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An incident just occurred in the datacenter where our servers are hosted.
Due to some tunnelings that were done to provide continuous operation for our servers, the anti-intrusion detection from our provider locked our server up.

It is yet unclear why this happened, however the only department that can handle these sort of security issues will be available starting from tomorrow morning.

I was on a phone line with the incidents department right now and my message got forwarded to them.

We are very sorry for the downtimes! We hope this will never happen again!

Thank you for your patience,

I found the reason of the detection and forwarded it to the team, they will hopefully understand and fix it ASAP! (6-7am)

I knew I couldn't rely on a support team, hence I found a way to unlock the server myself. In fact, they still haven't replied to my ticket.
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Just a quick info for anyone, I'm sorry for my temporary inactivity:
I just moved to Finland for 4.5 months of Erasmus (Uni studies abroad) and i'm on my own, so I have to learn stuff like how to cook, how to get by in life, meet friends and so on, that means i don't have a lot of free time right now.
I will for sure as soon as the situation settles down a bit :)

Here is a pic for you:
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Good evening/morning everyone,

Since a half hour the changes of our Premium Packages have been online:

NEW: Agent Smith Model
NEW: Forum Award
NEW: No Server Ads
NEW: Admin Model
NEW: Discount (up to 25%) for durations longer than 1 month

Removed: Unique Gamer Tag
Removed: Tyson Rios, The Batman and Sam Fisher Model
Removed: Lifetime duration

Replaced all Premium Levels with four new Premium Packages

We are aware of the fact that Model Package and Lifetime contributions have been granted Model access. Therefor, every donator gets a 2 months bonus on his active donation. And we are thinking of other possibilities to compensate.
But replacing the models has a quite good impact: the download size of models has been reduced by 86% (from 15,41 MB down to 2,15 MB)! Especially Niko will be happy to hear that :)

As usual all changes are applied automatically and every admin has now a reason to type !zclass ingame to slip into the new admin model respectively donators into the Agent Smith model.

Don't forget to check out the new Packages, get Premium and see you soon on the servers.

Best regards!
NoMatt3r (at 4 am, damn)
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Sourcebans has been upgraded to support communication bans!
A tutorial will shortly be posted in the admin forum as soon as the plugin is deployed to all servers.
We will now start banning players from using chat instead than blocking them forever to play in the case of chat misuse.
Hey! Just posting a quick notice for the community.

We always aim at having an active and professional admin team. Due to these reasons we require that our admins visit the forums (almost) daily and read through our information and contribute to the community other than serving in-game.

We run activity checks to ensure our professionalism and we just concluded a 2 weeks check on our admins.

the following admins did not pass the check and were therefore removed from the admin team. We wish to thank them for their help in this community, however due to their poor or absent activity they cannot continue to be admins here.

If they ever wish to become admins again they will have to go through the process of applying and getting selected by our admins once again.

Thank you for your understanding.

here's the list:

Surf servers were updated to a newer version! Cheated records were deleted and the exploit fixed!

I'm currently looking into a bug where the server switches to surf_beginner randomly
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Ineyy is now Head Admin

Hello everyone!
me and the Head Admins team are happy to announce that Ineyy (AKA Niklon) has been promoted to Head Admin!

His dedication to EliteHunterZ and the spinoff required greater responsibilities and permissions and it's been months already where he shared pretty much all the accesses and resources any HA has.

This is pretty much just a formal renaming of his title, however he is now going to inherit all rights and tasks a Head Admin has.

We will probably recruit one more SPA in our team (we're not yet sure). What we're trying to do is to move towards the CS:GO scene.

So yeah,
Dear community,

It's Friday, the 27th of November 2015. Also known as Black Friday.

And we aswell take part of this unique day of the year and present to you our special offer:

Let the madness begin!

Best regards :D


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The forum smileys have been replaced by the well known whatsapp emoticons and are bigger than before. I've added 58 of them.

Have fun! :smile:
Sourcebans was updated to the lastest version with many fixes that nobody will notice
All surf servers (non mix) now have rules implemented when joining. Admins can use !showrules <player> to suggest the rules to a player
Players can use !rules to display them.

the rules added so far are the following (short common sense list):

Do not abuse or spam mic/chatAbosultely no racism will be tolerated at ANY time
Respect all players. Do not insult/troll anyone
No offensive names allowed
Respect the admins and their decisions
Do not disturb other players by playing unwanted music
No excessive swearing
No cheating/exploiting
Disobeying the rules will lead to a punishment
Admins are always right. Abuses can be reported on our FORUM

I'm also considering to reset the surf records but that will take a bit longer
The SPA recruitment is now closed!

