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So this announcement comes a bit late, however as you might have noticed we have changed the forum completely!

We noticed that our 5 year old installation on vbulletin 4 was just hanging there waiting to be nuked by an exploit or by a database failure so I just went ahead and bought a license for Xenforo which is currently the preferred forum and where every VB developer went.

You'll also notice that we changed the domain from to, this change is transparent as the old links will still work and redirect correctly to this forum (more or less)
Example ->

There are still many things left to be fixed, my top priority will be to get the donate pages back up and running (hopefully with an automated system that auto approves your payments).
Nomatter got the application forms back up and ineyy managed to restyle the look of the forums to an acceptable degree (the theme was kinda shitty) while I fixed forum permissions.

In the next future we will also try to find a nice theme and put it up in place of this one. Banners will also come up again.

Enjoy the ride :)
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As discord was a bit "bullied" by 2 very mature ex-members of the community, here it is again back in action as many of you requested!

Invite: (or click the image)

Everyone is free to join, create channels, chat, talk and share stuff. We apply no censorship or rules in particular, however be respectful of people there and try to be mature :)

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Dear* Community!
We are glad to announce that 2 new special admins are joining us in the task of improving Elite-HunterZ and GoFree!
Special admins, just like admins and players, are fundamental in their role! Without them we wouldn't be able to run this successful community :)

That said,
Please welcome @easy and @dPexx to the pinky team!
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Greetings everyone.

As one of the biggest communities out there we require that our admins stay active both on the forum and in game, therefore we make an activity check every now and then. I made one 1 week ago where every admin had to reply otherwise they would be removed and 4 admins didn't respond.

The removed admins are @Andy, @Hoeksteen, @Chupa and @Zackmadness.

We would like to thank the admins for their time and service and they are more than welcome to apply back anytime they want.
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Hello everyone.

I'm pleased to announce that we got a new Special Admin! Please welcome @Lotus to the Pink team!

Lotus will mainly work with technical stuff but will also help with all kinds of things that SPA's does.

Congratulations mate :)
Hello everyone!

If you haven't already noticed by in game banners or elsewhere, we have 50% off every premium package until the 1st January. Both for Go-Free and EliteHunterZ.

If you donate for go-free please remember to write your steam ID here. If you donate for EliteHunterZ Please send me a forum or steam message, perhaps including your steam ID if you didn't do it in the donate chat box, and i will add your premium perks to you.

Happy Hunting, Surfing and happy holidays from EliteHunterZ and Go-Free.

Due to recent issues that our servers and by extension the community have experienced, we are prohibiting users from connecting to our servers without actually owning a legal copy of Counter Strike Source. Any users which might make use of "NOSTEAM" will henceforth be unable to connect to our gaming servers. This is a temporary measure and hopefully we will find a solution to certain issues quickly. I apologise for any inconvenience this might cause, and kindly ask for patience from you.

Kind Regards

Elite HunterZ Staff Team

Hello everyone!

We are pleased to announce that there are 3 new models on our Zombie Hunting Servers now available.

By donating you can choose to play as:
  • Sam Fisher
  • Tyson Rios
  • Aurora Sturmovik
Agent Smith has been replaced with Sam Fisher. If you have been playing as Agent Smith until now you will need to select your new model Sam Fisher ingame by typing !zclass.

To get a look at the new models and to donate please visit

Thank you and have a nice day!

*Side note: V1 accepted the changes whereas V3 refuses. We are working on it.
I Updated the maps on our maps add/remove page so it now includes all maps on v1 and v3 and all special maps.

As always feel free to post add/remove suggestions but give us an explanation why otherwise your request will be declined.

Happy Hunting!
Hello everyone!
It is with great pleasure that we officially announce 4 new members in the SPA team!

Please welcome @Oliver and @Strider for Go-Free and @DeltaForce and @Melisa for EliteHunterZ!
Together we will accomplish a lot in the upcoming months!

Ladies and gentlemen!

V1 has been transformed and now runs a modded version of zombiemod rebranded "Covid-19 Mod"

Your goal is to survive the infections and stay alive long enough to find the cure or kill off all the infected!
Alltalk is now enabled so you can voice chat with everyone.
I'm working on testing tracers as well so that you can see where you shoot (toggleable ofc)

The event will run for as long as the pandemic lasts (maybe).
Stay home, stay safe, and more importantly have fun!
Click to join
We bough a new powerful server!
We are therefore moving our NA surf servers to this new beast.
so far the following servers were moved:
  • [PRIV] Developer server | (
  • [Surf] Tier1-6 {ALL MAPS}(Top150) SurfTimer|Store - by (
  • [GoFree] Surf Utopia 24/7 !ws !knife !gloves (
  • [Surf] Tier3-6 {Hard Maps} SurfTimer|Store - by (
More will probably follow.
Your favorites should automatically update.

