open the door, that's not the same thing.
Niko has already said he would let it go and I would agree. Yes, it's a hard spot to get to, but the time you take to get to the top, get the vending machine there and then shoot it in has to be taken into consideration if we're going to view risk vs reward (although I wouldn't punish for it either way..). I see no problem with this and in no way think it should be forbidden.

Door spamming on the office maps is completely different since it's an exploit as it actually is impossible to even open the door, that's not the same thing.

It's not impossible to open the door's btw, you just need to know how to do it haha :>

Sorry for spam, should say something usefull.

Well since it's not forbidden admin shouldn't have been teleporting him nuff with that. but getting this serious over a teleport is abit overreacting according to me :)
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