The results are as following:
Xylon accepted
Everyone else has been declined

To say a word about it, congratulations to xylon, who just joined the management team! It has been hard to decide who, and how many people were going to be accepted. We've received some unexpected, and unexpectedly good applications. To all, those who remain unnamed, we want to thank you for your participation! But still, some of these applications were good, and we have taken note of it. Although as of now, only xylon will get the promotion, we might soon open another recruitment, but no details are available, as of now. Those aspiring for the position, we need to tell you that not only you need the professionalism and knowledge, but also a great activity and being globally recognized across the community. Although the apps were good, some little details have prevented anyone else to get the position.

We're glad to see great people taking interest in our case, thus, in following recruitment that will probably happen in the future, we'd be happy to see you taking interest once again!

Once again, thank you, and congratulations to xylon!
Xylon's long inactivity

Just a quick announcement for everyone to tell you all that I'll be inactive (will check the forum/slack from time to time but that'll mostly be on week-ends) for a few months.

Reason is that I'll be in the military school for a period of 6 months, so I'll have to train and learn if I want to have the chance to choose a good spot to work in because you're getting a rank at the end of those 6 months, going from the 1st place to the last place which should be 120th (in case you didn't understand there are 120 final work spot, the 1st one has 120 choices, the 60th has 60 choices and the last one takes what's left, I sure don't want to be that guy...)

Anyway, I'll be away from April 04th 2016 to October 04th 2016, though I'll start to be more and more busy in the incomming days so please if you have something to ask to a Special Admin orso, contact any other SPA.

Don't worry the team will handle my tasks (recruiting admins & updating the admin list, I may still be doing this if and ONLY if I've free time)

For those who wonder what will happen to my current SpecialAdmin rank, I'll keep it till I come back in october and hopefully re-start working with you all.

Dear admins,

at the end of this month, we are going to introduce two "new" things:

1. An internal newsletter
At the end of every month, i will post a newsletter which provides you with several information regarding our community and servers. It will help you to keep track of changes and to give you a "feeling" for the development this community experiences.

2. Survey for Administrators
Some of you will remember our first Admin Survey back in 2015. It's been a year since and besides its success and the useful feedback we've recieved, we want to continue this measure as part of our so called "Quality Management (QM)". The survey has been expanded with several new questions and the standards raised, so it's like a real Employee Survey at firms. Those of you who are working at a big company will recognize some parts of the questionnaire ;)

If you have any questions, leave a message at our Admin Forum!

Best regards!
Dear community,
Due to complications with VALVE and their sloppy way of enforcing ToS we had to swap the IP of some of our servers. Here are the new IPs:

  • Zombie Hunting V3 by ElitE HunterZ |All Weapons|Rank|Respawn|
  • Glass_War Server by ElitE HunterZ |Fast DL & SSD Powered & HLstatsX
  • ScoutKniveZ By Elite-HunterZ |FastDL, RANK, RPG, CSSDM|

If you previously had the servers in your favorite then they should automatically update within 24 hours, if however you don't see them there you can manually add them again.
A new little feature found the way into our forum. But it's shy and hides whenever possible..

[SP]Hey! Don't scare me, i'm just a spoiler tag :)

You can use me by typing [sp.] in the beginning and [/sp.] at the end of your text (without the dots!) or you Go Advanced and select the SP symbol of the toolbar: c53ae9e2a6.jpg[/SP]

Best regards!
Hello Community!
Please welcome our newest SpecialAdmin Water! He is the first CSGO admin to become SPA and he will be the SPA in charge of the CSGO community from now on.
Water is going to represent the Surfing community and any other servers we have on CSGO, he will help us build a better community over what we already have :)
Congratulations and goodluck!
Hello everyone. As we periodically do, we have performed an activity check for the length of 1 week to verify whether our admin team checks our forums and complies with the information we post there.
Unfortunately some admins must have been quite blind to miss that huge thread that stayed in the WHAT'S NEW list during the week even if it got bumped ~5 times by us.

Due to the strict rules that we want to enforce in order to keep our admin team as fresh as possible, the following admins lost their rights:

ceddy67, Element, KURD, LosT, PengS, Bukkitdance, Gotfarr, NEMESIS, Rony, Surfin-Alucard, Victiny.

I still want to thank each of them anyway for their time as admins in our community and wish them a great stay in the community (you aren't kicked from being members!).
If any of the named ex-admins think they still deserve to be admin in our community and believe they can be an addition to it, then feel free to reapply.

Greetings from Niko & the whole admin team
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Dear community,
We have been aware for months about the lags and issues on V1 and V3.
For this reason, we have been able to buy a new server that is up to 60% better than the one used until now!

I have successfully moved V1 and V3 to the new hardware.
I expect the servers not to lag anymore :)

The server is also a bit more east in france (bordering with germany) so we are now more centered!

You can find the servers at the following IPs: Zombie Hunting by ElitE HunterZ |FastDL, SSD powered, HLstatsX| Zombie Hunting V3 by ElitE HunterZ |All Weapons|Rank|Respawn|

GlassWar, ScoutKnivez, Bhop, zombie escape and minigames will follow ASAP!

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