This will probably help reducing the lags so we can't wait to see how it goes!

Hello everyone!

Due the low Player Amount of our beloved V1 Server the Admin Team decided to make a small rework for the V1.
We hope we can get more active Players back on V1 through this step.

V1 Changelog:

-Added Weapons (M4, AK47, Galil, SG, AUG, Famas)
-Increased Knockback for the FiveSeven Pistol to 1.4 (normal value 1.0)
-Zombie HP increased (Motherzombie from 4200 to 4900HP) Infected Zombie from 2100 to 2500HP
-Mappool is going to be scaled down to the best Maps we got for fast rounds
-some more changes are planned but not done yet, updates will follow in this Post

V3 Changelog:

-Increased Knife Knockback, V3 Players are now also able to knife zombies down from their Spot.

Happy Hunting everyone!
Hello there!
Today the Admin Team is going to publish our Prestige System.


Those 3 Prestige Skins are avaible from now on for every Player on our EH Servers!

How do i get them?
Through active Gameplay, you need a specific amount of Points.
They are not buyable.
Sometimes the Admin Team is going to give away those Skins for special event's.
The Amount of Points you need for them, is going to be released together with every new Event. It can vary with every Event begin.
Once you got the access you can choose them inside !zclass like every other Skin on our Server.

How they get activated
At the Moment a Special/Head Admin has to add your Prestige Skin, the Tech Team is about to add a "Shop" Plugin which will do this Job in Future.
Because of that, it can take some time until you will get the access.

What happens after the next Rank reset?
In Future the Prestige Skin's are going to be resetted together with the Points. You cant keep them.

Current Point List

Bronze Skin: 22.500 Points

Silver Skin: 27.500 Points
Gold Skin: 32.500 Points

The EliteHunterZ Admin Team wish everyone happy Hunting!

Hello everyone!

Because of the possibility to evade a Mute or a Ban on EliteHunterZ, through the Steam Family Account sharing, the EliteHunterZ Team decided to block all Accounts from our Server's which try to connect to our CSS Server's.
The Blocker is running since 22/10/2020 around 8 p.m. while you connect the Blocker will check in a 2 Step verification if you are using a Family Account, and will deny the Access to join. Also every attempt will be logged.

For a long Time period we didnt want to use a Family Account Blocker, but since some Player's on EliteHunterZ abused it in the Past we had to.
Our Team will be checking the Logs from time to time, hopefully we can deactivate it in future again.

What if you're using a Family Account for a legit reason?

If you aint using this function for a Ban evade, feel free to contact the HA/SPA Team and we will find a solution together. We aint wanna block Players which wanna enjoy our Servers!

Happy Hunting


Head Admin & Special Admin Team
Hello everyone!

We are pleased to announce that there are 3 new models on our Zombie Hunting Servers which are available today around (13/12/2020) 20 CET pm.

By donating you can choose to play as:
  • The Engineer
  • Nanosuit
  • Harley Quinn
Tyson Rios has been replaced with Nanosuit.
Sam Fisher has been replaced with The Engineer.
Aurora has been replaced with Harley Quinn.
A big thanks to our Admin JUNIOR for the rework on those Skins!


If you have been playing with one of the old Skins until now, you will need to select your new model and receive the replacing Skin like listed above. (Ingame by typing !zclass)

50% Christmas Discount on every Donation until 06. January 2021

Note: If you dont agree with the replacement you got, you're able to switch once, just contact our SPA/HA Team. If not, we can find a other agreement.

To get a look at the new models and to donate please visit (Inside Custom Model Viewer, the Packages will be updated when the Skins are finally avaible)

Thank you and have a nice day!
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Christmas 2020 and Winter Season at EliteHunterz:
  • Replaced several maps with winter themed maps
  • Activated human Santa skin for everybody
  • Added 3 new human models to replace the current models: The Engineer, Nanosuit and Harley Quinn
  • Owner of premium package 1, 2 or 3 can choose a new human model if desired (reply to @NoMatt3r or @Havoc )
  • Updated the mother zombie model
  • Donators can now set the updated mother zombie skin as their default zombie skin during their duration
  • Started Christmas sale: 50% discount on all VIP packages until 6th of January 2021
  • Active donations receive a one-time extension of 1 month as Christmas gift
  • Ongoing server event: win one of 56 prizes until the 6th of January 2021 (view this thread)
A big thanks to our administration team for making these things happen and special thanks to our admin @JUNIOЯ' for working with devotion on the server models and to our mappers for their everlasting dedication.

We wish our community a Happy Christmas 2020!
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