[Application] FoLLow


Well-Known Member
13 Apr 2012

In-game name: FoLLow' - my stats **http://stats.elite-hunterz.info/hlstats.php?mode=playerinfo&player=311**

17 (10/02/1996)


Steam username
: jako4331 (http://steamcommunity.com/id/FoooooLLow/)

Can you speak english and german?:
english yes, german no.

Clan history (if none, leave blank):
SH/DH/ZR. Those clans are more a friendly clan nothing seriously, I would like to find a permanent clan.

Any serious bans before?
: 1 for rejoin, and thats all.

Do you have a microphon? Yes i do

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz (This is important):

I've been playing for years now in the elite-hunterz servers and i always admired it, but with a couple of breaks. I have always wanted to join you guys, it would be an honor if you gave me that chance, so i could be a part of very high skilled ZM clan.

I like the way the servers are running, there are always a admin to look up for blockers, cheaters, door closers, bhop scripters, and the servers are never empty. The servers are reasonable powerful and almost without lags.

i'm on EH Forum daily, I follow what's going on in here, and can easy join the conversations and come with some good ideas.
This is probably the best community-clan I've ever seen.

Where you referred to this clan? If Yes, Who referred you?: Nobody

Last but not least:tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc:
I live in Denmark in a town called Randers, i'm 17 years old. i would describe myself as a funny and accommodating person. I like hanging out with my friends, and meeting new people so i can make a good bond with them.

I've played a lot of computers games, but i must admit that none of them will never beat css, mostly becauce i found EH servers, so thank you for making such a good servers.
In my free time i'm doing sport. i've gone in fitness shortly 2 years, after i quited football. I'm very interrested in animals, now since i have lived with animal since i was a little boy. Yeah and ofc, PARTY... i love going to parties and meet new awesome people, and get drunk ^^

Thanks for taking time to ready my application, if you have any further questions feel free to add me on steam "Jako4331"

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Good luck!
Held og lykke :)
A very nice application! As with all the rest your apply with be checked out and i'll check your skill ingame.

Good luck and Happy Hunting!

Elite HunterZ Recruiter AsH!
Best of luck to you :)
Nice app and Good luck bro :) :)
Knæk og bræk ;-)